Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

i can understand the "scary" part... I don't like her voice at all but it might work out well in a Solefald track... If they were (are?) to shoot a video also, i bet they'd use her in it too!
I found a Norrøn Livskunst review in Italian:
Any chance I could get a small recap in English?

Ever heard of google translate? :rolleyes:

I really don't believe in reviews, especially when it comes to a Solefald one (since I initially hated BfD, but now adore it) because Solefald's albums require several listens, and, perhaps, time for them to grow on you. The guy really didn't like the album, he says it's boring. But with Solefald, you never know, so I won't pay attention to this review.

But it's interesting that reviews are already coming out, it makes me very excited about the new album! :rock:
Yeah, I read the first paragraph with Google Translate and it made no sense at all.

:p yeah the first one wasn't very comprehensible, but the rest certainly was (at least in English).

Moving to another topic…

Feeling incredibly depressed, had a horrible fight with my girl right before the Therion gig (why can't she understand that Subway makes me nauseous? No, she didn't want to eat alone), and to top it all, I lost my sweater of the Gothic Kabbalah 2007 tour.

So in case anybody knows someone who has a sweater like that, please tell me. Thanks!
^ Sorry to hear about that, dude. Hope you work things out with your girlfriend.
Tour shirts are my favorite kind of merch, I'd be pissed off too if I'd lose one of mine. How did it happen?
I think Subway food is super awesome, btw.

Got a tiny question regarding Solefald though... I may have missed it (or forgot about it..), but has a release date been set for the new album?
^ Sorry to hear about that, dude. Hope you work things out with your girlfriend.
Tour shirts are my favorite kind of merch, I'd be pissed off too if I'd lose one of mine. How did it happen?
I think Subway food is super awesome, btw.

Got a tiny question regarding Solefald though... I may have missed it (or forgot about it..), but has a release date been set for the new album?

Seems like the 8th of November is the date, for Norway at least.
:p yeah the first one wasn't very comprehensible, but the rest certainly was (at least in English).

the first part says that 2010 is year of big returns for great bands like borknagar and solefald itself after a silence of 4 years.
but both bands didn't hit the centre with their albums and get softer critics than they deserve because of their names and history.
they are produced by indie recording which is the same label as borknagar.

in the rest of the review the guy comments song by song, i cannot traslate every word because the review it's pretty long, but it basically says that the album is different from red/black and it's more black metal oriented, a sort of back to the roots. there are some interesting songs like the third, he speak of a white voice, but probably is the song with agnete and he didn't know a woman was performing on the album. he speaks also about a sort of rockabilly's style song, but isn't very satisfied by this.
the best track for him is Eucalyptustrees, where the solefald style is more present, good piano harmonies, female choirs, sax and more sperimentation.
but in general the album is below par, boring and predictable.

in the last parts he speak about a decline of the band, the album adds nothing new and isn't comparable to the previous works with which have in common only the name's group. they seem to share the same situation and destiny of borknagar.
^ Sorry to hear about that, dude. Hope you work things out with your girlfriend.
Tour shirts are my favorite kind of merch, I'd be pissed off too if I'd lose one of mine. How did it happen?
I think Subway food is super awesome, btw.

Got a tiny question regarding Solefald though... I may have missed it (or forgot about it..), but has a release date been set for the new album?

Thanks, we didn't say good night to each other for the first time, so that can't be a good sign :p .

Yeah, and it wasn't a shirt, 'twas a sweater, of all things. I can buy one (heck I've got shirts from DT tours of The Mind's I and Projector hahaha), the biggest ordeal is finding one. They went to Nederland too, so if you know anyone who might have one do let me know, please.

Oh god I hate Subway, so much that just entering the place literally makes me nauseous. But apparently my girl can't understand that, and she prefers that I vomit than eating alone.

I think Agah's right, November something.

Thanks for the translation Lefay, I certainly forgot to mention that they're going back to the roots. That, I believe is: :kickass::rock::rock:
Thanks for the translation Lefay, I certainly forgot to mention that they're going back to the roots. That, I believe is: :kickass::rock::rock:

you're welcome!
honestly i never read reviews and never believe to any single words written in those.
i wanna have a personal idea of the album. and no reviews in the world will ever change my idea about the album. and no one who will say that it sucks or is a masterpiece.
i've read this just because agah posted the link and it was in italian and you needed a summary, but in any other case i wouldn't have read this.
i don't wanna have my expectation ruined, and the surprise too. i want to have my mind free from any contamination and other's people judgements when i first listen to a new album. i love the surprise effect. :p
All of the Chilean miners have been rescued! Felicidades Allfader :) . Now let's hope the rescue workers get up safely.
Ad propos:

I wonder if this might actually cause the definite closure of Pascualama, Allfader?

For Cthulhu's sake! I'm glad that this shitty reality show is over.

I'm not sure how it was seen outside Chile but here there are mixed opinions/emotions about it. First, Chile's main income comes from the mine industry, yet the security at the mines is laughable, saying the least. At least each week a couple of miners die or are seriously injured. This is a well known fact here and no one cares, not even the miners themselves. The laws are lousy as heaven in this matter and specially the left-wing governments didn't give a shit about this, just caring for the money and forgetting the environmental consequences of their decisions, including the safety of the people who works there and lives on the near towns.

2nd, the political management of the accident was really obvious and all this shit was just made to buy some votes instead the miner's lives. For example, when they announced that the miners were ok, they did it like 10 hours after the info was available. They didn't say anything before cause they were waiting the arrival of the president, but they didn't care neither of the families nor the possible consequences of acting fast.

3rd, most people here seems to forget those facts just cause the guys are ok. There'll be no improvement on the laws, the employers won't do some investment on security, etx. Nothing will change, as always happens here. Of course there'll be a lot of politicians talking (or feeding, it's the same) about this and they'll present tons of projects, which no one will be approved.

Lastly but not less important, I fucking hate the morbidity of the people. This got so much more media coverage than the earthquake, where hundreds (if not thousands) died, plus the thousands of people who lost everything and the tons of cities completely destroyed. Most of people who survived and lost everything were totally abandoned for the miners stuff. It's all about that in this reality show people knew the faces, knew the exact amount of people who would died in front of everyone. It's not so different than Kaiji - ultimate survivor (incredible anime, watch it if you haven't) where the rich people organized some deadly games where the poor people served as the sacrificing lambs for their entertaining, just for some money what they could win. A good share of people like to see the disgrace of others and hypocritically support the victims, where in their inside they want to see more disgrace, more suffering, more death, just cause is entertaining, cool or whatever.

About Pascualama, I doubt that'll end so easily. All this miner stuff will be put on the table for a while and tons of promises will be made, but as I said, nothing will change due the money. The left wing won't allow to lose it so easily, specially after they got so much money with the deal.
you're welcome!
honestly i never read reviews and never believe to any single words written in those.
i wanna have a personal idea of the album. and no reviews in the world will ever change my idea about the album. and no one who will say that it sucks or is a masterpiece.
i've read this just because agah posted the link and it was in italian and you needed a summary, but in any other case i wouldn't have read this.
i don't wanna have my expectation ruined, and the surprise too. i want to have my mind free from any contamination and other's people judgements when i first listen to a new album. i love the surprise effect. :p

As you probably know, I used to be a reviewer. In the end it was becoming more and more difficult to make the reviews due to (1) time constraints, (2) me hating the web-master and (3) what Lefay just mentioned.

Even if I do believe that certain albums are, without doubt, a piece of crap, there'll always be someone with horrible taste that will like said albums. I don't really believe in reviews, one should listen to the album and then have a personal opinion. I remember my "boss" saying: "you have to make objective reviews", hehe well there's no such thing as a 100% objective review.

Anyhow, looks like Moonspell and Blind Guardian (among other bands) are coming here, which makes me incredibly happy. The latter are one of my favourite bands ever!
As you probably know, I used to be a reviewer. In the end it was becoming more and more difficult to make the reviews due to (1) time constraints, (2) me hating the web-master and (3) what Lefay just mentioned.

Even if I do believe that certain albums are, without doubt, a piece of crap, there'll always be someone with horrible taste that will like said albums. I don't really believe in reviews, one should listen to the album and then have a personal opinion. I remember my "boss" saying: "you have to make objective reviews", hehe well there's no such thing as a 100% objective review.

Anyhow, looks like Moonspell and Blind Guardian (among other bands) are coming here, which makes me incredibly happy. The latter are one of my favourite bands ever!

there'll always be someone with horrible taste that will like said albums --> or on the contrary there will always be some dumbass who will not like a masterpiece!

as you said there are no 100% objective reviews. a reviewer can be influenced by personal tastes, more or less deep knowledge of the band, high expectations and stuff.
and that's why i don't like also concerts' reviews and have always refused to do them. one can really enjoy one show for a lot of reasons and someone else can be very disappointed.
the first part says that 2010 is year of big returns for great bands like borknagar and solefald itself after a silence of 4 years.
but both bands didn't hit the centre with their albums and get softer critics than they deserve because of their names and history.
they are produced by indie recording which is the same label as borknagar.

in the rest of the review the guy comments song by song, i cannot traslate every word because the review it's pretty long, but it basically says that the album is different from red/black and it's more black metal oriented, a sort of back to the roots. there are some interesting songs like the third, he speak of a white voice, but probably is the song with agnete and he didn't know a woman was performing on the album. he speaks also about a sort of rockabilly's style song, but isn't very satisfied by this.
the best track for him is Eucalyptustrees, where the solefald style is more present, good piano harmonies, female choirs, sax and more sperimentation.
but in general the album is below par, boring and predictable.

in the last parts he speak about a decline of the band, the album adds nothing new and isn't comparable to the previous works with which have in common only the name's group. they seem to share the same situation and destiny of borknagar.

Thanks. When I read reviews I do so because I want to know more about an upcoming album. I force out the reviewers opinion, and try to boil out some objectiveness from the review.
For Cthulhu's sake! I'm glad that this shitty reality show is over.

I'm not sure how it was seen outside Chile but here there are mixed opinions/emotions about it. First, Chile's main income comes from the mine industry, yet the security at the mines is laughable, saying the least. At least each week a couple of miners die or are seriously injured. This is a well known fact here and no one cares, not even the miners themselves. The laws are lousy as heaven in this matter and specially the left-wing governments didn't give a shit about this, just caring for the money and forgetting the environmental consequences of their decisions, including the safety of the people who works there and lives on the near towns.

2nd, the political management of the accident was really obvious and all this shit was just made to buy some votes instead the miner's lives. For example, when they announced that the miners were ok, they did it like 10 hours after the info was available. They didn't say anything before cause they were waiting the arrival of the president, but they didn't care neither of the families nor the possible consequences of acting fast.

3rd, most people here seems to forget those facts just cause the guys are ok. There'll be no improvement on the laws, the employers won't do some investment on security, etx. Nothing will change, as always happens here. Of course there'll be a lot of politicians talking (or feeding, it's the same) about this and they'll present tons of projects, which no one will be approved.

Lastly but not less important, I fucking hate the morbidity of the people. This got so much more media coverage than the earthquake, where hundreds (if not thousands) died, plus the thousands of people who lost everything and the tons of cities completely destroyed. Most of people who survived and lost everything were totally abandoned for the miners stuff. It's all about that in this reality show people knew the faces, knew the exact amount of people who would died in front of everyone. It's not so different than Kaiji - ultimate survivor (incredible anime, watch it if you haven't) where the rich people organized some deadly games where the poor people served as the sacrificing lambs for their entertaining, just for some money what they could win. A good share of people like to see the disgrace of others and hypocritically support the victims, where in their inside they want to see more disgrace, more suffering, more death, just cause is entertaining, cool or whatever.

About Pascualama, I doubt that'll end so easily. All this miner stuff will be put on the table for a while and tons of promises will be made, but as I said, nothing will change due the money. The left wing won't allow to lose it so easily, specially after they got so much money with the deal.

Indeed! It was certainly a brilliant political charade, obviously Piñero only cares that what he says becomes the law.

I don't know much about mining in Chile, but I guess it's quite common that people die while excavating and doing the rest of the incredibly-polluting jobs.

It's true what you say about the earthquake, I didn't make the comparison. I'm not sure how that's being handled right now, since you don't really see much of it on the news. My guess is that the government isn't doing anything for the quake's victims, and that it took advantage of the mine to cover the quake-related issues and to gain popularity. Ten hours after they found them? Fuckers.

As you said, people love the morbidity, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd killed the last rescue worker just to raise the viewing audience. I did notice that TV Chile placed lots of commercials whilst the capsule was going down; the BBC at least had the decency to not interrupt the transmission.

I've heard of Kaiji, will watch it. どうも!

there'll always be someone with horrible taste that will like said albums --> or on the contrary there will always be some dumbass who will not like a masterpiece!

as you said there are no 100% objective reviews. a reviewer can be influenced by personal tastes, more or less deep knowledge of the band, high expectations and stuff.
and that's why i don't like also concerts' reviews and have always refused to do them. one can really enjoy one show for a lot of reasons and someone else can be very disappointed.

Indeed! People always seem to go to the extremes. With Dark Tranquillity, for example, most old fans stopped listening after The Mind's I, and hence do not appreciate the masterpiece that Projector (as every album of course ;) ). Yes, there'll never be a 100% objective review, unless it were written by an emotion-less robot.

Thanks. When I read reviews I do so because I want to know more about an upcoming album. I force out the reviewers opinion, and try to boil out some objectiveness from the review.

Tell me how you do it :p because I can never force out the opinions hehehe.
it's really hard to understand what's a personal view and what's a general truth when you read a review. the only "nearly-scientific" way you can use is to read a lot of reviews about the argument and point out the common aspects and opinions. those will be probably objective. but it's a work that i have no time/desire to do, and plus, as i've already said, i love the surprise effect. it's nice to listen to an album without knowing anything about this. it can be a big exciting surprise, or a total disappointment....
the only news i'm glad to hear are those which come directly from the bands, like the updates andreas gives us here. they are pretty exciting, it's cool to know progresses and to be the first to know titles, release dates and stuff. and i like to know the artist's opinions about his album, which are of course not objectiv too, but comes from the mind who has given birth to the album itself and they are in some way more intersting that other's people opinions....
I used to think that reviews shouldn't be subjective... but then I realised that's kind of impossible since it's an opinion not a technical document.