YouTube Vids

The surrogates looks pretty shitty. But.... you all know I'm gonna watch it and you all know why.

Those cat videos are freaking hilarious. I was telling Bunches about them a while back but I couldn't remember what they were called and I couldn't find them again.
If you have 10 minutes to kill today, watch this. It will be the best thing you do all day.

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this is a trailer for this movie x cross that i recently got, its kinda similar to pulp fiction with the whole separate but intertwining story deal, but with crazy cannibals and insane scissor wielding bitches i fuckin LOVE IT

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"It has moved..."

The next thing I know I have a big ball of fur coming at my face!

21 cm........ OOOHHHHH! That's GOOD, Commander!

And I think my favorite was the "waaa waaaa" on the trumpet hahaha. Dude seriously, Jeff finding that video was the best part of my week.
Even for a cartoon PSA that was so over exaggerated it's not even funny!

First of all, animals DO NOT get to go to Heaven.

Second- They fucking did it wrong! You're supposed to take the beer and then go behind Friendly's and drink it, and then go to Blockbuster and play N64!

Correction: dig half-unsmoked cigarettes out of the ash tray at blockbuster, smoke them, THEN play N64.


braveheart style haha