2012 Tour

Man is that a disappointing comment to hear...and not exactly the brightest of PR comments in all honesty for both new and old fans alike. Pretty interesting that the only slowed down song of the set only made it in because we wanted to hear it.

I'm personally excited to hear WAIL on Tuesday night in Charlotte and all of the other Iconoclast songs as well so I'm not hating on what they are playing.

I decided to take a look at the polls and WAIL had 1428 votes. Let's see what some other songs had for a tally that are on the slower side:

Accolade II - 1968 votes (37% more votes than WAIL)
Awakenings - 1606 votes (12.5% more votes than WAIL)
Paradise Lost - 1455 votes (2% more votes than WAIL)
Communion and the Oracle - 1349 (5.5% less votes than WAIL)

Kind of glad Paradise Lost didn't make it because it's been overplayed a wee bit. Any of the other three songs could have either replaced WAIL or replaced one other harder song to further help break up the set. The two songs that crushed WAIL in the voting aren't even all that old or anything and are likely much higher on the list of all time Symphony X songs than WAIL is.
WAIL is in the set because they needed a "softer" song to change the mood, and they decided to play the only "soft" song on their new album instead of an older track (since newer fans aren't as familiar with them). If they actually listened to the poll, Accolade II would be part of the set.

I'd rather hear any of those songs you listed (aside from Paradise Lost) than WAIL, as I find them to all be much better composed songs. I think WAIL's lyrics are outright terrible at times, and some of the transitions just seem odd to me.

But there's no reason they can't play two "softer" songs. Not everything needs to be full-speed-ahead metal.
There would be room for two softer songs when they will play 2-hrs shows, indeed.

Anyway, despite I LOVE paradise lost, I second the opinion that it has to be left out of the setlist for a while.
Well, saw the guys last night and it was a pretty great show I have to say. Lots of energy and everyone was on their game. The highlight song wise of the evening was probably WAIL in all honestly. Russell singing that live was just amazing and Romeo had an extended solo which was out of this world.

To top it all off it was Romeo's birthday, Iced Earth came out on stage, there was a cake, and we sang happy birthday to him! It was awesome and the kind of personal moment that makes you glad to be listening to bands like the two of them.

Iced Earth also really kicked some ass. Stu Block is pretty darn good live. I'm very impressed by his ability to hit all those notes.

All in all a great Tuesday night in Charlotte, NC. Hope to see both the bands come around again together. I think they really compliment each other well as a double main act.
I agree, it was a great show. I was there, right on the fence in front of Romeo. I, even, got a pick. WAIL does sound great live. I could really have done without Children of the Faceless God, that song just does not groove real well live.
So I went and saw Symphony X Monday, and it was awesome. Romeo is totally different experience then watching him on youtube.
I got so excited when Inferno came on! :D

I meet all the guys at different times, plus me and my Dad took Pinella out to Starbucks! :D He was a great guy, talked about all kinds of stuff, and even the old V Mythology Suite album. He even asked the guys if they wanted to play the Odyssey, because I asked him to. They didn't though, I thanked him anyway.

Russell and I made a lot of eye contact during the show, plus I talked to him on 3 different occasions. And he even at Charlotte, blew a kiss to my friend Amy. Haha if anyone saw that.

I have some pics, and if I can get em to work, I'll post them later!

Thanks guys once again! It was a great show!

God Bless!
To top it all off it was Romeo's birthday, Iced Earth came out on stage, there was a cake, and we sang happy birthday to him! It was awesome and the kind of personal moment that makes you glad to be listening to bands like the two of them.

My first Symphony X show was Romeo's birthday in 2003. It was in this little dive bar in Aurora, Illinois (famous for Wayne's World), and it was an amazing time. They played an Accolade medley, Egypt/DOB, Out of the Ashes, King of Terrors, Church of the Machine, Wicked, Communication and the Oracle, and a bunch of other songs that will probably never be played live again. There was also a cake brought out on stage for MJR, but he seemed more interested in the bottles of Jack that were lying around.

I could really have done without Children of the Faceless God, that song just does not groove real well live.

I'd much rather hear Prometheus myself. Much more groove, although I don't mind Children as much as I used to. Prometheus grooves the whole time; Children's only real groove is the main riff. I love the polymetric verses, though.

I'm also wondering why they're not playing Heretic, since it is probably the most aggressive song on Iconoclast. It may not sound a lot like Symphony X at times, but I still think it is a far superior song to both Bastards and Electric Messiah.

I meet all the guys at different times, plus me and my Dad took Pinella out to Starbucks! :D He was a great guy, talked about all kinds of stuff, and even the old V Mythology Suite album. He even asked the guys if they wanted to play the Odyssey, because I asked him to. They didn't though, I thanked him anyway.

That's awesome. Every time I've met Pinnella he seemed to be rather reclusive. What did he say about V?
Communication and the Oracle


Oh, man. You guys totally just made me think that they played Communion at a recent show.

Well, I'm glad people that went to the show enjoyed it.
DCB - He did seem like a guy rather reserved, but he was cool though and we had a good time talking, and having a drink.

Anyway, I was talking to him about V and asking about it. I asked him what his favorite albums were and said V and PL.
So he was telling me how he wrote a lot on that album, and I was telling him how I really enjoyed it and he should play the Re-Discovery live!
He was like man, we haven't play that one but like one time, it'd cool to play it. He was down, he was all into playing the old stuff. :)
I just kept suggesting stuff, and he smiled thinking about.
He also Communion and the Oracle was one of his favorite songs to play.

Plus we talked how he got started on piano, and he plays in church and all that. He was really cool man.
I really enjoyed getting to talk to him, he's a great piano player, plus he told me how him and Romeo hung out with Dio.
So who's playing first Symphony X or Iced Earth? I'm thinking of going to the show tomorrow if not only to see Iconoclast live, but I might be late, and apparently that's their opener (as it should be).
DCB - He did seem like a guy rather reserved, but he was cool though and we had a good time talking, and having a drink.

Anyway, I was talking to him about V and asking about it. I asked him what his favorite albums were and said V and PL.
So he was telling me how he wrote a lot on that album, and I was telling him how I really enjoyed it and he should play the Re-Discovery live!
He was like man, we haven't play that one but like one time, it'd cool to play it. He was down, he was all into playing the old stuff. :)
I just kept suggesting stuff, and he smiled thinking about.
He also Communion and the Oracle was one of his favorite songs to play.

Plus we talked how he got started on piano, and he plays in church and all that. He was really cool man.
I really enjoyed getting to talk to him, he's a great piano player, plus he told me how him and Romeo hung out with Dio.

It's great how he was into playing the older stuff. I don't ever remember them playing Rediscovery though! Whichever show that was, the fans there probably didn't even know how lucky they were! Not surprising that he loves Communion considering it's filled with piano; so much feeling in that song.

Good to know that V is one of his favorites. PL is an odd choice (not as much keyboard on that one), but maybe he likes it for the thematic material. Also, I remember Russ telling me after a show once that he hung out with Dio, and he said something about him being the nicest musician he's ever met and him being an idol of his. You can definitely hear the Dio influence in Russ's voice at times! The verses of Bastards of the Machine are a good example.

So who's playing first Symphony X or Iced Earth? I'm thinking of going to the show tomorrow if not only to see Iconoclast live, but I might be late, and apparently that's their opener (as it should be).

Here's the list of shows Symphony X is headlining:

*Vancouver BC
*Portland OR
*San Francisco CA
*Anaheim CA
*Salt Lake City UT
*Kansas City MO
*Austin TX
*Ft Lauderdale FL
*Raleigh NC
*Columbus OH
*New York NY

Doesn't look like your show is on there, so try to get there ASAP! Keep in mind that both bands are playing 90 minutes each regardless.
My first Symphony X show was Romeo's birthday in 2003. It was in this little dive bar in Aurora, Illinois (famous for Wayne's World), and it was an amazing time. They played an Accolade medley, Egypt/DOB, Out of the Ashes, King of Terrors, Church of the Machine, Wicked, Communication and the Oracle, and a bunch of other songs that will probably never be played live again. There was also a cake brought out on stage for MJR, but he seemed more interested in the bottles of Jack that were lying around.

I was at that same show. Probably the best Symphony X show I have been to. I think it was like either my 2nd or 3rd. That setlist was just too good. It's been so long since I have seen them though now that I live in Japan, I would honestly be happy with just about any setlist.
Here's the list of shows Symphony X is headlining:

*Vancouver BC
*Portland OR
*San Francisco CA
*Anaheim CA
*Salt Lake City UT
*Kansas City MO
*Austin TX
*Ft Lauderdale FL
*Raleigh NC
*Columbus OH
*New York NY

Doesn't look like your show is on there, so try to get there ASAP! Keep in mind that both bands are playing 90 minutes each regardless.

Thanks. Good to know.
Most fans already do. This forum is one of the few places in all of the material world or the internet where you'll hear bad things about it. Actually, for me it's been the only one.

By all means correct me if I'm wrong, though.
DCB - I bet man, hopefully we will see them playing the old stuff one day! After something I was told, we sure will be, Lord willing.

Yeah man, I was kind of surprised when he said Paradise Lost as well. I mean Paradise Lost is all around good album I'd say, but it's not as proggy as the old stuff.
That's probably why people don't like it as much. Believe me I like the older stuff too. But you know, we just gotta wait.
Yeah man, I was kind of surprised when he said Paradise Lost as well. I mean Paradise Lost is all around good album I'd say, but it's not as proggy as the old stuff. That's probably why people don't like it as much. Believe me I like the older stuff too. But you know, we just gotta wait.

That's exactly why many people don't like it as much. And it's just that - they don't like it as much. It's still a very good album, as is Iconoclast (although less so due to its lack of variety). But to many of us, when compared to their older material, it can't even come close. The older stuff used so many different tonalities, colors, themes, and moods, while the newer material is more or less in one or two styles.

Take two songs that are similar in style - Communion and the Oracle and Paradise Lost. Both are lighter songs with an emphasis on piano and keyboard, yet they don't feel the same. The former has rich symphonic arrangements, a constantly grooving drum performance, twisting bass lines, and guitar that takes a back seat to the other instruments. In many ways, it feels like a classical composition. It is a unique song in the world of metal, and also quite progressive; it doesn't even have a true chorus!

Paradise Lost, on the other hand, feels like it was written in a much shorter time span and is less thought-out. Piano may open the song, but when the distorted guitar enters, it drives it. Even during the chorus, where the rhythm section grooves and the strings carry the melody, the guitar (playing just simple power chords) overpowers everything. In Communion, the rhythm section behind the solos grooves and drives the song forward, while in Paradise Lost, you have a boring eighth-note chunkfest. To top it all off, the song ends with the dreaded uninspired "full band radio fade" that has plagued half the songs on the last two albums; it's as if the band got lazy and decided not to write a proper ending.

In fact, the last two albums have been 99% guitar-driven, with the other instruments taking a major back seat. Something that I've always liked about pre-Paradise Lost Symphony X was that each instrument was approximately 25% of the band, with the guitar knowing when to let up so the other instruments could shine. This is similar to many classical compositions, where no one instrument takes the spotlight (excluding solos) - everyone is part of an ensemble. With the newer material, it is less unique and more of the 'typical metal' fanfare - the guitar runs the show. To me, even as a guitar player, that's boring. When you're a guitar player in a band that contains an excellent drummer, bassist, and keyboardist, you need to cut back sometimes. You can hear this on their older albums (particularly V), but the latest two albums feel more like MJR/Russell solo albums than Symphony X compositions.

Need proof? Watch any Symphony X live video on YouTube and observe when the camera is not focused on Romeo or Russ. Doesn't happen often.