Youtube thread

You think Ovechkin was being disrespectful with that completely harmless act, yet acting like a retard and calling out the entire American national team in the hockey thread because you're a sore loser isn't?
You think Ovechkin was being disrespectful with that completely harmless act, yet acting like a retard and calling out the entire American national team in the hockey thread because you're a sore loser isn't?

Who the fuck said anything about being harmed by that. You don't fucking do that to a kid who basically is 7 years old living an experience that he'll never ever forget.

and the fuck does this have anything to do with the American National team. Oh yeah I'm a sore loser cause we won the gold medal. Ok there bud. I'm gonna say it again, Miller was the reason you won that 1st game. So go fuck yourself, I could care little about what you think of the situation, I'm entitled to an opinion.
Seen that video already

You can go ahead and call me a faggot, but the kid does have a good (albeit prepubescent and quite ovarian) voice.

EDIT: You know what, if the kid learns how to growl, he could be the next singer for Scar Symmetry.