A Weird thing just happened.

Caillac said:
And what can we learn from that story: 1. never open the window when someone stands outside (except you are a guy and the person outside is a beautiful naked girl .. but I'm pretty sure such things never happen :p ) 2. your music was not loud enough .. ;)
I learnt my lesson: Metal should be played at max!!:worship:
Jaso said:
I mean come on.. where does he get the right to complain about what i listen to. If he comes by im gonna play Deicides Suicidal Sacrifice even louder. LOL

This has been a weird day today. Maybe i just should go to sleep.
:Puke: eeh i hate when ppl think that they have any kind of right to say this kind of shit (and not just about music) why the hell do they think it is any of there busnies and that you might actually take his advise. and :lol: its a good idea i would turn it as loud as posibel if he actually shows up to fuck with you again.
I can already geuss that this old guy has led a very conservative, Christian extremist life (it's totally obvious). If you remember what this asshole looks like, next here's what you should do.

Say: "If Jesus Christ was here right now, I would fuck him in the ass and kill him." That might totally weird the guy out and it will definetly offend him.
When he walks away, yell out the window "you fucking moron".
Theredintheskyisours said:
I can already geuss that this old guy has led a very conservative, Christian extremist life (it's totally obvious). If you remember what this asshole looks like, next here's what you should do.

Say: "If Jesus Christ was here right now, I would fuck him in the ass and kill him." That might totally weird the guy out and it will definetly offend him.
When he walks away, yell out the window "you fucking moron".

:loco: That would be the most funnyest thing too see :grin:
I'd open the window, blow a bong hit in his face, and tell him that if he doesn't shut up I'll call the police and have his ass arrested for trespassing after beating the living crap out of him. :heh:

Either that or ask for a hug. :loco: