A big fat fucking Welcome to Regimental

the argument you guys are making simply doesnt make any sense. so if the nazis wouldnt have made so many egregious errors in strategy things might have gone differently? thats the point - the nazis apparently were NOT the more superior army. they fucked up too many times.
what youre saying is no different than saying that if Joe Bob from Arkansas would have missed that sniper, the US would have lost. it doesnt make any sense. The fact is the US army fought on foreign land with little help from a decimated british army and put an end to the nazis. the russians didnt do shit comparatively. so they made it berlin quicker than the US? they might have been a bit late if they had to travel across the world and fight for years before hand.
I'm NOT saying the German army was superior; I'm saying that contrary to revisionist history, the USA didn't "win" the war inasmuch as the Russians helped Germany to "lose" the war.

im hungry

edit:mad:gugs, try telling that to someone who was actually there. i imagine they would find that amusing.
taco bell is like the least unhealthy fast food. as opposed to other shitholes, they use actual vegetables and their meat is - supposedly - actual meat.
where? taco bell? its not bad really. i dont eat fast food generally but i did a few weeks ago. was cheap and tasty at taco bell.
haha, oh yeah! forgot this was a welcome thread! i thought we were talking about tanks
yes, she emails the husband and says, "I'd like to present my boyfriend with a video of me giving a guy with a nice big cock a nice slow blowjob. I'm the best ball fondling dick licking woman north of I-70! your wife can run the camera. I'll provide refreshments, and cleanup materials (????!?!?!?!?!?!)"

he says, well, I'm game, but you'll have to ask Tina (his wife) LOL LOL