Album of the year

MatRattz said:
I guess that you dont like it then? Some say its the best thing they have done. Classic Rock gave it 2/10 though and called it "Misguided, shameful revival of German Metaller's 80s glories". I think its average, but better than the truely shite Rabbit don't Come Easy.

For the best album since Keeper 1 & 2 you want "The Dark Ride" which gets a 9/10 for me. Dark, powerful and heavy, can't ask for more than that.

Well, all i can say is BOLLOCKS to classic rock magazine :tickled:
I thought the dark ride was a bit dissapointing, but i thought rabbit don't come easy was pretty good, and the new album is fantastic!! Anyway, i hope to see Helloween bradford in feb :kickass:
Helloween had a concert in Finland just a couple of months ago and I almost went to see them, but I was lucky enough to listen to their new records... Well, just my opinion, but their days are behind.... have been for last ~15 years.
I never got on with them much.I did kinda like ride the sky.But Dr Stien and all the keepers stuff was just ok.Mind you saying whenever they played any stuff the keepers albums at the rock club i went in 80/90s id always be there air guitar in hand.
WILKS said:
I never got on with them much.I did kinda like ride the sky.But Dr Stien and all the keepers stuff was just ok.Mind you saying whenever they played any stuff the keepers albums at the rock club i went in 80/90s id always be there air guitar in hand.

Yeah never really got into them myself much, had friends who have liked them etc. DJ used to play them sometimes in stairways (a rock club) years ago..seemed to go down well !
I was never a big fan but was once on a course and stopped in the Novotel in Hammersmith and met these guys in the bar and they were great blokes. They gave a couple of us comp tickets for the show at the Odeon (now Apollo). It was very good! Huge inflatable pumpkins everywhere!
liama said:
Thought it was good...

Great No...

the dofference is Kai Hansen!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't agree on that myself, i have got the new Gamma Ray album (majestic) which is quite good, but in my opinion its knowhere near as good as the new helloween album. And Yes, i do have every single Gamma Ray studio album, so im quite awaire as to what Kai Hansen has been doing since he left Helloween :rock:
Matrattz, good call

the Dark Ride was one of the best of the Deris era helloween albums. right up there with MOTR or Time of the Oath IMO.

MatRattz said:
For the best album since Keeper 1 & 2 you want "The Dark Ride" which gets a 9/10 for me. Dark, powerful and heavy, can't ask for more than that.

I agree, I love The Dark Ride. It's my favourite (although most of you will disagree I know!!!).
liama said:
Since we are near the end of the year it is time for the dreaded……………Album of the year thread!! To keep it short no honorable mentions!

After much consideration....My vote goes to :worship: Overkill “RELIXIV”.:rock:

This came out early this year and has not spent a lot of time out of me CD player since. The show here in San Antonio this year in support of this album was one of the highlights of my year.

I have a new late entry that I received as a Christmas present from my wife.

Nevermore - The godless endeavor

This CD is absolutely amazing; it has not left me CD player in a week!