albums for kickass solos

Good solo work =/= technical virtuosity. Slayer's lead work is apt for their aggressive and jarring style of music. I speak of course of their early output.
Slayer? Good solo work? Um, excuse me one moment...

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: ...


You are an idiot... Slayer's solos are completely original when compared to their comtemporaries and their chaotic and erratic nature has inspired tons of bands and guitarists. In the context of what Slayer play their solos are just sheer twisted genius.
Pantera have tons of albums with great solos, Vulgar Display of Power is probably my favourite but Cowboys from hell is brilliant. Dimebag was a genius, and a rightfully legendary guitarist, the best showman on the guitar since Angus Young.
I'm sorry but I don't know how any one can say a slayer solo is good! It's total fucking rubbish. They are devoid of any particular deliberation, they hardly have any melodic phrasing, they are sloppy and most importantly they are atonal and don't adhere to any modal structure. It's total shit. Fuck man, I should just guest on slayer record choking a fucking goose, it'd be in the same ball park as their crap. I mean comon a choking goose solo on a metal record is pretty original. I guess I can use the 'originallity' guise to hide how unimpressive and juvinielle it may seem.

Inspired guitarists!! To do what? To be lazy and not learn basic music theory or scalar patterns so that they can just fuck around and make useless noise that 14 year olds who don't have a musical ear think are cool? The only thing slayer solos express is total lack of genius and how they should only stick to playing just riffs.
Slayer actually has some good solos mainly on show no mercy where they focus on bending notes and articulating solos. You have a young band while not being nearly as good as guitarists that influence them like Glenn Tipton and Dave Murray still show they are influenced. Generally the entire throwing random scales together and techniques and adding eerie dive bombs is generally fitting for the band. Maybe the band got sick of worrying about solos. who know
I would say Dave Murray is any more skilled than the fellows in Slayer but I see your point none the less. The dives definitly suit the music.
I completely forgot the famous 'Images & Words' album by Dream Theater. Metropolis I has one of the greatest solos ever.
Necrophagist - Epitaph
Nevermore - Dead Heart, In a Dead World
Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder
Testament - Practice What You Preach For
Kreator - Enemy of God

(any dragonforce album, its 99% solos, just in case you didn't know. ;])