2000 - 2009: How Will This Decade Be Remembered?


Manly Man!
Apr 15, 2007
Cooperstown and Oswego, NY
First of all, I hope UM is still around in 2019, 2029 and beyond and that someone will remember to bump this thread so we can laugh at our erroneous predictions or marvel at our insights.


As far as music is concerned, I really can't speculate on what will be considered "generation defining," because I'm not even close to being in touch with pop culture. Whatever is chosen though, I'm sure that it'll be a shock to me, just like I was shocked when I saw that "90's Greatest Hits" commercial not too long ago. Yes, I remember the 90s and I remember hearing those songs on the radio, but what I don't remember is wanting to hear them, or believing that they were "hits." They were just songs that I heard all the fucking time because nothing else was on. I couldn't even change the channel because the same garbage was being played on every station. There was literally no selection. Of course, being the naive teenager that I was, I just assumed that the entire music industry was starving for talent and that I was just going to have to "wait it out" until music either got better, or I stepped up and saved the industry. This brings the story full circle, to my surprise and disgust over seeing the music that I so aggitatedly "waited out" being flaunted as the "greatest hits" of my youth. Through first hand experience, I can honestly say that those supposed hits were not representative of the music that I enjoyed at the time and also that the music that I did enjoy was curiously absent.

Basically, this is a long winded way of saying that I've had to accept that I'm a cultural minority and that those of us who are genuinely well educated and ambitious music listeners (and producers) are not representative of the general population of musical consumers and that the music of "our" generation will invariably be defined quantitatively, not qualitatively. Consequently, no matter what scene is represented on our behalf, years from now we can all expect to be genuinely disappointed and probably even embarrassed by it.


I think those of us who just dress like normal people won't be represented at the 00's theme parties of the future. Honestly, I don't really expect to see much more than these two stereotypes:




And this stupid shit





I think the Bush era will be rememberred as the worst in modern American politics. Although it was successful in capturing Saddam, I think this will pale in comparison to the damage that Bush did while in office. The election of Obama was a significant historical event, but unless Obama dies pretty soon, I think he'll be remembered for his work in the '10s, not the '00s. After all, he's only serving one year out of his four or eight during the '00s, so considering that he has three to seven years left, it's in the '10s that he'll leave his legacy, not the '00s.

I'm not trying to alienate or villainize Bush supporters by saying this, but we have to recognize that history is written by the winners and liberalism is quickly becoming the dominant ideology in America.


I don't feel like typing anymore, so here's a list instead.

Bandwidth Revolution
Cell Phones (with cameras / GPS / music / everything)
Fantasy Movies (Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Twilight)
Flat Screen TVs / Monitors
HD Resolution
Loudness War
Medical / Legal Dramas
Reality TV
Self Production / Editing / Publishing
Self Promotional Spam / Media Saturation & Pollution
Super Hero Movies
I will hope that shitty music like emo will be forgtton because I really hate emos and their music.The good news the nfl team of the decade is the Patriots!There up with the 60s Packers,70s Stellers,80s 49s and 90s Cowboys.
I will hope that shitty music like emo will be forgtton because I really hate emos and their music


You must still be in high school, because to base a dislike of someone on the music they listen to and their style of dress is hilariously stupid.

Not that I am not miffed by emo being bastardized into something completely unrelated to the original form (mind you I don't mind the current form, just would rather it be called something else.)

I think the Bush era will be rememberred as the worst in modern American politics. Although it was successful in capturing Saddam, I think this will pale in comparison to the damage that Bush did while in office. The election of Obama was a significant historical event, but unless Obama dies pretty soon, I think he'll be remembered for his work in the '10s, not the '00s. After all, he's only serving one year out of his four or eight during the '00s, so considering that he has three to seven years left, it's in the '10s that he'll leave his legacy, not the '00s.

I'm not trying to alienate or villainize Bush supporters by saying this, but we have to recognize that history is written by the winners and liberalism is quickly becoming the dominant ideology in America.

That's a pretty naive way of looking at things, seeing as how Obama is hardly opposing many of the worst aspects of the Bush era (Patriot Act, torture cover-ups, Wall Street cronies in the White House, etc.), and in some ways is actually embracing them more. He's probably more secretive than even Bush was, meaning all that endless talk about "openness and transparency" during his campaign was complete bullshit.

Also, because he has just as little, if not less, regard for balancing our budget as Bush did, he's helping to accelerate our path to the economic collapse that will likely result when other nations stop giving us money and the dollar crashes in value.
That's a pretty naive way of looking at things, seeing as how Obama is hardly opposing many of the worst aspects of the Bush era (Patriot Act, torture cover-ups, Wall Street cronies in the White House, etc.), and in some ways is actually embracing them more. He's probably more secretive than even Bush was, meaning all that endless talk about "openness and transparency" during his campaign was complete bullshit.

Also, because he has just as little, if not less, regard for balancing our budget as Bush did, he's helping to accelerate our path to the economic collapse that will likely result when other nations stop giving us money and the dollar crashes in value.
Admittedly, I'm not qualified to argue about whether you're right or wrong about this. I'm just speculating how history will remember it, not whether or not it's accurate and why or why not.
Hey, I'm real happy for you, and I'ma let you finish, but goatse was one of the greatest shock sites of all time!
That's a pretty naive way of looking at things, seeing as how Obama is hardly opposing many of the worst aspects of the Bush era (Patriot Act, torture cover-ups, Wall Street cronies in the White House, etc.), and in some ways is actually embracing them more. He's probably more secretive than even Bush was, meaning all that endless talk about "openness and transparency" during his campaign was complete bullshit.

Also, because he has just as little, if not less, regard for balancing our budget as Bush did, he's helping to accelerate our path to the economic collapse that will likely result when other nations stop giving us money and the dollar crashes in value.

I said that he was lying from the get go. I totally agree that there's a little too much he's hiding. I'm not anti-Bush per se, but he was quite good at lying by omission. Obama is doing a little better. What's worse is that people seem to trust him so damn much because he's 'black' and liberal that no one questions him...except skeptical, lower-middle class metal heads.

When our dollars value sinks I'll be okay. I don't even have a dollar. 'Cause I can't find a job. I applied at TACO BELL and never got called back, for fuck's sake. I'm sure our economic situation is completely safe in his hands, though. He's open and transparent and ready to make a change, right? RIGHT? I need a hug.