congratulations allfader!!!!
yesterday i went to "lucca comics and games". it's one of the bigger, if not the biggest of all, italian manifestation/exhibition/fair about everything connected with roleplay, manga, comics, board games, films, playstation games, celtic and medieval stuff and clothing, miniatures, card games, ect etc.
it's a sort of El Doraro for those who have a passion in those things.
i'm going again this monday, which will be the last day of the fair, today and sunday there will be a total mess so i'm going to stay at home, like you know, you need to stay in line for hours to buy tickets, to see stands, to move among people in the streets, no parking at all, and madnesses like that. the city totally goes highwire.
it's very funny because it looks like carnival has come into town.
you see a lot of people dressed in the strangest ways walking in the streets up and down...
this is more or less what you can find walking the streets (photos taken from random sites)