2008 Political debate thread

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Topics like Im gay and cant get married... whaa whaa whaa, man up and deal with it, your two people of the same sex and that doesnt constitute a marraige, just looking for some validation of same sex... sex... which aint gonna happen... whaa whaa whaa


Anyways, what's up with Palin dodging the press?

She's been the VP nominee for a month. All she's done is 2 interviews (1 Hannitized). No press conferences. No unscripted speeches.

Does she know anything or not?
Yes! She lived across from Russia, thus giving her experience.:rolleyes:

What a complete fucking joke. America really is full to the breaking point of complete, ignorant assholes.
I've never really been into the debates in years past, but this year has me anticipating myself glued to the TV for all of them. It will be interesting to see what Palin does in that environment. I'm pretty sure the first debate will go well - Biden will just be choking on his shoes and she'll come across looking good. But, I'm interested to see how she does.

What's up with Obama and Biden chiding each other? That's getting laughable.
... in comparison to Biden who will have put both his feet as well as most of the feet in the front row of the audience into his mouth. Joe Biden is the mistake of choice in my book. He's already blown it every time he gets a microphone in his hand, and the debates will be similar. She'll look good because he'll look so bad was my point.

But, she may also choke big time as well... Nobody seems to know because she is such an unknown. But she sure has stirred up the Dems, and brought the Conservative base to McCain - exactly what she was intended to do. Perhaps she's more of a pawn in that regard. We'll see.
When is this jokes with/about Jesus fad gong to end? Its getting a little boring and overdone/unoriginal now.

@ Religolous Trailer

Just like everything that is the media, they're going to edit the shit out of the actually videos so they make the people say what they want them to say and what the producers want people to hear so then people will just get an false fact of what they're watching instead of an actual one, and in the case of this movie (or so it seems) its for laughter.

On the subject of religion...
I was browsing through youtube and I came upon this video:

It seems as though this is a anti-mormon video or something like that, so I would like to know if anyone knows if the stuff they're talking about is true or not. I never really knew what mormons were and this video made me curious. So is the stuff in that video true/half true/false ?
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Good for you and I honestly don't care what you think about religion. You've made it obvious that you don't believe in any of it and find it humorous to make fun of other peoples' beliefs. Stop being pretentious and answer the question, otherwise don't spam.
I was commenting on how if that video is "anti-mormon" then it's rather hypocritical for the creators of that cartoon (who are most likely christian) to be all "Oh look it's so rediculous!".
At CantoX:

Mormonism was started by Joseph Smith in the middle 1800's. Joseph claimed that an angel visited him and revealed the location of a set of tablets which only he could translate. I'm no expert on it, but it is very similar to Christianity in that it follows the bible with some alterations to certain events. One off of the top of my head is that they believe Joseph Smith was a profit from god.

I know some Mormons and, honestly, they are kind of weird, but not like what is depicted in the video. I would bet that it's a fake.

You may want to dig a little deeper than what I have said because I am by no means well versed in Mormon beliefs.:)

Anyways, what's up with Palin dodging the press?

She's been the VP nominee for a month. All she's done is 2 interviews (1 Hannitized). No press conferences. No unscripted speeches.

Does she know anything or not?

B. Hussein Obama did the exact same thing when he met with foreign leaders early on in his campaign behind closed doors...but you didn't see the press get up in arms about it. Why? Just a little biased? And remember...she's just the VP candidate...Obama is going for the top prize...yet he gets a free pass? I call Bullshit!

Quit drinking the koolaid the media is trying to shove down your throat.
B. Hussein Obama did the exact same thing when he met with foreign leaders early on in his campaign behind closed doors...but you didn't see the press get up in arms about it. Why? Just a little biased? And remember...she's just the VP candidate...Obama is going for the top prize...yet he gets a free pass? I call Bullshit!

Quit drinking the koolaid the media is trying to shove down your throat.

Sorry I didn't realize it was EXACTLY the same. Excuse me for wanting to hear what someone who's supposed to be prepared to be president thinks about issues. Someone following a 72 year-old man who has had cancer twice. I plainly don't understand that it's exactly the same as when Obama began his campaign. I didn't know there wasn't any difference between 21 months ago and 40 days until the election. He's obviously never answered any questions since then.

You're right. It's best to remember that she is just a VP candidate. So it is much more relevant to compare her to Obama than Biden who is out talking every day even though he makes gaffes. When was the time Obama or Biden never gave a press conference by the way?

Are you serious? Get off your own pile of shit.

And now the VP debate is going to be delayed since McCain wants to pretend to play congressional economic leader. The same man that said we were in a "mental recession" a few weeks ago. I'd rather see him discuss his new brilliant ideas he's supposed to bring to Congress Friday night with Obama than pull a "political free zone" political stunt with committees he's not even in.
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