Albums that resonate in coloUr

It's like when Matt Groening made all his characters that odd coloUr to fuck with the fans!!!

Unrelated, my friend just sent me an email about Nickelback:
yeah, they're like retards - you want to laugh and throw stuff at them, but then you feel bad for them.
:lol: x9023857928592579
Some post-rock/metal color combinations:

Godspeed and Mogwai: black, or grey during the really slow and depressing parts
Isis: blue with occasional shades of brown
Explosions In The Sky: red and silver
Mono: deep blue
Pelican: amber and dark green
Sigur Ros: pink
unhinged said:
danzig IV is a class album
II is probably the best
but IV is badly underrated

I always jump back and forth between the two.. but I more consistantly proclaim II as the best, even though it's a freakin' close call! they both have their times, different styles for different occasions.

I busted out III again today since the weather was warm, and it's my summer album.... it's a weak disc, I always skip ahead to Dirty Black Summer and give that one the majority of spins.

edit: coloUrs......... King Crimson - Red has always been a very MAROON album to me. I don't know if the Red title has an influence in that, but the whole album feels very dark red overall. It's a dark shade of something, regardless.
Dick Sirloin said:
Haha, this thread is so gay, it's like something I'd start

That made me LOL because you would also post something like this:

The Beatles - White Album = white
Joni Mitchell - Blue = blue
AC/DC - Back in Black = black

Well hell, look at the 1st page, most of the albums listed are the "color" of the album cover, heh

EDIT: and don't forget Boris - Pink = Pink :p
I find it extremely difficult in most cases to separate the color of the packaging, the name of the artist and the song and album titles from the percieved color of the music.
BURZUM ... all discs, just black and dark grays ...

BLUT AUS NORD - TWWTG ... black as night

POISON - Look What the Cat Dragged In ... rainbow with strippers sliding on it
NADatar said:
If you're like me, the color of an album really does have a lot to do with the music. Always struck me as odd, but hey, when you... *meaningless trail-off*

Exactly what Toby Driver told me when I interviewed him back in 2001. I do believe in pervasive sensory factors related to music, though in my case I think it would have more to do with odours and tastes than colours. An obvious example would be "'N Crugu Bradului" = fir tree :) but there are more obscure associations.

Also it's remarkable how some albums stay associated to books. It was especially true when I owned so few cds that I would listen to the same bunch for weeks in a row. For instance "Lord of the Rings" = "Dol Guldur" (how original)... but also "The Secret History" = Sopor Aeternus' "Voyager - The Jugglars of Jusa", "Iliad" = "Storm of the Light's Bane" and so forth...
The artwork coloUr is too important for me to make my own coloUrs sometimes :lol: