Ahhh, nostalgia.


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
Right now I'm listening to some songs from the bottom of my collection. Stuff I listened to when my taste in music was in it's infancy, back when I thought Lit and Offspring were gods. Way before I even knew what swedish-metal (or any kind of real metal) was. It brings back some memories.

Any of you ever do this?
I do, all the time... I bought a Christina Aguilera CD once, because she was so beautiful on the cover. I listened to the CD, the song wasn't too bad, although I'd much rather listen to Vintersorg, Opeth, Savatage, and many other bands before her. Guess her looks made me buy it. :rolleyes:... Anyways, I think the songs on that CD is beautifully written. I don't care what you think, it requires a taste. :p
Originally posted by Belial
Right now I'm listening to some songs from the bottom of my collection. Stuff I listened to when my taste in music was in it's infancy, back when I thought Lit and Offspring were gods. Way before I even knew what swedish-metal (or any kind of real metal) was. It brings back some memories.

Any of you ever do this?

Actually the first music I listned to were Gamma Ray and Helloween and stuff like that,
And yes.. I still listen to it (cause I still like it).
Oh yes! "Ahhh, nostalgia"!!!! :eek:)))
I love to put on some music that I USED to listen to,
sit back, and just let the memories play in my head :eek:)
When I grew up I used to pretend to be a rockstar,
playing airguitar to Deep Purple, Jefferson Airplane,
Beatles, Kinks etc >:eek:P Sometimes I put some of the
old albums on and everything comes back.
You can even get back the old smell! Am I the only one
getting the memory of what things used to smell like,
when you listen to old music?

When I put on Children Of Bodom my memories of my
old appartment kick in, and I get the smell of my old
appartment as well >:eek:P

Oh, and you remember stupid situations you've been
in when you put on some old fav's >:eek:P
well what happens to me is that I remember some things I used to do when listening that particular record.
I tend to be obsessive to music, and sometimes I get stuck in one record for a loooong time!!! everytime I listen to My Friend Of Misery they came to me all this memories of my looong night playing Lands Of Lore!!!!!
not smell memories yet!
oh, my nostalgia....some manowar (though I find them dull, but funny :p ) some megadeth, and definately Metallica....they meant everything to me up to 1994 then the new pics came and I began to think bad news they were....I even bought Load the very same day it was released and some months later I changed it for an Apocalyptica cd...
not much bands that bring me special memories since I haven't sopped listening my old stuff...even I can't stand much powermetal anymore!!!
oh! Queen is also one of my PAST (and I also liked Michael Jackson)

fathervic (feeling old now)
I listened to Metallica and Guns n' Roses from when I was about 7. Tried to be like my older brothers, but of course, I didn't understand shit. Hehe, and I also listened to New Kids On The Block (they didn't - and teased me for it) :lol:
My musical tatse was horrible as a little kid, I listened to a LOT of Michael Jackson.........I listened to that for a while, I listened to a lot of Rap as well, that was my primary musical taste, than heres comes along Metallica, I see the Unforgiven II video on MTV, after that is metal, more or less.

My metal taste went from Metallica, to nu-metal, to my final resting place, melodic death/black/good metal.

and THAT is why we dont bring guns in the house........see you next year :)
the unforgiven II?¿¿¿¿¿???? I got hooked by the first one!!!!! on of my Metallica faves...
second part is good but sound a bit lame to me try retake the song in the "new ways" of Metallica :cry:

fathervic (sniff)
Yeah the first Unforgiven is a fuckin masterpiece, I wanna go DL that song now hehe.........I used to have all the metallica albums but they got lost in the eb and flow of me changing rooms and growing up :D