2016 Presidential Election

What strawman? I wasn't referring to you btw if that's what you assumed, I've never heard you talk about Bill.

you set up an abstract "democrat's" opinion for them without attributing it to any real living person. That's setting up a strawman to tear down. You do this all.the.time in these threads.
you set up an abstract "democrat's" opinion for them without attributing it to any real living person. That's setting up a strawman to tear down. You do this all.the.time in these threads.

So if I make a statement about the aggregate it's a strawman. If I quote a person that's just an anecdotal outlier. cf is bad about wanting it both ways but I wasn't expecting you to pull the same thing. But since I apparently have to cite something to back up every single thing I say no matter how obvious it is:


95% approval rating among democrats.
So if I make a statement about the aggregate it's a strawman. If I quote a person that's just an anecdotal outlier. cf is bad about wanting it both ways but I wasn't expecting you to pull the same thing. But since I apparently have to cite something to back up every single thing I say no matter how obvious it is:


95% approval rating among democrats.

It's still a strawman to say the same democrats think clinton "walks on water" are "outraged" at trump. At the least it's exaggeration. approval rating doesn't equal thinking he walks on water, disapproval doesn't equal outrage.

Also a democrat may approve of clinton's policies overall and disapprove of his conduct.
It's still a strawman to say the same democrats think clinton "walks on water" are "outraged" at trump. At the least it's exaggeration. approval rating doesn't equal thinking he walks on water, disapproval doesn't equal outrage.

I guess I'm not allowed to speak colloquially? To have a nearly perfect approval rating is close enough to "Walking on water". It may or may not be hyperbole but it's not a "strawman".
I guess I'm not allowed to speak colloquially? To have a nearly perfect approval rating is close enough to "Walking on water". It may or may not be hyperbole but it's not a "strawman".

That doesn't mean an individual thinks clinton walks on water.

Let's say there's a 10 point scale of approval, 10 being highest. 1-4 are disapproval, 5 is neutral, 6-10 is approval

It's saying 95% of democrats had at least a 6 in approval of bill clinton. I'm not sure any one democrat would say they had a "10" (walks on water) in approval of bill clinton, because of his conduct (lying to the public). Just because the majority gives him above a 6, doesn't mean the majority or any one person gives him a 10.

It still is a strawman, since you have not pointed to one person or persons who actually hold the full opinion you claimed they hold.
That doesn't mean an individual thinks clinton walks on water.

Let's say there's a 10 point scale of approval, 10 being highest. 1-4 are disapproval, 5 is neutral, 6-10 is approval

It's saying 95% of democrats had at least a 6 in approval of bill clinton. I'm not sure any one democrat would say they had a "10" (walks on water) in approval of bill clinton, because of his conduct (lying to the public). Just because the majority gives him above a 6, doesn't mean the majority or any one person gives him a 10.

It still is a strawman, since you have not pointed to one person or persons who actually hold the full opinion you claimed they hold.

As far as I can tell, the question for the gallup poll is essentially "Do you approve or disapprove?". In the absence of qualitative data, the volume of approval is a reasonable stand in, particularly when considered in relation to the current or other former presidents.


But judging by the reaction to the former president these days, it seems some are ready to mention him in the same breath as some of those bronze and stone statues.
As far as I can tell, the question for the gallup poll is essentially "Do you approve or disapprove?". In the absence of qualitative data, the volume of approval is a reasonable stand in,

It's not though. "Do you approve or disapprove" just means people had to round their scales of 1-10 off. So anyone who had a 1-4 now votes "disapprove" and anyone who had 6-10 now votes "approve". All of the approvers could have had 6-9, but that information was lost in this poll.

Just because the majority had a 6 or 7 or 8 approval of him, does not mean they had a 9 or 10 approval of him. We cannot infer that anyone thinks he "walks on water" (or does not) from that poll.
God, I clicked on this thread, not knowing that instead of a political discussion I'd be looking at reruns of a standard statistics course. Anyhow, let's see if Trump does better tonight than he did last time.
"60 percent of Americans regarded Clinton's presidency as at least above average, and 18 percent regarded it as outstanding.
For Reagan, those numbers were 69 percent and 27 percent, respectively."
18% is hardly the majority. And how many of those 18% are also outraged by trump?

60%/18% of Americans. Not Democrats. Come on man, you're slipping ;)
how does that change my point


Pew Research reported anywhere from 35-48% (lower number with identifying, upper number with "leaners") of Americans identifying as Democrats in 2012 (the year of that article). It isn't a leap to assume that 18% that consider Bill Clinton "Outstanding" comes entirely from the Democrat side. With the lower number of Democrats, over half would have an "Outstanding" view of him, or did 4 years ago anyway. Total approval numbers have increased since then, and it would be somewhat odd if total approval went up but no increase in "Outstanding" evaluations. By the nature of older data there's a little but of conjecture about the exact current status, but you can't suggest my statements are baseless. You also are too knowledgeable on this sort of subject for me to need to lay all that out.

Pew Research reported anywhere from 35-48% (lower number with identifying, upper number with "leaners") of Americans identifying as Democrats in 2012 (the year of that article). It isn't a leap to assume that 18% that consider Bill Clinton "Outstanding" comes entirely from the Democrat side. With the lower number of Democrats, over half would have an "Outstanding" view of him, or did 4 years ago anyway. Total approval numbers have increased since then, and it would be somewhat odd if total approval went up but no increase in "Outstanding" evaluations. By the nature of older data there's a little but of conjecture about the exact current status, but you can't suggest my statements are baseless. You also are too knowledgeable on this sort of subject for me to need to lay all that out.

It's closer to 48% if you look at poll results. I don't know where you're getting "over half" (it's less than half) and also you still haven't shown any correlation between the same democrats being "outraged" at trump. Face it you made a straw man, it's not your first.
It's closer to 48% if you look at poll results. I don't know where you're getting "over half" (it's less than half) and also you still haven't shown any correlation between the same democrats being "outraged" at trump. Face it you made a straw man, it's not your first.

Ok bo, you can sleep well tonight. :)