A new, sober, thread about single malt scotch whisky thread.

Finally coming round to enjoying the Lagavulin 16 bottle I got for my bday. Took me until almost halfway through, which is the same thing that happened with Talisker 10. The first several drams I thought "ehh" the next few "too much money for something I don't like" and then finally "OMFG MORE" so this stuff is like funeral doom to me I guess.

On the more immediate gratification front, I had a dram of Balvenie 17 a few weeks ago, that shit was so good I kept drinking from the glass several times after it was empty. Of all the scotch I've had, The Balvenie consistently kicks my dick right the hell in.
We (meaning five friends and myself) recently went in together on a bottle Balvenie 21 for friends who recently got married. They're both functioning alcoholics, so no risk the booze will outlast the marriage.
Unlike Metal, the only whiskey that matters comes from the U.S.

Before clicking, I knew that would be a bourbon post. :loco:
You know me so well. :kickass:

I like bourbon and all and have like 10 bottles on my shelves but they srsly cannot touch a good single malt imo. especially those from the islay/skye region.
Much like music, it's just all about preferences. I love bourbon, but can't even choke down a scotch. Admittedly, I haven't tried a ton of them and wouldn't mind cultivating a taste for it. However, so far, not my thang.
I like bourbon, but I loooooooove scotch.

Bourbon I have to be in the right mood for.

Scotch I need a glass and my mouth.
I love bourbon but I will punch children in the face* for good scotch.

*frequently punch children in the face after good Scotch too