2008 Festival dates announced

Super 8 told us that they wouldn't allow us a block of rooms at a discounted price for next year. so, we recommend that everyone get rooms now. They actually told us that there were no more rooms, but I have a feeling that's bullshit...they just don't want to give us another block.
Super 8 told us that they wouldn't allow us a block of rooms at a discounted price for next year. so, we recommend that everyone get rooms now. They actually told us that there were no more rooms, but I have a feeling that's bullshit...they just don't want to give us another block.

You can blame Will for that. I bet it was the toilet paper wads and strings in our room that probably sent them over the edge. And the microwaved soap.

Well, that or the towels, stuffed in various nooks and crannies of the bathroom, covered in my piss and pickley vomit. Possibly the fact that all that took place in the bathroom, and it smelled exactly as I advertise, could have been a big one. Trying to think up reasons for the management to allow me to get more towels, haha. Or the chair fort I built (Although, I think I may have returned the chair to its upright position for Rob Lowe).

My credit card never got charged for any damaged though, so they must of not cared too much.
You can blame Will for that. I bet it was the toilet paper wads and strings in our room that probably sent them over the edge. And the microwaved soap.

Well, that or the towels, stuffed in various nooks and crannies of the bathroom, covered in my piss and pickley vomit. Possibly the fact that all that took place in the bathroom, and it smelled exactly as I advertise, could have been a big one. Trying to think up reasons for the management to allow me to get more towels, haha. Or the chair fort I built (Although, I think I may have returned the chair to its upright position for Rob Lowe).

My credit card never got charged for any damaged though, so they must of not cared too much.

I am glad to see that you guys had fun trying to impress guys from bands. How old are you? Glad to see that your stupidity ruined others from getting good rates. Nice frat boy style of acting. Boy you guys sure showed those goons at Delta house how you guys can party. Maybe this year you can act like white trash and wreck more rooms and then the following year have no hotels that will want to deal with the people traveling in. I am sure Rob Lowe still talks about how crazy you guys are.
Oh go suck a cock or something you pretentious fuck.

We travelled, we supported the fest, we had fun.

Not like we were the only people in the hotel getting trashed, being loud, and doing stupid shit. There was an entire floor of us.

It happens at every US fest I've been to.
Oh go suck a cock or something you pretentious fuck.

We travelled, we supported the fest, we had fun.

Not like we were the only people in the hotel getting trashed, being loud, and doing stupid shit. There was an entire floor of us.

It happens at every US fest I've been to.

so traveling allows you to trash stuff? how am I being pretentious? because I am not trying to fit the standard heavy metal stereotype? I didnt realize that at every US fest that you needed to be a douche bag. No wonder the Milwaukee Metalfest isnt anymore. Oh look...there is someone from a band....hurry....go kiss ass. hurry....maybe they will be your freind!!!! go show them how cool you are!!! hurry!!!
so traveling allows you to trash stuff? I didnt realize that at every US fest that you needed to be a douche bag.

I'm not saying traveling allows me to trash stuff... but hell, its a metal fest, might as well get really drunk and celebrate the good sets by throwing some toilet paper on the wall. Don't think it was just us being drunk and doing stupid shit. There was an entire third floor of the hotel fucking around in the hallway, trashed out of their minds.

how am I being pretentious? because I am not trying to fit the standard heavy metal stereotype?

You have this huge "I'm holier than thou" stench emanating off of your former post. And this one... "Hey look at me, everyone who was partying at that hotel was a fucking peice of white trash shit. I'm a refined person, so I don't do that."

No wonder the Milwaukee Metalfest isnt anymore.

No, the reason Milwaukee Metalfest isn't anymore has nothing to do with the fanbase, it has to do with the organizer being a complete cunt.

Oh look...there is someone from a band....hurry....go kiss ass. hurry....maybe they will be your freind!!!! go show them how cool you are!!! hurry!!!

Don't think I do that too much. I talked to whomever was in the hallway. I interacted and socialized.

I will admit I got a bit fangirlish when I saw Rob Lowe, but that was a rare occasion. I'm sorry that wanting to talk to someone whom has provided me such entertainment over the last 8 years is such a fucking crime to you. But hell, its excusable to be fangirlish when you get to witness him in your room talking to one of your other favorite vocalists (Warrell Dane) on aim phone for the first time they ever talked to each other. I got REALLY fucking fangirlish actually. It was a pretty awesome moment to hear 2 of my favorite vocalists be fangirls while talking to each other.

What I'm trying to say is, go suck a cock.
I'm not saying traveling allows me to trash stuff... but hell, its a metal fest, might as well get really drunk and celebrate the good sets by throwing some toilet paper on the wall. Don't think it was just us being drunk and doing stupid shit. There was an entire third floor of the hotel fucking around in the hallway, trashed out of their minds.

You have this huge "I'm holier than thou" stench emanating off of your former post. And this one... "Hey look at me, everyone who was partying at that hotel was a fucking peice of white trash shit. I'm a refined person, so I don't do that."

No, the reason Milwaukee Metalfest isn't anymore has nothing to do with the fanbase, it has to do with the organizer being a complete cunt.

Don't think I do that too much. I talked to whomever was in the hallway. I interacted and socialized.

I will admit I got a bit fangirlish when I saw Rob Lowe, but that was a rare occasion. I'm sorry that wanting to talk to someone whom has provided me such entertainment over the last 8 years is such a fucking crime to you. But hell, its excusable to be fangirlish when you get to witness him in your room talking to one of your other favorite vocalists (Warrell Dane) on aim phone for the first time they ever talked to each other. I got REALLY fucking fangirlish actually. It was a pretty awesome moment to hear 2 of my favorite vocalists be fangirls while talking to each other.

What I'm trying to say is, go suck a cock.

So you like to throw things like a monkey huh? Just because you saw a good show that means someone else gets to clean your shit up? Maybe I am a bit higher class as you. I just like to get dinner and talk about the show or other things.

Meeting bands....even ones that I like isnt a big deal for me. I would rather not meet them because if they are asses, it definetly ruins my take on the band. Sad that a grown person could get fangirlish over two other grown men talking on AIM.

The white trash comment is aimed at people who act like morons and have to wreck shit just to have fun. It seems from your guys post that it was like...hey! look I am being crazy...hey look "band member A" hey look here...I am metal and I can wreck stuff. Maybe next year if you guys play we can talk about how crazy I am....maybe get a song deditcated to me. Maybe I can go to your shows and yell stuff while you play and just maybe you will say something back to me so I can look really cool to my other freinds who are with me....or if I am really lucky i may get a mention on your blog!!!!! wow.

you are the one telling me to suck a dick but you are the one saying you are girlish about guys on AIM....hhmmmm.
So you like to throw things like a monkey huh? Just because you saw a good show that means someone else gets to clean your shit up? Maybe I am a bit higher class as you. I just like to get dinner and talk about the show or other things.

Meeting bands....even ones that I like isnt a big deal for me. I would rather not meet them because if they are asses, it definetly ruins my take on the band. Sad that a grown person could get fangirlish over two other grown men talking on AIM.

The white trash comment is aimed at people who act like morons and have to wreck shit just to have fun. It seems from your guys post that it was like...hey! look I am being crazy...hey look "band member A" hey look here...I am metal and I can wreck stuff. Maybe next year if you guys play we can talk about how crazy I am....maybe get a song deditcated to me. Maybe I can go to your shows and yell stuff while you play and just maybe you will say something back to me so I can look really cool to my other freinds who are with me....or if I am really lucky i may get a mention on your blog!!!!! wow.

you are the one telling me to suck a dick but you are the one saying you are girlish about guys on AIM....hhmmmm.

You really are pathetic. You have a problem with other people having a good time. Thats all I have to say on the matter.

Anyway, I've just booked a room at the super 8, and will book my flight in the next few weeks.

This year, I'll skip the rest and go directly to taking a shit in the lobby, picking it up, and spelling Diabolik on the wall.
You really are pathetic. You have a problem with other people having a good time. Thats all I have to say on the matter.

Anyway, I've just booked a room at the super 8, and will book my flight in the next few weeks.

This year, I'll skip the rest and go directly to taking a shit in the lobby, picking it up, and spelling Diabolik on the wall.

I dont have a problem with people having a good time. But it is sad that you have to act like morons in doing it. The whole "wrecking hotel rooms" thing is so old and lame. Nothing wrong with drinking and being loud but trashing the place does nothing but wreck stuff for the following year. How about I pull that shit in the Pearl Room so they dont have another Powerfest?? How about I go and break the toilets so they overflow or light off stink bombs. I dont think you get the big picture. It is called maturity. look it up. the internet has other things to offer than sucking up to bands.

Go ahead and spell Diabolik in shit. It would be an honor. please take photos while I will be at home relaxing and not chasing people in bands desperatly like a 5th grade schoolgirl with a huge crush.

I see you are from Utah...is it farm boys first time in the big city?
I dont have a problem with people having a good time. But it is sad that you have to act like morons in doing it. The whole "wrecking hotel rooms" thing is so old and lame. Nothing wrong with drinking and being loud but trashing the place does nothing but wreck stuff for the following year. How about I pull that shit in the Pearl Room so they dont have another Powerfest?? How about I go and break the toilets so they overflow or light off stink bombs. I dont think you get the big picture. It is called maturity. look it up. the internet has other things to offer than sucking up to bands.

Who gives a fuck? I live mature about 350 days of my year. I have a dead end job that I bite my lip to go through everyday. When I go to these fests, I let myself loose and do what the fuck I feel like.

Go ahead and spell Diabolik in shit. It would be an honor. please take photos while I will be at home relaxing and not chasing people in bands desperatly like a 5th grade schoolgirl with a huge crush.

I see you are from Utah...is it farm boys first time in the big city?

And, actually, I lived most of my life in Philly. But thanks for assuming, you pretentious "Hey look, he lives in utah, he must know nothing of what a city is like" douche.

And what part of "I don't chase people in bands" do you not understand. So I talked to people in various bands at that fest. Who in the hotel didn't? They come up to the floor themselves, we didn't force them anywhere. We didn't tell them to come out and shoot the shit with us. And yeah, like I said, I got fanboyish around Rob Lowe, I love the mans vocals and had an enjoyable time talking to him. What does it matter to you?
I am glad to see that you guys had fun trying to impress guys from bands. How old are you? Glad to see that your stupidity ruined others from getting good rates. Nice frat boy style of acting. Boy you guys sure showed those goons at Delta house how you guys can party. Maybe this year you can act like white trash and wreck more rooms and then the following year have no hotels that will want to deal with the people traveling in. I am sure Rob Lowe still talks about how crazy you guys are.

Impress guys in bands? We stayed at the hotel, had a good time, and just happened to hang out with Rob Lowe for a couple hours in our room talking about music and life in general. I'm sure the guy that pissed in the stairwell could be another reason... or all of the beer spilled over alot of those rooms. The smell of beer and urine is harder to remove than some toilet paper on a wall. You may be an old fuck compared to a bunch of us, so you don't have to wag your cane and bitch about our noise. Oh, our room had absolutely zero volume coming from it. Guests from other floors probably complained about the noise from those rooms. Don't be so quick to point a finger when all we did was amuse OURSELVES... and you weren't even around that hotel for the after parties. Yeah, Eric is a tad more flamboyant in his attempts to explain everything, but to go out and insult people that support Chicago's local scene by saving up to be a SPONSOR when they don't even live remotely close to Chicago is just out of your mind. From your posts on here, it seems like I support your local talent more than you do. Don't criticize me for getting out of my shit life for a weekend and amusing myself with people that I only see once or twice a year at the most. I'm sure you've done stuff like that when you were younger. Realize the age gap and get off your soap box, you faggot.
No wonder the Milwaukee Metalfest isnt anymore.

LOL Does the name Jack Koshick ring a bell? Milwaukee Metalfest "isnt anymore" because he doesn't treat bands properly. Nobody wants to play his poorly organized festivals, so he lies about people that are playing and reveals the truth on the way of the show. Way to go, Jack Koshick! YOUR FEST SUPPORTERS KILLED YOUR FEST!
Oi Vey!!!!

I am going to be a fence sitter here and say that I see both sides of the coin.

Sure, absolutely nothing wrong with having the time of your life at a fest. For the travelers esp, you probably go more all-out than the locals, considering the greater effort to get there, via long road trip or flight. Completely understood.

I think Bob's main point here, and he can correct me if I am wrong, is that some of the behaviors displayed can lead to hotels not allowing blocks of rooms, or if word got back to the Pearl Room, them cutting back on having metal shows.

Sorry, I don't care how old you are. Trashing a hotel room, pissing in a stairwell, etc. only further highlights the bullshit metalhead stereotype.

Hey, go balls out! Rock out with your cock out, but no need to destroy property in the process.
wait... are you guys saying that you think it's OKAY to wreck your hotel room and make a huge mess, in the interest of having fun?

I agree 100% with Diabolik here.
Impress guys in bands? We stayed at the hotel, had a good time, and just happened to hang out with Rob Lowe for a couple hours in our room talking about music and life in general. I'm sure the guy that pissed in the stairwell could be another reason... or all of the beer spilled over alot of those rooms. The smell of beer and urine is harder to remove than some toilet paper on a wall. You may be an old fuck compared to a bunch of us, so you don't have to wag your cane and bitch about our noise. Oh, our room had absolutely zero volume coming from it. Guests from other floors probably complained about the noise from those rooms. Don't be so quick to point a finger when all we did was amuse OURSELVES... and you weren't even around that hotel for the after parties. Yeah, Eric is a tad more flamboyant in his attempts to explain everything, but to go out and insult people that support Chicago's local scene by saving up to be a SPONSOR when they don't even live remotely close to Chicago is just out of your mind. From your posts on here, it seems like I support your local talent more than you do. Don't criticize me for getting out of my shit life for a weekend and amusing myself with people that I only see once or twice a year at the most. I'm sure you've done stuff like that when you were younger. Realize the age gap and get off your soap box, you faggot.

it is funny that both of you guys say you have a shit life and that you act this way to get out of it. so you guys again think that you have the right to mess stuff up just because you have a bad life?

How does saving up to be a sponsor support the local scene when the money is going to an out of town act??? the reason I dont support the local scene is the local scene is shit. I am not going to support something that I dont like. I am not the kind of person who will go to a show just to support something if I dont like it. why waste my time. there are local acts I like but they rarely play.

I have hung out with lots of bands, bands a lot bigger than the Powerfest bands, but still never acted that way where I was messing stuff up.

Again, the only comment you can call me back is faggot. Pretty creative. But that level of comments really shows your age.