album concepts


the real autumnal demon.
Mar 4, 2003
I tried searching this forum for album concepts and the only hit that was any use was the recent analysis of still life's album concept. Does anyone else have any thoughts on any other concepts and themes for opeth's other albums? My Arms, Your Hearse seems like it's really cool, but tough to understand what's going on. And is deliverance following a concept or will that become clearer after damnation is released?
theboinkbaron said:
I tried searching this forum for album concepts and the only hit that was any use was the recent analysis of still life's album concept. Does anyone else have any thoughts on any other concepts and themes for opeth's other albums? My Arms, Your Hearse seems like it's really cool, but tough to understand what's going on. And is deliverance following a concept or will that become clearer after damnation is released?

just use the search,type something like "hearse story" and you'll find it rather easily. I tried searching for Still Life concept and mostly got MAYH storyline threads...anyway found what I was looking for too.
As for other concepts,there isn't any. Although the lyrics on Morningrise are obviously very related to suffering and so on and they're personal to Mikael...but not a concept.
EDIT:Ahhh and no there's not a concept on Deliverance either,they're released with same kind of covers cause they're obviously the two sides of the coin,Deliverance being heavy as fuck and Damnation the mellowest stuff that Opeth has done so far.