Upcoming Album... Anyone worried?


New Metal Member
Dec 19, 2005
This upcoming Opeth album will be telling in terms of the future of Opeth imo. Here are some of my concerns. Peter had some of the most inspiring and emotional guitar solos. Not to mention the great person he is, and he was truly special when it came to the connection he made with fans. The loss of Peter is quite devistating to say the least.

Will Lopez have any involvement with the upcoming album? Axenrot is a great death metal drummer, but, is he the right fit for opeth?

Also, has the grind of nearly constant touring of the world jepordize Opeth's desire?

And on top of all that, a majority of Opeth fans have become really annoying.

Fingers Crossed.

Sure, the departure of such core contributors as Peter and Lopez have taken their toll on the band... I don't think that these moves have affected anyone more than Mr. Å. I see this as fuel to his songwriting fire. I think he'll come up with some fucking awesome shit, like he always does. I welcome the addition of Axe and Freddy and can't wait for #9!

As for the annoying fan statement: every band has annoying fans.
it sucks to see peter and martin leave, but i think having new members could be a cool thing...plus mikael is still in the band of course

like megadeth, they had different guitar players for the first 4 albums and they are all great albums
why would anyone be worried? ... the only thing that might happen is that you don't like it, but there is no chance that it will be horrible music or anything like that.
the only thing you should be is curious. but we still have at least 6 months to start another 384 threads on this subject of course, let's go for it! let's keep talking about something about which you can't say anything at all.
Worried? No, it's just a band. Putting out a shitty record won't give me cancer. Curious? Perhaps yes.
Lol at somebody for beign on the forum for 2 years and contributing 4 posts.

But.. what I fear is that the death metal vocals will sound like a heavier version of System of a down...you know like "whispering conjuration a belief taken form, choking hand tapping the veins in your throat...":erk: ...that would make me want to find a sad panda in me...hope you know what I mean...but if you don't, what's the big deal, seriously?...just askin', no need to speculate it further.

Another speculative (and also importantly charged) question is, will they be able to re-top themselves once again, like they used to perform in the times of the ancient?...when it was just music and all else was stripped out...metaphorically speaking I think that is equivalent to a stripping of a jumper of a stripper...sometimes my metaphoras might go astray, usually they don't, but there is still, - after all, at the end of the day -, a slight chance that my metaphoras might go astray, usually they don't go though...just said it to make things right...my piece of advice is laid down here...let your mind be open and free for all kind of metaphoras, don't consider them your enemy...but never, - I mean never, ever - make yourself pull it up and together.
Sincerely yours, NBD.
although im not worried, because mikael is a master writer/performer, the loss of lopez in particular i think will hurt the song a little bit.