Albums You Would Consider "Art"

He wrote his music duhr.

Elvis' music is still art if people perform it now too. He wrote his stuff. Music SHOULD be timeless, and so should art. Contemporary performers playing things by classical composers pretty much proves that it's art right there.
That doesn't necessarily mean that music Britney Spears performs ISN'T art. It's obviously not HER art, but it's someone elses ART.

It doesn't matter who performs it. it's still 'art' even if someone else produced it and someone else is presenting it.
Yes, it's not her art though. But the people performing classical music now are not artists. They didn't make it, they are just trying to keep it alive, which is a noble cause in and of itself. I suppose you could say the same about Britney Spears trying to keep her producers' work alive in keeping with the denial of high-culture/low-culture art I already expressed interest in up there some ways.
He wrote his music duhr.

Elvis' music is still art if people perform it now too. He wrote his stuff. Music SHOULD be timeless, and so should art. Contemporary performers playing things by classical composers pretty much proves that it's art right there.

Actually, Elvis wrote almost none of the songs he recorded and performed. So by your interpretation he wouldn't be an artist, "only" an entertainer or performer. But isn't the way he genuinely performed those songs a piece of art, too?

The problem is, you can't make a selective definition on what art is exactly. And this is because of the nature of art itself. You may perceive or receive it, but you can't really grasp it.

It doesn't matter who performs a song on an album or a concert. It's art nonetheless because someone wrote it. You may not call the performer an artist but that doesn't change the "fact" that the music itself is art.
...and even the performer is an artist, as they take what was made and create and present their interpretation of it. Just as an artist painting a tree did not create the tree, but only committed his/her impression of it to a canvas.
...and even the performer is an artist, as they take what was made and create and present their interpretation of it. Just as an artist painting a tree did not create the tree, but only committed his/her impression of it to a canvas.

Yeah, that's what I meant with the end of my first paragraph.
V5 I think you are wrong. The song is the art, the producer of it is irrelevant. We are not debating who is an artist but what is art. The song is art regardless of the who writes or performs it. A Britney Spears song is art no matter what. If I wrote the best song ever but was not musically competent enough to perform it, would it cease to be art?
Considering a Britney Spears song art is a subjective opinion, not a fact.

...and even the performer is an artist, as they take what was made and create and present their interpretation of it.
A performer is not necessarily an artist.

Just as an artist painting a tree did not create the tree, but only committed his/her impression of it to a canvas.
A tree is not art. The painting of a tree is the painters own expression which may be considered art unless maybe it is an exact mirror image of the tree which is.

You wouldn't consider someone reading a great speech to be a great speechmaker, would you?
A performer is not necessarily an artist.

A tree is not art. The painting of a tree is the painters own expression which may be considered art unless maybe it is an exact mirror image of the tree which is.

A performer is a performing artist. Their art is their interpretation and presentation of whatever it is they present. their art is obviously not the creation of the song, but that doesn't mean they are not an artist of sorts. On a side note, I believe a tree is art, but that's a topic for a whole other argument and has no bearing on this.

You wouldn't consider someone reading a great speech to be a great speechmaker, would you?

No, obviously not. But maybe they are a great orator, which can be considered an artform in itself.
All art is entertainment, not all entertainment is art.

Art, as far as I'm concerned, attempts to reach beyond and have a specific message. There is a depth that is to be found in it that entertainment that appeals only to baser tendencies doesn't have. (This is not to say that strict entertainment is in any way 'bad' or not preferable to art - they both serve their purposes.)
The primary flaw with this thread is that people are assuming that we can actually give a satisfactory definition of art, which in my opinion is impossible. Also, the use of the term 'art' in an honorific sense just confuses matters. The fact that something is art does not automatically make it worthy of praise or necessarily better than something you consider really crappy. Something can be art and still be a steaming pile of crap.

edit: I also take issue with the idea that metal is forever relegated to the realm of pop culture and that it is automatically less good than any great classical music, for instance. I happen to think metal music is capable of being as artistically viable as any of my favorite "high culture" music (stupid concept). Difficult? Yes. Outside the realm of possibility? No.