A big fat fucking Welcome to Regimental

fair enough. but you've been warned. I just hope they cook that shit long enough that the tape worms, ring worms and the little black parasites (don't know what thye're called) are dead.
america seems to have won the war all by themselves...considering how long it took for them to actually get involved thats a fair achievement
mind you the usa has made up for being late arrivals since of course



tanks are cool
anyway got that krieg ' black house' cd off agonia, pretty nasty stuff :)
Conspicuously Absent said:
fair enough. but you've been warned. I just hope they cook that shit long enough that the tape worms, ring worms and the little black parasites (don't know what thye're called) are dead.
uuuughghghh fast food is fuggin grrrroooooooosssssss :ill:

the only times i eat fast food is when it's that or starve, i'll take almost anything over it
cthulufhtagn said:
i need to fix up my bike...i don't have any delusions, i'm no serious mountain biker, but it would be nice to have around

I need to fix up my bike. I don't have any delusions, i'm a serious mountain biker and my bike is busted up goooood.