A new, sober, thread about single malt scotch whisky thread.

rent be damned, its Buffalo Trace purchase day!

Buffalo Trace opened my eyes to Bourbon, finally. Thankfully too, since it saves me money over the more expensive Scotch Whisky. Good 'ol USA. Although, I'll always have a Lagavulin or Talisker in my cabinet. <3

I hear the Scotsmen absolutely love our version of whiskey.
Sixth Glass.
Almost got the BBQ but there was no price on it and I didn't want to look like an ass at the cash register.
Will get it next time.
It's probably around $14. Hopefully you get it, it's phenomenal. The Saison-brett is fucking fantastic as well. Actually all of their special smoke stack beers are great.
and save the beer talk for the beer thread, bitches.

oh, and :lol: ...i was reading some reviews on BA and was led to some dude posting his video review along with his written review. Which led to even more people doing this stuff. I was expecting to see Swizzlenuts in there too. :lol: