2008 Political debate thread

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No, my best post was the one in which I stated that Ayreon is not bad music just because it is cheesy :P

All joking aside, thanks! I really think we have more in common than you might think.
Yeah, if I call you a douchebag in the near future, don't take it personally. I am scathing in debate, but amicable generally towards people. :)

RiderofJustice: Not a bad movie? So, what part of El Dorado, a Spanish legend from central/south american conquistador times, makes sense in South Dakota? Epic failz.
This is the reason why people like Sarah Palin scare me. For example, a president who is part of the catholic church will most likely make decisions based on the teachings of the catholic church; however, when a belief system is left without the addition of dogma and organized religion there is a much lesser possibility of corruption occuring.

I don't know why I'm chiming in I hate these threads...

Again I am not religous at all and I hold no real affliation to any party, but these statements always get me... what is so scary about Sarah Palin. That she's a Christian? Oooooooo very scary indeed...:goggly: So is every president we've ever had. Because she doesn't believe in abortion? That's a very debatable issue (I'm basically for choice but late term abortions are not a pretty thing). Because she said that she hopes the troops are doing gods work and wants to pray for them? I'm sorry but for me, not scary... (that's just a christian being a christian), for me, trumped up petty bullshit. Her not having much foreign experience, that's food for concern. But there's concern about Obama's experience there too. Now then, Obama stating he wants to create a National police force that's equal in size to the US army... Now that's something that makes me think.
Yeah, if I call you a douchebag in the near future, don't take it personally. I am scathing in debate, but amicable generally towards people. :)

Me too... Well maybe not scathing, I find myself putting in apologetic comments all the time... thats why I hate these threads...:lol: But all I can say is that most of the time I think people are so damn alarmist about stupid issues..

I am a seriously amicable chap though...:)
I'm not against gay marriage but I can understand if religious folk are since the bible basically say "no gay marriage" in clear text. Can't gay people still get "marriage-rights" by marrying in another way though? Like marriage... but it's not in a church?

Gay adoption on the other hand... no. I'd fucking kill myself if I was a gay couple's adopted kid.
I'm not against gay marriage but I can understand if religious folk are since the bible basically say "no gay marriage" in clear text. Can't gay people still get "marriage-rights" by marrying in another way though? Like marriage... but it's not in a church?


So? Why should other peoples beliefs be enforced on others?
In the end I am saying that everyone has their own philosophies and beliefs, yet a politician who is a tool of a religion (dogma) will remain a tool while in office. This is the reason why people like Sarah Palin scare me. For example, a president who is part of the catholic church will most likely make decisions based on the teachings of the catholic church; however, when a belief system is left without the addition of dogma and organized religion there is a much lesser possibility of corruption occuring.

*golf claps*

Once again I'm not trying to nitpick but I would just like to further expand upon what you wrote. Another reason why I like Joe Biden is because he is a Catholic, and he personally is pro-life but he wouldn't want to deny a woman the right to choose just because of his personal opinion.
And that makes a difference to its non-existant effects on society how?

Yeah, seriously. How exactly does it negatively effect society when two guys have sex and get married? I have still yet to see any valid reason why this is so wrong other than the fact that some people aren't happy unless they have infiltrated every aspect of your life in order to govern your actions and thoughts because they don't agree with it.

On what evidence do you base the idea that homosexuality is not genetic? Why is there homosexuality in large portions of the animal kingdom, then? Last time I checked, animals do not have the intelligence to make lifestyle choices. It is a drive triggered by different structures in the brain (In some ways, a male will resemble a female brain. I'll give you better resources if you want later.) It's our genes that decide if we will have blond or black hair. It is also our genes that are responsible for structuring and hardwiring our brains, how is it not possible that coding for these structures varies to the point of female structures in male brains?

Hiring a dominatrix and getting smacked on the ass with a leather whip is a lifestyle choice, but doesn't that also imply that there was an underlying urge for this action?
So? Why should other peoples beliefs be enforced on others?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean? Marriage is a christian thing. It's their invention (maybe not but it's still their thing). But if it's privileged to be married anywhere, it should be allowed for all, or there should be equal alternatives.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean? Marriage is a christian thing. It's their invention (maybe not but it's still their thing). But if it's privileged to be married anywhere, it should be allowed for all, or there should be equal alternatives.

This is the modern world, Atheists get married all the time, in this day and age it has become a declaration of love and commitment rather than a religious ceremony to many people. Preventing homosexuals from doing it simply because "the bible said so", is forcing Christian beliefs on people.

If I wanted to do something, and someone said to me "Oh no you cant, the bible says you can't". I'd just reply with "Luckily I'm not a Christian". I don't see why anyone should be prevented by law from saying that.
I will keep my answer to myself on that one. I don't want a barrage of post-modernist drivel and name-calling sent my way.

But, outside of the simple issue of my morals, allowing gay marriage will then allow all marriages, including polygamy, to have grounds for legalization. And before long we'll have pedophiles clammoring for marriage to little kids. NAMBLA are already jumping on the path paved by validation of homosexuality by fighting in the Courts to decriminalize their behaviors.
And now to stir the pot in an entirely different direction... I can't believe no one has mentioned the mess that just happened on wall street this week. Granted I'm not 100% up on the latest news either, but from what I gather, they're calling it the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression (!?!) thoughts?

I foresaw a collapse five years back when I heard the types of mortgages people were signing up for, particularly in California. My company had just opened up the market, and they were asking willing people to move out to help incorporate the new markets into our fold. Assimilation, if you will, though we just can't seem to ge the Cingular out of the locals. But when I heard of interest-only mortgages and other new "tricks" all to be able to afford unreal housing prices, I talked to my wife about the rocky road that would be leading us down.

I think this ties into our education system - we don't have the education of real-world savvy needed to conduct our lives against slick bankers and lenders.

I didn't foresee the collapse to this extent though - that is even beyond my expectations. But, it is all a part of the risks in lending.
I will keep my answer to myself on that one. I don't want a barrage of post-modernist drivel and name-calling sent my way.

But, outside of the simple issue of my morals, allowing gay marriage will then allow all marriages, including polygamy, to have grounds for legalization. And before long we'll have pedophiles clammoring for marriage to little kids. NAMBLA are already jumping on the path paved by validation of homosexuality by fighting in the Courts to decriminalize their behaviors.

I've yet to hear from a single person with that backwards, often homophobic, a valid defense for that logic (that legalizing gay marriage would open the gates for legalization of pedophiles marrying children or for polygamists to have a dozen wives).
Actually, ABQ, I never even thought about it like that before... Good point! At least the polygamy aspect.

Doesn't NAMBLA want legalization of marrying young, under 18, boys, though? There are valid, moral reasons why that is wrong on so many levels. The most basic being that the kids are under 18.
I don't think it will open the floodgates. It's not like someone's going to have any valid or rational way of saying "You know... Steve and Jason are getting married. I think i'm gonna go marry my horse because c'mon... it's pretty much the same thing". There are still laws in place against pedophelia that have literally absolutely nothing to do with being gay or not gay. Pedophelia is not a sexual preference, it's exploitation. There is a big difference.

Also, I have to say that while I think he's a bit too far left for my tastes a lot of the time, David Cross (comedian) had an awesome point when it comes to it being a lifestyle choice. Here's basically what he said.

"It's not a choice, it's genetics. There's no 16 year old heterosexual boy somewhere, confused, socially awkward, acne scarred kid sitting around in his bedroom going "Guys, everyone hates me. No girls, the girls that i like don't like me and I don't know what to do, and the thought of having sex with another man is physically repellent to me.......... But you know.... maybe it's time I invited even more nonstop harassment into my life". Yeah, that'll be fun, things have been going so easy, why not introduce the concept of getting the shit kicked out of me for no good reason by a bunch of fuckin' retards. yeah, that's good. That's a fun choice to make. That's a choice that a lot of people are making. No. It's genetics."

That's my main question. What reason is there to make a choice to be gay? Given our society, it's still not really accepted overall, you are basically ostracized and as Cross pointed out, you're just opening yourself up to ridicule and violence against you. Who wants that? I'm not at all saying that you need to accept it or be ok with it, but it's not a choice. That's just silly to even suggest.
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