Albums currently displeasing your ass

Shit, this album sucks besides like 3 or 4 songs. The Apparition is a joke of a song.

First listen. This album does a lot of things right, but three songs deep, these arrangements are even worse than Manilla Road's.

A decade's break, and I still hate this. Boring Anthrax-reject riffs everywhere and the production is crap. Oh well.

EDIT: Actually, the first two songs are by far the worst. Still some good stuff on this one, but I'd definitely keep it near the bottom of the pile.
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... not a good album. First two tracks are far better than Hello From the Gutter, Mad Gone World and Drunken Wisdom, which are amongst their worst songs. And Overkill III is probably one of their best songs. Id probably rank it above The Years of Decay.
Hello From the Gutter was the highlight for me, it's kind of a copy of Iron Maiden's Sanctuary with more punk added but it's got great fun energy.
Feel the Fire is GOAT, virtually flawless. Taking Over is kind of exactly the middle-point between its adjacent albums; the production is worse than FtF but not quite as tinny as UTI, the leftovers from FtF are pretty good but still leftovers, the newer songs are a bit chuggy but never go full Anthrax, etc. Overall pretty good still. The Years of Decay has grown on me a lot once I dealt with all the Metallica-wannabe parts, some parts are almost tech-thrash with how tricky they are yet never losing the aggression, and some of the diversions like Skullkrusher are among their best.

Overall Overkill is a pretty inconsistent band for me though, each stylistic period having its own highs and lows.