Trans-Siberian Outcast
Hey Igor, I got a bit of advice for ya, from an old can take it to heart or tell me to fuck off; your choice. All I ask is that you take some time to think about it.Igor_Cavalera said:There's no way you can base that on age. I will be 17 in a week and I've had over 9 years of guitar, drums and music theory lessons and a lot of experience playing live at local events, which ranges from playing drums for my my rock/metal band and even playing at classical music shows.
Stereotypes will always offend someone as everyone is different. I accept your apology and would be grateful if you could not make any comments of age descrimination in the future as it's a very touchy subject for me. Thank you.

Stereotypes are a natural part of our society and are generally quite accurate when describing the majority of a given group. For example, I am a NASCAR fan. I hear people all the time, referencing NASCAR fans as uneducated, beer-swilling, gap-toothed southern rednecks (and they are correct, for the most part, the "majority" are). Rather than be offended by that stereotype, I smile because I know they aren't talking about me; I'm outside the norm (I'm an educated, beer-swilling, crooked-toothed Montana redneck, thank you very much!) and I'm proud of it.
Obviously you are well-schooled and very intelligent, Igor. Which puts you outside the norm for teenagers. So, rather than be offended by stereotypical generalizations of our youngest generation, I'd suggest you just smile and say to yourself, "I know they aren't talking about me. I'm outside the norm and I'm damn proud of it!"
You'll be a much happier person if you take this approach to life. There is no sense stressing out about little shit in life that you can just as easily turn into a positive.