Albums currently displeasing your ass

Blessed Are the Sick musically is flawless but the production is the chink in its armour.

Agreed. It was my favourite for years but I lean towards Formulas these days. It's masterful all around and it's up there with Immolation's Close to a World Below and Unholy Cult for an amazing album so late in a classic death metal band's career. Invocation of the Continual One is unstoppable.
I've seen you talk up Formulas... quite a lot, but I didn't think you'd rate it above the first 2! It does have quite a few killer tracks though and as you said, is a surprise coming quite late in their career and especially after the less than stellar Domination.

I'm so accustomed to the production on Blessed that it doesn't bother me anymore. It did when I first got it.
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Abominations and Thy Kingdom Come are the only quality songs on the entire album. While the horrible production contributes to how boring the album is, there is maybe one good riff for every five generic ones. A bunch of songs have a few good ideas, but they're weighed down by filler thrashy bits everywhere. It's like they had the makings of a good album but then the sophomore slump came when it was time to start putting it all together.
If Blessed Are the Sick had a more vital, punchy production or even a more black metal style necro/cold production, I would hail it as an absolute masterpiece.

The compositions are fucking fantastic. They also re-recorded three tracks from Abominations of Desolation which I really appreciate as that is, while definitely flawed, my favourite Morbid Angel recording.

Formulas Fatal to the Flesh did a track from Abominations of Desolation such justice though, because that album was totally unrestricted in its ferocity.

Mark Shelton-tier fantastic. Repeat generic thrash riff twice, introduce first verse repeating riff four more times, play second riff twice by itself, repeat four more times for the second verse, etc etc. There's nothing amazing about avoiding a verse/chorus format when your riffs are arranged in a totally predictable manner. Slayer did it far better, far earlier. Songs like Brainstorm are just average thrash metal pretending to be something more.
Mark Shelton-tier fantastic.

No not quite that good.

Repeat generic thrash riff twice, introduce first verse repeating riff four more times, play second riff twice by itself, repeat four more times for the second verse, etc etc. There's nothing amazing about avoiding a verse/chorus format when your riffs are arranged in a totally predictable manner. Slayer did it far better, far earlier. Songs like Brainstorm are just average thrash metal pretending to be something more.

I don't care about technical criticisms of music.
Oh no, they didn't change things up enough to keep the attention of an autistic gayboy on the Internet.
You praised the "compositions", which is a technical quality. What is it about the composition of songs like Unholy Blasphemies, Brainstorm, or The Ancient Ones pleases you?
Good job providing a very vague and general definition for a word that usually has a more specific connotation in the context of the medium by which you used said word.
You and your bloody clicky drums. Everything sounds better to me. They cleaned up the songwriting and made it more interesting, the vocals are WAY better, and apparently I'm the only person here who loves the production on Blessed, so yeah.