You're first time.

Getting into Opeth was hard for me at first.

A friend of mine was telling me how good this band called Opeth was. He told me it was progressive death metal, which of course instantly turned me off because I know there was growling involved which I hated at the time. In fact, I hated metal in general! I was listening to stuff like Beatles, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters and alike.

Well anyhow, I downloaded Blackwater Park. I tried listening to a couple of tracks but I was really turned off by the growling. But then one track caught my attention. Can you guess already? :) Yep, The Drapery Falls. Thank god for that track. After I got into that track, it all become easier. I listened to it a shitload of times in a row, then got into Harvest and stuff, and then downloaded all of the other albums. And that's how it all began... Nowadays I still do listen to Nirvana (not as much though), Beatles and whatnot but Opeth is currently my favorite band and I don't regret buying all of their albums and the DVD!
I think I had just heard the name Opeth for a while, and that they were great, so I decided to d/l some tracks. I don't remember all the tracks I downloaded but I know DotF was one of them, and I thought the band was pretty sweet. I found out that a friend of mine in class had a few Opeth cds, so I borrowed Deliverance, and fucking fell in love. I immediately purchased 3 or 4 cds from Century Media a few days later. After about a week I ordered the other 3 haha.

I was obsessed with them, and it was nearly all I listened to up until a few months ago. I listen to them maybe once every 2 weeks or so now haha, but they still rule, and I very much anticipate the new album.
Harvest and The Drapery Falls. First 2 songs I listened to completely. 4 months after I had actually purchased the Blackwater Park Album, in 2002.
I discovered Opeth about two years ago (2003). I discovered them on the internet (not a message board). They were just displayed on some site I can't remember... I downloaded MAYH and loved it. I've been a fan since.
Well, the first song I ever heard was Benighted. I really don't know where I got it, I just remember I found it on my computer. I really got interested when I listened to it, but not completely blown away. I decided to download some more, and I listened to In Mist She Was Standing. After that you can probably say I was pretty lost. I bought my first CD (Orchid) Two days later, and Opeth has been my favourite band ever since.
After my mother died, my friend encouraged me to listen to Damnation(my favorite album now) from there I went to Deliverance, Blackwater Park, Orchid, MAYH, and now I need to listen to the other 2. Ive only heard a few off the other 2.

So far evey Opeth CD and song are all the best creations in music.

They inspire me in music in every way
My first Opeth experience was about two summers ago: I was up late one night because I couldn't sleep, so I started mindlessly scrolling through the channels. I ended up watching the terrible Headbanger's Ball show on MTV as what's his face was talking about Opeth and how they just released the Damnation and Deliverance albums. They played Windowpane and I remember sitting there going "who the fuck is Opeth?!", hearing they were from Sweden and just thought of them as another black metal band or whatever.

So I sat there watching the video out of curiostiy and of course, Windowpane is all clean, which first surprised me, seeing as I think the guy announced them as a death metal band. After the unusual seven minute song length, which surprised me, expecting your average three minute cookie cutter crap, I was moved by how beautiful it was. Needless to say, I was hooked!

The next day I downloaded the song off of Kazaa or something, as well as a bunch of miscelanious Opeth songs (including the aweseome Deliverance) and I just listened in shock of this strange band that wasn't downtuned, had ten minute plus song lengths, was brutal yet the same time beautiful. It took me a while to get passed the death metal vocals, seeing as I was just beginning to accept the whole death metal style, but after that, I love all the vocals as well as the entire band!

Now my list of favorite bands has expanded to four (the others being old Metallica, Black Sabbath and Slayer) and I absolutely love the music of Opeth. That and I'm still pissed off that their show here last winter was fucking sold out and me and my buddy couldn't go!!!!!
well, it was February 2003, a Saturday afternoon I found Blackwater Park in my letter box, I played it on my hi-fi and 'The Leper Affinity' caused my jaw to drop! That was it, right there and then, first fucking note.
The first time I heard Opeth was when BWP came out. I was on Napster downloading the new In Flames CD and I had heard about Opeth from another online forum or something to that degree. So, I downloaded The Leper Affinity. I thought the first half of the song was awesome, and then the acoustic part came in, and I couldn't believe it was the same guy singing. So, at this point I am already hooked. Then, the piano outro sold the deal. Its still one of my favorites to this day. Right after that, I bought BWP and Orchid. Then, I lost those on a plane so I bought the limited edition version of BWP, followed by MAYH, Morningrise, Still Life, Deliverance, Damnation, and Lamentations. Still one of my favorites bands of the metal genre of all time.
Woah, its actually a little surprising how many people took to Opeth only through the lighter stuff. Sure, it was BWP that first got me interested in Opeth (working at a petrol station i was lent a tape with it and Spineshank on...i wondered what that smile on the guys face i know)...but it was Godhead's Lament that made me actually feel passionate about them, the first time that'd ever happened to me with music.

ps. i showed someone at work an Opeth cd last night...the first reaction was "Oprah?!? Whats that?!?".....*sigh*
I was on a not very busy message board and one of my friends and the guys on the board were talking about Opeth. The suggestion for them was highly impressive, so I checked them out. I bought Blackwater Park because I had heard a lot about it, and Orchid because I had never heard the album title anywhere before. I listened to them in my car first, like I usually do when I buy a cd, it's the first thing you pop into your cd player. My initial reaction was...WOW! That is a very awesome song (being The Leper Affinity). I don't think that anything previously view by my ears has gave me the same feelings that this entire cd had. I wa at awe. And when I put in Orchid it amazed me even more thet the bands cd I just heard was a lot different than the other one, but yet still really damn good. As I kept listening to these cd's I decided to purchase the rest of thier discography, and have not yet been dissapointed one bit at anything that I have heard by this band. Opeth plays music that I cannot get enough of. I always have a want for more, I can never go too long without poping one of their cd's into my cd player. Someone on the into-obscurityom forum put it into perfect words when they said:

"Probably my favorite overall metal band"

I want to add that it did change my view of music, only because I never really knew a band that blended so well, the heavy and the light, and make it sound so damn good. I listen to a lot of genres of msuic, from death metal to black metal to rock to radio stuff. Opeth has made a big impact on my cd collection. When I reach for cd's to take to work in the morning, I reach for the ones that "fit" my mood, and Opeth exchanges so many moods within their music that you can pick one of their cd's for any day. Opeth musically are amazing to me (I know it's a strong word, but I think they have earned it). The moods, the atmosphere, the way they go from a "heavy zone" to a "mellow zone" and make it somehow fit and sound so damn good, the exchange of feeling, the way the music fits the feeling, it's all just really damn good music.
The first song I heard was "Drapery Falls", I was so amazed that a band so amazing existed. & it was only the radio edit of "Drapery Falls"! Which ends at the end of the solo. When I heard the full version I was in heaven. I then brought "Blackwater Park" & it blowed me away.
Opeth was actually the band that got me into accepting other styles of music and listening to softer music. Before I started listening to them...all I liked was metal. I just breathed Slayer, Pantera, Morbid Angel, Death etc
Eltheird said:
The first song I heard was "Drapery Falls", I was so amazed that a band so amazing existed. & it was only the radio edit of "Drapery Falls"! Which ends at the end of the solo. When I heard the full version I was in heaven. I then brought "Blackwater Park" & it blowed me away.

:OMG: The radio edit ends after the solo?!?!?!??! That is the biggest fucking horseshit rip off ive ever heard!
The first song I ever heard was A fair judgement. But the songs i heard afterwards, I really couldn't stand, 'cause I didn't like the growling, I actually hated it.. But then about half af year later i gave the songs a chance again, and BWP and Deliverence+Damnation, and have really really come the love their musik! I'm still not so mutch in to the growling, but have "accepted" it, and know I just think, it fits perfectly into the music!
I first heard Blackwater Park, the track. It wasn't one of those rare moments of insight where I felt I'd stumbled across something great. On the contrary, I just thought 'meh' and left it there. Only after continuously force-feeding myself BWP (the album) did it finally click for me. I'm really not sure where it went from there, but I recall it took a while to get into the rest of their catalogue. Each album respectively took me a while to digest and see the scope.

Still Life took the longest and now it's my favourite album. Morningrise never made that click and Deliverance... I think I fooled myself into thinking that was a good album for a long while simply because I thought Opeth could do no harm. I've been disillusioned since though. Alot of my hopes ride on the coming release.
my first time was with demon of the fall off of a little thing called audiogalaxy ruled
i dont remember how i found it but i do remember i was looking for some dark angel
Late 2001 I downloaded When because i read it on some-ones top song's list, and really enjoyed it, so I downloaded The Lepeh Affinity and didnt like that as much. A little later while on holiday I found still life. I Listened to it on and off for months and it slowly grew on me, I then brought Blackwater Park and it was more accessabe, but made me love Still Life even more.
Seraphim Belial said:
my first time was with demon of the fall off of a little thing called audiogalaxy ruled
i dont remember how i found it but i do remember i was looking for some dark angel

haha yeah, after napster had its downfall, i think that's when i started to use audiogalaxy, and it did rule. then i went to kazaa, until i realized it was all ads and bullshit, and i found my love over a year ago...soulseek.