A new, sober, thread about single malt scotch whisky thread.

I like vodka! Don't really drink it much anymore, but when I do I like Belvedere and this one that I never remember the name but it translates to Four Kings. I think. Most vodka is pretty shitty though, from what I've experienced.

Also since I have an xmas partay to attend in a few hours I filled up the flask with some Dalmore 12. Continually surprised at how good that stuff is for $24 / bottle. Maybe I'll try their Cigar Malt (or whatever) next bottle. OH WAIT I blew like $2149587294856 on xmas this year like usual and I'll be broke for a bit.

Jim Beam here I come.
FYI: he did say mAcrobrew, and he is correct. Except Sam Adams. Not that SA is amazing, but it is at least decent.

Note: I have enjoyed Michelob from time to time.

Gay: homo.
LOL at you guys and your belief that microbrew = good and macrobrew = bad. Suckers!
Oh yeah, speaking of microbrews, awhile back a bad* batch of moonshine got passed around these parts and a bunch of people died and/or ended up on dialysis for the rest of their lives. LOL!!!!!

MajestikMøøse;6813946 said:
My dad got a 21 year old bottle of Chivias Regal from his tradesmen for Christmas, so we had a taste today.

It wasn't bad, albeit a blend.

agreed! good but leaves much to improve upon! i still love my glenlivet!
Are you guys into good Brandy at all?
There is one kind that I *LOVE* and you guys should try:
Cardinal Mendoza
It is superb.

Edit: pic

Cognac I'm familliar with, have not given much effort towards brandy yet. How is the Cardenal Mendoza, taste wise. You say excellent, but I'm curious about the kind of taste. I ask because I'm not big on flavored brandies.
So I'm heading out to the alcohol shoppe here soon. I want to spend about $50 on one item. What do I get?