Akerfeldt and Gilmore . . . .

Nigga please.

The period inbetween Saucerful Of Secrets and Obscured By Clouds is the best and most interesting one in PF's career. I never cared for neither Syd Barret nor the bloated, overproduced, pretentios stadium rock crap Roger Waters steered them into from Dark Side Of The Moon and onwards.

You're an epic failure.

I don't know how I'm an epic failure for having an opinion. That's your favorite, great, it's not mine.
one band should not be considered 'better' than the other. It's all fucking good!
Why do humans always feel this need to 'rank' things....
Opeth = Pink Floyd. Both are fucking amazing- in different ways.
Note to self for future reference: Some are too busy shagging kangaroos to understand sarcasm.
lol it is a lot harder to read sarcasm than it is to hear it but ok. good one about the kangaroos. I really have to stop shagging it and posting haha.
Akerfeldt is my favourite guitarist, and musician, and Gilmour would certainly rank in the top 5. A collaboration between them would be amazing, however unlikely it actually happening is.
the op is a moron for posting such stupid shit. why would some old washed up guitarist for a wildly popular classic rock band from the 70s/80s...i can't even finish the sentence

besides, gilmour is a decent guitarist at best, and is wildly overrated. im sick of kids who weren't even alive during the time buying their precious pink floyd apparel from walmart and talking about how gilmour's playing is so soulful. perhaps you should widen your range of listening materials?