First of all,
tervehdys vain kaikille suomalaisille! Espoostahan on kuulemma tulossa varsinainen metallin mekka; toisaalta ne, jotka näin sanovat, ihailevat Children of Bodomia jne. missä ei sinällään ole mitään vikaa, vaikka itse epäilen Bodomin ja heidän klooniensa (Throne of Chaos jne.) olevan riittäviä tämän väitteen todentamiseen.
StorTroll: Tja, enpä tiedä. Ainoat kitaristit, joiden tiedän olevan kiinnostuneita Opeth-tyylisestä musiikista soittavat jo jossain yhtyeessä. Täten on siis hyvin vaikea antaa kovinkaan hyvää vastausta...itse asun Kivenlahdessa, täällä Espoon rap-ghettossa. Yo.
Till fjalls: Yes, I have checked out Wars of Winter and I think that even if the realization fumbles slightly at times you have some potential, so keep on working and it should pay back in the end! As for Thus Perish, we have an EP underway, the rehearsals for the recording are about to commence if we are lucky enough to get the rehearsal place we are trying to obtain. I will notify you when something has been released; as of now I have done demo versions of the material for our first album all by myself even though we have a full lineup. These demo versions actually mop the floor with many other bands in my humble opinion, to speak honestly. Something will appear on the net around next month, though.
As for myself, I have played the electric guitar for a bit over three years, a few hours per day. I wonder where my energy comes from. I play quite well these days in my opinion, since in spite of my lack of proper theoretical knowledge I have enough passion, will and experience to actually be a good guitarist - people have mistaken me for someone who has played twice as long, or longer, than I actually have. However, my main focus was, is and will be songwriting, which I have done for six to seven years now with hundreds of songs under my belt.
AttleseyC, I think metal is very much an expansion of prog with various influences from different styles of popular music, so in that case it is rather understandable that for the more progressive metal sounds to be understood there has to be a progressive mindset to receive them as well. This does not apply to the Sodom/Impaled Nazarene part of the metal world, though, even if these groups are not subject to the same kind of scrutiny.
Orchid: "A world beyond" kuulostaa erittäin lupaavalta. Or shall we speak/write in English? I can hear the Opeth influence in there. Which is by no means bad. Generally, it is delightful to discover promising acts emerging from the murky underground of Finland.