Youtube thread

This is the funniest thing i´ve seen. It´s some sort of trivia game show. The host of the show says;"Per and Alexej,this may be the final question of the show,if one of you answers correctly,he will win; In which city lies the Spanish horseriding school? Per(the guy at the left) says "My answer is Wien". Host:"That is the right answer,now lets hear Alexej´s answer(they´re in sound booths),Per has answered right,what is your answer?" Alexej:"Eeeeh,my answer is Madrid" Host:"You would think that,but it lies in Wien" Alexej:"What?!" Host:"And that leaves us with a winner,namely Per" Alexej:"Wait a minute" Host:"Yeah?" Alexej:"You completely misunderstood me" Host:"No i heard you say Madrid" Alexej:"Yes that´s true,but i meant Wien" Host:"Ok but it´s not that easy to know what you mean when you say Madrid,you´d think you meant Madrid" Alexej:"Yes i´m sorry but i meant Wien" Host:"Yes but your answer was Madrid" Alexej:"I said Madrid but the whole time i was thinking of Wien" Host:"And that leaves us with a victor,namely Per!" (audience starts to clap) Alexej: "Wait a minute!!" Host to Per:"Congratulations,is this the biggest check you´ve had? Now we want to thank our contestants for playing with us and.." Alexej:"Hey! Wait wait! Can you wait for a second?!!" Host:"Yes? We have to end the show now" Alexej:"But this isn´t over yet! I haven´t lost" Host (starting to sound annoyed):"But you answered Madrid and then you lost actually because he answered Wien" Alexej:"Yes but you know that Madrid was the wrong answer and you know that Wien was right,and you know that i meant Wien" And he goes on and on like that,talk about not being able to take a loss.
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late 80s/early 90s public service announcements FTW


I came across this.

teh funay
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