A band no one has metioned...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
OK. I'm sure someone has mentioned them. Pretty much every band that has ever released a 4-track demo has been requested by someone. How about Hammerfall? I'm not a huge fan. I liked the first two CDs, but "Crimson Thunder" was terrible. They haven't played the states much, they have a new CD coming out, and I'm guessing they'd be a big draw. Thoughts?

I like them. They have played in the states already. They did a tour with Dio a while back, I think. Can't remember. I love Crimson Thunder! Okay, cause I'm female and it plays on my feminine side. I like their previous cds too.
Ditto! Hammerfall rulz!!! I saw them with Dio also and they tore up the place! Ever since then I been chomping at the bit to see them live again! They are so great. Magnus is a killer bassist. Can't wait for the new CD!
I saw them on the tour with Dio too. After the show they were all hanging out with the crowd, signing autographs and chatting with everyone. Very cool guys! I must've chatted with Stephen Elmgren for an hour. They would fit right in at Progpower.
They are really cool guys indeed... It's just that I prefer seeing a band that I haven't seen yet than Hammerfall, which I've seen before... Repetition is good, but I'm not sure if I would enjoy Hammerfall that much again... I'd have to see them live one more time to say...
I saw Hammerfall about this time last year. I had been waiting to see them for quite a few years since I liked their first two albums. however I was greatly dissappointed, they have lost whatever they had in the past. Maybe it's because I'm a drummer and their new drummer (as of 2000) can't even figure out what that other bass drum is on his kit for. In my opinion, if your gonna play power metal, playing double bass is kind of important, it really helps add...whats that word I'm looking for...oh yeah POWER. Most Power metal bands use it regularly...see Helloween, Edguy, Gamma Ray, :headbang: Blind Guardian, :headbang: Iced Earth, :worship: Manticora :worship: (can't wait to see them). I know its good to be different, but Hammerfall could at least use it for more than just a novelty on 2 songs. OK, I'm exaggerating a bit, but they just seem like WEAK metal now.

***End Drummers rant***

Thanks for listening to my rant...if you did. If not...oh well I'll just bore my band with it this weekend at practice.
MetalAges said:
Yep, I caught them when they came through. Good stuff :)

Here too. They did a great job on the tour with Dio. I think they definitely upstaged Dio as far as their energy and passion goes, not to mention their great songs! :Spin:
I love Hammerfall. They are more the traditional style of metal. They are like Dream Evil in the sense that double bass really isn't Hammerfall's forte. I know it used to be that way, but they moved on. They don't even like being called a power metal band at all. That's not what they're about now. They have more of an Accept vibe now like Primal Fear had on Devil's Ground. I also love Primal Fear, too. For those of you who bitch about "cheese", I say this. Why does metal always have to be serious? Metal is also for fun and blasting it loud with your car windows down and annoying old people at red lights. Come on, lighten up.
Yeah, this is a band that I always think would be prototypical for PP, but they have never played. Probably because they have been to the U.S. twice now.

I wouldn't mind seeing them on a 45 minute slot but I honestly don't think we'll see them. Just a gut feeling.

And one note on the Dio tour. I thought that bill (with King's X in the middle slot) was one of the best shows I had seen in quite a while! (Even though I had to be cruel to a little midget for feeling up on my girlfriend...imagine a cane coming out the side and dragging off the lousy performer, one of those things... :D )
Claus / Intromental said:
Hehe ... no. The drummer in Manticora is named Mads. Besides, the band are out on tour now in Europe (with Angra), so it can't have been Lars (the singer)from writing. Apparently there are other people named Lars, haha. Perhaps the drummer from 'tallica?:)


The drummer's name is...Mads...??

Uhhh... *trying to think of something clever...*


Fuck it, sounds good! Mads!!! Yeah, Mads!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Yeah 30 minutes was way to short. And Kings X was a bad choice for the middle slot. They let the crowd get down. The crowd hated them. They all gave them the finger with backs turned.