Asmondai said:
In my opinion no metal band can compare to Opeth, but I`m not a metal expert. I had never heard of Muadlin of the Well, Novembre or Agolloch, and I have ordered cd`s from all of them. Of all the metal I`ve listened to, nothing can even be compared to Opeth without insulting them. To find music that can touch me i a way even resembling Opeth, I have had to search far and wide in many different genres. In fact, when I discovered Opeth I had more or less stopped listening to metal (even though this is where my heart truly lies) and moved on to music that could reach inside me instead of just being cool sounds.
Maudlin and Agalloch are both BRILLIANT bands, and I probably enjoy both of them even more than Opeth...they give off a different vibe than each other and Opeth though. I heartily recommend Maudlin of the Well...some think they are muddled or lame or something, but to me they are just the tops. They are like a mega-artistic version of Opeth that is more orientated on exploring moods and atmospheres through diverse instrumentation, and I've found little that can compare since discovering them.
However, Opeth have a special place in my heart too. I thought all metal was uttter shit, and then I heard Opeth. Whoa, such amazing music. If it wasn't for them I'd still be stuck in a musical rut, now my tastes are extremely varied (if I say so myself) and satisfying and Opeth is the band I have to thank. They opened my eyes to the diversity of real metal. Not just metal that is brutal or angry, but artstic, varied, epic and emotional...bands like Maudlin, Agalloch, Ulver, Arcturus, Moonsorrow, Katatonia, Anathema, Sigh, Emperor, and many others. All of these bands are more than just 'cool sounds'. It may take a while until you find music as great as Opeth, but don't abandon metal, it still has a wealth of amazing bands often overlooked and neglected. Maudlin and Agalloch both SERIOUSLY deserve your attention, as does the Japanese progressive metal band Sigh...oh, and Dissection.
Hope this post helps in showing you even more great stuff in the same vein of the awesomeness of Opeth.
When I started this thread I had a "revelation" of a sort, suddently knowing why I felt like I did about the terrible pop-music, and seeing the progression of music since the 60`s more clearly than ever. To state Opeth as the sole band responsible for the development of the 90`s was narrowminded and stupid of me, but I just had to write down what I felt, and what better place to do it than an Opeth forum? Also, I have willingly been provoking you in the hope of getting replies that I could learn from, and that I have...
Man, Opeth did the same thing to me. Everything else was suddenly completely shit compared to them, even Tool. I suddenly thought of all the great stuff I was missing out on by ignoring metal, and discovered great bands and genres that Opeth opened my eyes to. They aren't my favourite band anymore, but they will always be special to me and I enjoy putting em on everynow and then.

You will feel that Opeth are the be all and end all until you get an ear-full of some of these other artistically kickass groups, I hope.