2008 Political debate thread

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Good Stuff!

Yeah, Ken, I'm with you on the advertising bit. Especially as a parent of said targeted audience. But, how do you step around the obvious Freedom of Speech argument? Lump it all into obscene and indecent?

But, on the other hand, I see exactly how it's used to increase earnings by the companies. Just like, was it JetBlue, who was putting on a campaign to hire bald me to have temporary tattoos one their head and get paid to stand in lines at airports. The levels of competition are high within any industry, and getting your name out there is of huge importance.

But, to tie back to your comments regarding kids and violence/porno vs. advertising, I think it's pretty similar effects. The violence and pornography, in my mind, work to desensitize the watcher to what they are watching, which then can lead to them not being overly concerned with such activities later on in life. That is a bad learning tool that can lead to extremes in behaviors. But with the advertising, I think it creates too much of a sense of "I gotta have that that that that and that - I gotta have everything", and that can carry on later in life to "geez, I've maxed all seventeen of my cards and now I can't pay for anything and I need to declare bankruptcy".

Both roads are pretty bad, in my opinion, especially when kids are the viewers.
On the advertising to children thing I would just like to state that there are limits to how much can be done. I took a communication law class a year ago and that was one of the main subjects of one of the chapters. There is even an organization that is dedicated solely to regulating advertising to children (of course I can't remember the exact name now). This organization regulates by setting ethical standards that advertisers and media must adhere by. I don't remember every detail but a good example is that a tv station is only allowed to have so many minutes worth of children targeted advertising everyday.

Of course it isn't perfect as tv stations know to use that advertising time when children's television programs are running. The regulation doesn't make things perfect; however, without it, it could be a lot worse.
Just don't allow advertising for products aimed for ages 12 or lower. Kids are greedy fucks no matter what age but at least in their teens they can think somewhat rationally.
advertising to kids is nothing new, we had it in the 60's and dates back at least to candies, dolls and other wooden toys on display in small stores. Its up to parents to learn the word "no" and use it as no means no, not maybe. I remember with my mother when I asked for something and she said "no", I did not ask the second time. Tried it once... just once... it did not go well, was spanked and sent to my room when we got home. There was no begging around our house.

It amazes me that with trillions in debt, a financial crisis, employment issues, wage issues, rapidly inflated insurance and health care issues, home heating and work transportation issues, outragous property and school taxes, banks falling on their face and a country packed full of foreigners that there is even a concern with gay rights and advertising
advertising to kids is nothing new, we had it in the 60's and dates back at least to candies, dolls and other wooden toys on display in small stores. Its up to parents to learn the word "no" and use it as no means no, not maybe. I remember with my mother when I asked for something and she said "no", I did not ask the second time. Tried it once... just once... it did not go well, was spanked and sent to my room when we got home. There was no begging around our house.

It amazes me that with trillions in debt, a financial crisis, employment issues, wage issues, rapidly inflated insurance and health care issues, home heating and work transportation issues, outragous property and school taxes, banks falling on their face and a country packed full of foreigners that there is even a concern with gay rights and advertising

Yeah, but what is the purpose of being concerned about things you have no control over? Big things like the ones you mentioned. You can let it rip you up inside or you can pull up a lawn chair, get a glass of lemonade and watch with excitement!
advertising to kids is nothing new, we had it in the 60's and dates back at least to candies, dolls and other wooden toys on display in small stores.
Times change. People change. Products change. It's not the same as in the times when you got beat by your mom.

I agree it's a minor thing compared to any other political topic but gas prices and retarded presidential candidates are not as much fun to discuss as you might think.
Yeah, but what is the purpose of being concerned about things you have no control over? Big things like the ones you mentioned. You can let it rip you up inside or you can pull up a lawn chair, get a glass of lemonade and watch with excitement!

But we are the ones responsible for putting the right people into the jobs that handle those things.

If my mom did that to me, I'd be like:

"Hey, mom! Get your bitch ass in the kitchen and make me some goddamn pie!"

Yeah... that pretty much hammers razor's point right home. I know the post is meant for laughs (or should I say I hope...:lol:) but it does point to several issues within our society, and perhaps it highlights the source as well.
advertising to kids is nothing new, we had it in the 60's and dates back at least to candies, dolls and other wooden toys on display in small stores. Its up to parents to learn the word "no" and use it as no means no, not maybe. I remember with my mother when I asked for something and she said "no", I did not ask the second time. Tried it once... just once... it did not go well, was spanked and sent to my room when we got home. There was no begging around our house.

Slightly off topic. But I just love the:

"Well you don't need to pass an IQ test to be in the US senate"
*awkward silence*

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But we are the ones responsible for putting the right people into the jobs that handle those things.

Yeah... that pretty much hammers razor's point right home. I know the post is meant for laughs (or should I say I hope...:lol:) but it does point to several issues within our society, and perhaps it highlights the source as well.

1) Yes, I completely agree! But if you haven't noticed 'we' aren't such a bright bunch!:)

2) Yes, that was a joke. I think parents should back hand/punch asshole kids. Honestly, some kids need the shit kicked out of them. It builds character.


:lol: at that Jesus picture!

Swabs, I can't wait to see that movie! It's coming out in October here and I'll be first in line.
HANG ON ! I was never "beaten", speaking for myself and many others from my age group I have talked to have said they respected their parents for disciplin measures taken in the process of learning/growing up. When you think about it it is much better than what the government does to us now for what ever little thing we do... supposedly out of line... where they dig into our back pocket and give us "records", handily attached to our social security number, where it plays a major role today with background checks for work and nearly everything we do. That is total bullshit.

As for saying times change, things are different now, that is bullshit too, parents have a job to do and most kids do need a good sore butt from time to time, I know I deserved it the few times it happened to me... and after all what could it hurt ? They seem to have a sore butt all the time anyhow. This is the age of drama and its pretty pathetic. Topics like Im gay and cant get married... whaa whaa whaa, man up and deal with it, your two people of the same sex and that doesnt constitute a marraige, just looking for some validation of same sex... sex... which aint gonna happen... whaa whaa whaa

As for the larger issues I mentioned, they could be fixed, again, if people would just toughen up and stop feeling sorry for everyone but our own natural born citizens. We are always throwing distractions at our government over the little wanker issues rather than demanding that they do as they are supposed to be which is serve and protect OUR population.
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