2008 Political debate thread

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I also don't see how legalizing gay marriage would cause a slippery slope towards pedophiles marrying children.

I don't see the slippery slope either. I think it's easier to subscribe to the slippery slope idea if you believe that being gay is a lifestyle choice and not biological/genetic/etc.

Sadly, those against gay marriages typically seem hell bent on imposing their views/beliefs upon others whether or not it would affect them personally or not. I believe in letting people pursue whatever it is that makes them happy in life so long as it doesn't hurt others. Gay marriages don't hurt anyone. Some people need to shift their focus more towards their own self happiness and quit worrying about what others are doing.
I think this fits right in, Zach. Being that I've seen the slow desensitizing of society to formerly non-accepted practices, I see this little bit as the start. We are now being introduced to the sexualization of children. It has to stop.

It depends on the topic of the film. The one involving Dakota is something I can't support, being that she's underage and I agree that it is an irresponsible decision to make by the film makers. The other one involving the 18 year old actress is something that, to me, comes down to the nature of the scene and the point the film makers are trying to get across, not to mention just how graphic the scene actually is. In the film The Butterfly Effect, issues such as incest were brought up and pretty explicitly stated what was going on, yet done in a way that was never going to far, and that actress (i dunno if you have seen the movie, but it's interesting) is probably no older than 10. Then again, like i said, it was indirectly depicted, and it strengthened the overall point of the film to me.

That is a very difficult area and it's completely gray for me. On one hand, it's still art. On the other, I think it is totally necessary to not exploit underage children, regardless of in the way it happens.
We're on to kiddies now? Going back to being gay for a moment, cause we all know how gay I am, judging individuals vs. behaviour is fine. I don't think homosexuality is a great thing, but those guys/gals can do what they please and I won't bother them. I've got a few friends who swing that way. Thing is, this is the political thread, so I'm assuming that there's a slant here that these opinions are given in the context of "I want this to be a law". In that light, there's not really a difference between judging the act and the person who does it- they fall under the same law. Thus, I'm against legislation that prohibits or restricts homosexuality.

Oh, and to throw a mindbender into the mix now that we're onto kiddies: I think exposing kids to 1 hour of graphic violence or porno is eclipsed in overall damage by exposing them to 1 hour of targeted advertising. And I'd want that to be a law, since this is the political thread. Less advertising on kids TV. Or just parents saying Less TV in general, but that's outside the legal realm.
You're allowed to advertise to kids in usa? Like toy commercials on tv etc?

Unfortunately, yes.

Ken, seriously well said on the last paragraph! Every time I see people wearing an American Eagle shirt, or buying a Nickleback CD, I can't help but think our entire culture is decided by a group of fat, sweaty, greedy, bald men who sit around a table in a high rise building and say things like:

"Oh yes! Lets bring back the boy band craze and make it hip for bell bottoms again" etc etc

The human brain is supposed to be the most complex and amazing thing in the known universe, yet we are still completely homogenized.

If I ever (Accidentally!) have kids, the biggest thing I will limit is TV just because of that. Violence and sex are nothing compared to what happens to kids when they are forced to 'fit in' because you're not cool if you don't.

I was a nice, easygoing person in high school who would help anyone that needed it (I would even skip lunch), but on so many occasions I was actually told I was weird because I don't have a 'social networking' account, the music I listen to and my interest in science.

When you tell a large group of people about the idea that there may be more than 3 spatial dimensions and the only response is:

"You know, I'm just going to start calling you L Ron, because you're going to start a cult someday."

Something is seriously fucked up with people.:erk:

Sorry, long rant! This is a big one for me!:)
Personally I think the "omg slippery road to peadophilia" argument is something that moronic Christian homophobes simply came up with when someone said "Yeah but how does letting gays marry actually effect you?"
speaking for gays marrying the only issue with me is adoption and raising children, the rest I dont care about. I dont feel they should not be allowed adoption or surrogacy they have sacrificed the right by nature
Suppose they wanted kids, but wanted each other also. This isn't unreasonable in my opinion. Two competent gay parents beats two dysfunctional hetero parents or a single parent household.
There is still influence.

I dont know the stats on functional gays. It seems to me the percentage of "issues" is higher but that is just from observation.

Sure its easy to say theres alot of fucked up straight parents, or mention the problems of single parent homes, or even further into the problems of dual income homes where parents are so busy or tired and pawn thier children off on daycare, nannies, TV screens or video games or whatever.

None the less gays have made a sacrifice and should be able to deal with it, rather then crying the blues all the time.

Myself I feel marraige is way over-rated and dont see the point of gay marraige, I believe the right to adoption is at the roote. Too bad. I did not marry my daughters mother so we didnt not have the "rights" allowed a married couple such as family health insurance or potential SS retirement and general retirement benefits. I think this should be addressed seperately from the marriage issue, there are alot of unmarried couples raising families, in many cases with children from both sides of previous marraiges or relationships. Yet we dont see unmarried couples crying up the blues all the time and having unmarried couple parades, with obvious exibitionist points to prove. Im just totally sick of gays and their issues... "look... your queer... get over it". I'm gay 99% of the time, except when someone has pissed me off but I like pussy, pussy makes me real gay, I have a real gay ol time when Im with a lady. Extreme groups are a pathetic example of humanity and I wish they would all shut the fuck up with their damn distractions
So unmarried couples are ok, but gay marriage isn't? Why is it a problem for you specifically what other people choose? I don't understand the issue. Personally, if they allowed marriage to goats, I still wouldn't care. I'm secure enough in my own relationship that "marriage" isn't even good enough to seal the deal. It's just a formality.
Yes Ken, I understand but really... you cant see the difference between unmarried couples and same sex adults sharing a home with children ? I dont think unmarried couples can adopt children either and I doubt thats an issue for them... due to nature and all. One is natural, one is not, marraige is not even natural, its another stupid fucking piece of writing on paper, a man made "law" so whats the issue ? Just give all couples regardless the sexual orientation the right to insurance and retirement benefits and leave the marriage bullshit out of it.
Unfortunately, yes.

Ken, seriously well said on the last paragraph! Every time I see people wearing an American Eagle shirt, or buying a Nickleback CD, I can't help but think our entire culture is decided by a group of fat, sweaty, greedy, bald men who sit around a table in a high rise building and say things like:

"Oh yes! Lets bring back the boy band craze and make it hip for bell bottoms again" etc etc

Actually, I'd like for flared legged jeans to be hip again, fuckin skinny pants look dumb as fuck, and totally not sexy on girls. I'll continue to sport my flared jeans and fuck the trends (until they're back in style) :lol:

When you tell a large group of people about the idea that there may be more than 3 spatial dimensions and the only response is:

"You know, I'm just going to start calling you L Ron, because you're going to start a cult someday."

Something is seriously fucked up with people.:erk:

Despite the fact that its a rather dumb response from someone, I assume you're talking about this kind of stuff?:


Shit's fascinating as all hell, but c'mon dude, aside from it being fun to ponder the mathematics of it, its not like it really matters you know? We are incapable of experiencing anything outside of 3 dimensions. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Stephen Hawking who theorized the possibility of forward time travel but not reverse? Since time is considered to be the 4th dimension, a lot of the 4th dimensional geometrical figures should then be able to move both forward and backwards in time-space, which if Im understanding things correctly is impossible (but impossible does not necessarily equal mathematically calculable). Which leads me to my 2nd point... you should know better by now than to try to even bring a topic like this up to people who'd respond by calling you L. Ron ;)

And as far as gay parents raising a child, is there really any documented evidence to say that this is going to fuck a kid's development up? Shit, my dad was pretty much absent from my life from the ages of 13 - 18 but I turned out pretty ok (and feel that I have a good relationship with him now). Theres lots of kids that get brought up by abusive straight parents, and that might somehow be better than caring gay parents? If its an issue of father/mother figures I can't see that being too much of an issue if one of the two gay dudes is pretty bitch, or one of the dykes is like, ultra pitbull dyke :lol:
Plus, in today's society, barring a massive murder campaign, there will always be gays out there and they're going to have to figure it out sooner or later. Like I said on the last page, I think exposing kids to advertising and consumerism is far more detrimental.
Obama to Nation: “Fuck this shit, I’m outta here”

In the wake of an epic financial meltdown that threatens to derail the U.S. economy for years, Barack Obama announced he was ending his run for President of the United States, declaring to a stunned nation, “Man, this is bullshit.”

In a boisterous and hastily-called press conference, Obama detailed his reasons for the decision. “I was prepared to fight global warming, reform the health care system, repair our crumbling roads, create a 21st century electric grid, find Bin Laden, end the war in Iraq, and bring peace to Israel and the Palestinians. But now you tell me I have to clean up the worst financial mess since the Great Depression too? One that’s going to plunge our economy into a recession for most of my administration while I take the blame? Fuck that. That’s fucking ridiculous. You guys clean up your own shit. I’m outta here.”

He elaborated: “From the time I was a little boy, I dreamt of being President one day. Of having the power and resources to enact a bold vision for the country, to set this great land on a path to a better future. Now we’re fucking broke. What the hell can I do when we’re $9 trillion in debt and got 1 billion Chinese hankering to cash their IOUs? I can’t even buy a three-fingered handjob now.”

Obama also revealed that he previously thought about quitting when Sen. McCain picked Gov. Palin as a running mate (”What is this, a reality TV show?”), when the media covered the faux lipstick-on-a-pig scandal for two days straight (”Why would I call her a pig? She’s a fucking MILF, for Christ’s sake”), and when he realized he was still neck and neck with McCain in the polls in spite of being his opponent’s superior in every possible metric and running as the exact opposite of one of the worst administrations in U.S. history.

Obama took no questions from reporters. After reading his statement, he threw his suit jacket on the ground, made an obscene gesture to the press corp, and dashed out a back exit, where he hopped on a motorcycle and yelled “See ya, bitches, I’m off to do my wife” as he rode away.
The new de facto leader of the Presidential race, Sen. John McCain, was unaware of the development until told about it by a reporter. When asked how he felt about Obama quitting, McCain replied: “Senator Obama would like to fool the American people that he is the quitter in this race. He’s not. I already quit in 2005, well before Obama even thought of quitting. That’s quitting you can believe in.”
It is unknown at this time where Sen. Biden will replace Obama at the top of the ticket, but it is unlikely as the Obama campaign announced plans to return all unspent money to its supporters along with a 20% off coupon to flights to Canada.

Actually, I'd like for flared legged jeans to be hip again, fuckin skinny pants look dumb as fuck, and totally not sexy on girls. I'll continue to sport my flared jeans and fuck the trends (until they're back in style) :lol:

Despite the fact that its a rather dumb response from someone, I assume you're talking about this kind of stuff?:


Shit's fascinating as all hell, but c'mon dude, aside from it being fun to ponder the mathematics of it, its not like it really matters you know? We are incapable of experiencing anything outside of 3 dimensions. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Stephen Hawking who theorized the possibility of forward time travel but not reverse? Since time is considered to be the 4th dimension, a lot of the 4th dimensional geometrical figures should then be able to move both forward and backwards in time-space, which if Im understanding things correctly is impossible (but impossible does not necessarily equal mathematically calculable). Which leads me to my 2nd point... you should know better by now than to try to even bring a topic like this up to people who'd respond by calling you L. Ron ;)

I made it a point to keep the science stuff I read about to myself, but there where some occasions when I wanted to share it with the kids that I sat with at lunch.

And I think these dimensions are very small, like 10^-33 cm small.
Does this seem like an appropriate time to link up the news story about Kluger's leaked email to an anti-ad agency, offering them their product placed in the lyrics of a popular artist? Or the reply, in all its gory details, where Kluger apologizes by saying something to the effect of "sorry that was an automated advertisement." If the irony were any thicker, we'd all choke to death.
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