Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

oh yes, i've already seen him
the longest and the most horrible hair in the world! :yuk:
he has this enormous elephant's shit of his head attached by only 50/100 single hair to his head.
simply disgusting!

oh i've found a recent photo of my hair.
it's has been shoot by a girl at a concert, without me knowing it, then i saw the photo in metal forum in which i'm in and thought "OMG! it's me!" LOL
it's very little because it was taken from afar and i cutted the other persons who were talking with me.

it's has been shoot by a girl at a concert, without me knowing it, then i saw the photo in metal forum in which i'm in and thought "OMG! it's me!" LOL
it's very little because it was taken from afar and i cutted the other persons who were talking with me.

:lol: It's your first step to reach fame!!!

Beautiful hair!!!! When is wet, I suppose it will be go down your knees!!!!! :yow:
aw all that talk about hair makes me sad... :cry: i've lost something like 3/4 of my hair for the past 10 years and i still didn't get over it... Hair was the only thing of my appearance i could be very proud of, people used to chat me up in the bus or on the street giving me compliments about my hair and asking me the name of the hairdresser i got my curls at (that one made me laugh every time :D)... Now that i lost so much hair i didn't get any hair comments at all for the past 7 years and i still can't get used to envy hair like Lefay's myself, after having been the object of such envy myself for the bigger part of my life... :waah: i wish i could get my hair back... :cry: So Lefay, you really can be proud of your hair and feel lucky you got it so long and healthy!

On a lighter note, here's a picture i just can't help myself to post here... and hope Andreas won't get mad when he sees it, but i just had to... :p:blush:


So Lefay, the pupil has definitely surpassed the master :muahaha:
aw all that talk about hair makes me sad... :cry: i've lost something like 3/4 of my hair for the past 10 years and i still didn't get over it... Hair was the only thing of my appearance i could be very proud of, people used to chat me up in the bus or on the street giving me compliments about my hair and asking me the name of the hairdresser i got my curls at (that one made me laugh every time :D)... Now that i lost so much hair i didn't get any hair comments at all for the past 7 years and i still can't get used to envy hair like Lefay's myself, after having been the object of such envy myself for the bigger part of my life... :waah: i wish i could get my hair back... :cry: So Lefay, you really can be proud of your hair and feel lucky you got it so long and healthy!

On a lighter note, here's a picture i just can't help myself to post here... and hope Andreas won't get mad when he sees it, but i just had to... :p:blush:


So Lefay, the pupil has definitely surpassed the master :muahaha:

why did you lost it? stress? heavy treatments or what????
i know what it means to be stopped along the street, or to hear people whispering behind you things like "look at that!"
a girl at the comics fair even stopped me and asked to do a photo of my back side! :lol:
but it always makes me feel a little bit weird. i mean, i know they are very long but seeing them every day they don't look so impressive to me, but evidently they look quite impressive to other people.
a thing that i like about hairs is that they are always been matched with witches (especially red hair), there are a lot of popular sayings about hair, like about witches who where able to send some fascination on people only using the beauty of their hair which were offently grown very long and of golden colours . if someone gets some of your hair he can have a sort of power on you, that's why in old times people got sure to get rid of them burning their fallen hair...there's a lot of stories about some sort of magical essence of hair (not that i truly believe in it, but the big foklore-lover which is in me does :p)
they can also be used to send the evil eye. and there're also folk beliefs about how envy can cause the evil eye (so maybe is it what happened to you??? :confused:)
i live in a region where old popular beliefs are still strong in some way. i've been teached by my mother, and my mother by her mother, to remove the evil eye, styes and some skin's diseases (i've been teached also to find the water in the ground by an old man). i'm not sure about what to think about this, but the result it doesn't changes, those illnesses go away, and about evil eye, well it's something that goes beyond physics laws.

aw...why did you post this horrible photo?
i feel sad everytime i look at it :cry:
why did you lost it? stress? heavy treatments or what????

i have no idea. The doctors don't seem to know either. I believe it all started when i started taking contraception pills. So i stopped taking them for several years but it didn't seem to help... Then i started taking them again a couple of years ago, but the loss of hair just got so much worse after that so i think it still got something to do with it... I think it's some hormonal issue, and i hope at least some of my hair will grow back some day... When i plait my hair in one braid now it's twice as thin as one of the 2 braids i used to plait 10 years ago, but it's not like i have bald spots or so... If you didn't know me before you probably won't notice that there's something wrong with my hair. But if you used to know me and didn't see me for 10 years and would see me now, you would definitely notice... :cry: I still cannot get used to it when i take a good look in the mirror.

there's a lot of stories about some sort of magical essence of hair (not that i truly believe in it, but the big foklore-lover which is in me does :p)
they can also be used to send the evil eye. and there're also folk beliefs about how envy can cause the evil eye (so maybe is it what happened to you??? :confused:)
dunno, i don't really believe in that but you never can tell... i still got a lock of my bf's hair in a locket somewhere, maybe that's why we are still together after almost 6 years :tickled:

aw...why did you post this horrible photo?
i feel sad everytime i look at it :cry:
haha sorry i just couldn't resist: every time you say you grew your hair that long because of Andreas, it makes me think of this photo. :p He looks so happy here to finally get rid of his locks when all we do is complain that he shouldn't ever had done that :D Unlike you this picture makes me smile every time :)
i have no idea. The doctors don't seem to know either. I believe it all started when i started taking contraception pills. So i stopped taking them for several years but it didn't seem to help... Then i started taking them again a couple of years ago, but the loss of hair just got so much worse after that so i think it still got something to do with it... I think it's some hormonal issue, and i hope at least some of my hair will grow back some day... When i plait my hair in one braid now it's twice as thin as one of the 2 braids i used to plait 10 years ago, but it's not like i have bald spots or so... If you didn't know me before you probably won't notice that there's something wrong with my hair. But if you used to know me and didn't see me for 10 years and would see me now, you would definitely notice... :cry: I still cannot get used to it when i take a good look in the mirror.

if you tell me this, it's probably something connected with hormones.
did you tried some kind of cures? there're a lot of pills you can take for your hair, maybe they don't work, but if you have never tried, why not?
when you comb your hair do you find a lot of hair in your brush? do you find hair on your pillow? i mean, do you notice a daily loss?
i can advice you a amino acid called cysteine which is very important for hair. it's not a medicine so you can buy it without problems and it has no contraindications. i take it at season's changes, in autumn and spring if i see more hair than usual in the brush.
on the third day i'm taking it the fall stops, after a month my hair are more beautiful, stronger, softer and shinier.
you can try and see if it works ;) with me it works perfectly!!!!

one of my worst nightmares is to wake up one day bald so i perfectly understand your frustration!
can i see an older photo to have an idea of how your hair looked like (if you feel confortable, not feel obliged) ? to be honest i've seen a lot of photos of you and you don't seem to have any kind of problems with your hair. maybe it's because you have them curlied and quite voluminous, but they really look ok!
haha sorry i just couldn't resist: every time you say you grew your hair that long because of Andreas, it makes me think of this photo. :p He looks so happy here to finally get rid of his locks when all we do is complain that he shouldn't ever had done that :D Unlike you this picture makes me smile every time :)

ahaha :lol:
i don't know why but i see terror in his face. a sort of nevrotic smile!!!
or maybe it is just me that see this espression, because i identify myself in that horrible situation :lol:
if you tell me this, it's probably something connected with hormones.
did you tried some kind of cures? there're a lot of pills you can take for your hair, maybe they don't work, but if you have never tried, why not?
when you comb your hair do you find a lot of hair in your brush? do you find hair on your pillow? i mean, do you notice a daily loss?
i can advice you a amino acid called cysteine which is very important for hair. it's not a medicine so you can buy it without problems and it has no contraindications. i take it at season's changes, in autumn and spring if i see more hair than usual in the brush.
on the third day i'm taking it the fall stops, after a month my hair are more beautiful, stronger, softer and shinier.
you can try and see if it works ;) with me it works perfectly!!!!
i used to take some herbal medicines and didn't notice any difference. I also had vitamin B injections prescribed but those didn't have significant effect either. I've never heard of amino acid called cysteine, where can you buy that and what do you do with it?
I lose much more hair daily than can grow back so the thickness of my hair mane has been decreasing for years now. Every time i think it cannot get any thinner i'm proven wrong and it does get thinner and thinner... :cry:

one of my worst nightmares is to wake up one day bald so i perfectly understand your frustration!
can i see an older photo to have an idea of how your hair looked like (if you feel confortable, not feel obliged) ? to be honest i've seen a lot of photos of you and you don't seem to have any kind of problems with your hair. maybe it's because you have them curlied and quite voluminous, but they really look ok!
i don't have any digital photos of me 10 years ago, only the real photos and those are tucked away somewhere in the boxes, so i can't show you any pictures for comparison. Here's what it looks like now, you can see it's not much.

As i said, people who didn't know me before, won't notice anything wrong with my hair. You are right, it's quite voluminous because of the curls around the head, because of lots of short new hairs that do grow back. But i used to have so much hair as you do, that covers all the back so that you cannot see the clothes from the back. I guess i should cut at least the half of its length so that it's even less noticeable but i hate short hair and just don't have the nerve to cut it...

I also always feel disappointment when guys cut their long hair, especially for no good reason. I knew a guy with gorgeous red curls that reached the middle of his back, he wasn't much to look at but his beautiful hair always made me wanna make out with him :D When i saw him one fine day with a haircut of 1 inch long hair i thought OMG, this guy looks awful! :yuk::D I suggested him to grow his hair back as soon as possible, but he didn't listen... He's nearing 30 now and didn't have a girlfriend for more than 5 year now, and he wonders why :D
i used to take some herbal medicines and didn't notice any difference. I also had vitamin B injections prescribed but those didn't have significant effect either. I've never heard of amino acid called cysteine, where can you buy that and what do you do with it?
I lose much more hair daily than can grow back so the thickness of my hair mane has been decreasing for years now. Every time i think it cannot get any thinner i'm proven wrong and it does get thinner and thinner... :cry:

cysteine is in pills. here the medicine is named CISTIDIL but i suppose in your country will have another name.
those are big white pills, you can swallow them or chew, you have to take one pill in the morning and one in the evening. and that's all. if it works you will start to see the effects after 15 days.
it helps the growth and it starkens the structure of the hair. this amino acid is somehow involved in the growth of hair, nails and also skin (it helps to cure for example the acne)
give it a try, you can do nothing wrong in trying, because it's something natural we already have in our body. if it doesn't work will will have loosed only some money (here it doesn't cost so much, about 13 euro for one box which contains 15 days of cure)
if i can give you another advice is to cut them quite a bit. i know it hurts, but long hair suffer bigger solicitations than shorter ones, when you brush them, or wash them, or when you do some kind of updo, like braid or chignon or pony tail.
keep them shorter until they don't get better and stronger, than you can make them grow again!
my hair are impressively thin and they have the tendence to break so i need a lot of care when i brush them. i use a wooden comb, and try to wash them as less as i can. hair must not be stressed too much by shampooes and dryer. i wash them once or twice a week, and when you put the shampoo you have to put it only on your scalp because it's very aggressive towards ends. when you will rinse it away your ends will be cleaned by the diluted shampoo that is taken away by the water.
those are the best advices i can give you, so good luck for your hair!!!!

yes from the photo they look okey. that's true, you have few hair in the back but i tought it was a type of cut you decided, something like a layered cut, because you have a lot of hair in the upper part. for me it isn't a problem with your roots but with your ends. your hair cannot anymore grow that long as in the past and thet tend to remain at a certain lenght, after that they start to break, is it possible?
have you checked if those hair you find in your brush have the bulbs or not? because people when see a fallen hair always think about the entire hair, but offently it's only a part of the hair. and people who has hair problems generally loose the entire hair with bulb but they heads look very different from yours, believe me!
I also always feel disappointment when guys cut their long hair, especially for no good reason. I knew a guy with gorgeous red curls that reached the middle of his back, he wasn't much to look at but his beautiful hair always made me wanna make out with him :D When i saw him one fine day with a haircut of 1 inch long hair i thought OMG, this guy looks awful! :yuk::D I suggested him to grow his hair back as soon as possible, but he didn't listen... He's nearing 30 now and didn't have a girlfriend for more than 5 year now, and he wonders why :D

Haha, well, there is some truth in it indeed. Ugly guys are looking better with long hairs. Anyway, I did cut my hairs some weeks ago (the half of the length I had). It was getting to thin and looked a bit like a dead dog. Then I decided to get a hair cut and it looked like a happy puppy. But I feel much sexier now! :D
@lefay: thnx so much for your tips, i'll try that! I also wash my hair once a week and i comb it once a week also, because curly hair is much more difficult to comb, and with the proper styling you will only need to comb it after washing and not when it's dry. No, i mostly lose entire hair with bulbs. I even have been gathering them for like half a year and putting them in a bag, just to see how much it was. Now when i look how much it is altogether, i get a shock every time :cry: It really is a lot, even after just one wash i throw away a handful of hairs every time...

I had that haircut in layers some years ago, but i've been trying to grow it to one length for 4 or even 5 years now, but it seems that only hair in the middle grows long, hairs on the sides of my head breaks off before it reaches the same length. When i had more hair it just looked like i had a layered hair style, but now it just looks pitiful :(

@Windvang: well you are definitely not ugly so you should be ok even with the half length :p But then again, you are not a redhead. :p To cut off long red curls is a true crime in my eyes, no matter if you're a boy or a girl, ugly or handsome! :lol:

@ all the guys that recently cut (some of) their long hair (Naglfar, Windvang, Allfader): care to post some pictures of your new haircuts? i'm curious how you look now ;)
Short hair + clean shaven face is the way to go for me, I don't (want to) look like a metalhead, although that makes perfect sense because I barely listen to any metal anymore.
having long hair doesn't necessary have to do with being a metalhead or listening to metal. The redhead guy i was talking about has nothing to do with metal at all. He's a computer programmer and a huge geek and a DJ/VJ in his free time and only listens to electro. Though i can see how long men's hair is always associated with rock/heavy/metal music. Each to his own of course, but there are certain types of faces that just look better with long hair, just as certain types of faces that just don't look good with long hair (my own bf being a good example. I'm always the first to insist he needs a haircut, while he prefers longer hair :p)
@Windvang: well you are definitely not ugly so you should be ok even with the half length :p But then again, you are not a redhead. :p To cut off long red curls is a true crime in my eyes, no matter if you're a boy or a girl, ugly or handsome! :lol:

@ all the guys that recently cut (some of) their long hair (Naglfar, Windvang, Allfader): care to post some pictures of your new haircuts? i'm curious how you look now ;)


This is how it looked when I came back from the hairdresser. She did some mousse or something in it to create more volume. This is what I meant with the dead dog turning into a happy puppy, haha! Still mousse is gay and I won't use it again :yuk:


So about 3 weeks later it looks like this (just took a picture for you ;) )
With the lost of hair length I decided to let my beard grow lol

PS my god, this is really a procrastination of my study, fuck it :p
@lefay: thnx so much for your tips, i'll try that! I also wash my hair once a week and i comb it once a week also, because curly hair is much more difficult to comb, and with the proper styling you will only need to comb it after washing and not when it's dry. No, i mostly lose entire hair with bulbs. I even have been gathering them for like half a year and putting them in a bag, just to see how much it was. Now when i look how much it is altogether, i get a shock every time :cry: It really is a lot, even after just one wash i throw away a handful of hairs every time...

I had that haircut in layers some years ago, but i've been trying to grow it to one length for 4 or even 5 years now, but it seems that only hair in the middle grows long, hairs on the sides of my head breaks off before it reaches the same length. When i had more hair it just looked like i had a layered hair style, but now it just looks pitiful :(

i'll give you some more tips, i'm a well of wisdom regarding hair!!!! there are people who does very crazy things for growing their hair, i've read funny things on forums and sites, like people who puts eggs or yogurt or honey on their head. i'm not at the point. not for now at least :lol: my 'philosophy' is that the lesser you do to your hair the healthier they will be, so i say no to colouring, perm, iron straightener and such.
but there are some little tricks that people can use without loosing too much time that can help.
- use the wooden comb. it avoids static electricity (that means less knots)
- comb them while dry, because wet hair are fragiler and more breakable. people usually comb them while wet but it's wrong!
- don't use too hot dryer and avoid to dry the ends. dry only your scalp.
- use some oils. there is no specific oil i can advice you. different kinds of hair react in different ways to different kinds of oil. the most used are almond, jojoba, cocoa, wheat germ, argan, linseed. for you elvina is particullary appropriate the castor oil. i know it's horrible. it's dense and stinks, and it looks like glue when you put it on your hands. but it's used to reinforce bulbs and roots. you have to put it on your scalp, massage a little bit, wait half and hour and then wash it!
- never do layered cuts. i know it sounds strange but hair have a sort of equilibirum which is broken by those cuts. if you cut some hair shorter than other they will grow faster than the longer ones, so the longer ones will suffer a sort of lack of nutrition and the will get weaker. and above all the end of the single hair must be cut parallel to the ground, mmm, it's hard to explain it, you must not cut the hair with a diagonal cut because the hair will be weaker and will generate split ends more easily.
- cut your hair with growing moon, possibly under the sign of lion.

that's all for now :p
On a lighter note, here's a picture i just can't help myself to post here... and hope Andreas won't get mad when he sees it, but i just had to... :p:blush:


So Lefay, the pupil has definitely surpassed the master :muahaha:

Wow now that's a priceless picture :lol: .

I cut my viking hair to look a little older, instead I look 18 again. I'm a grad student and I teach college students, and people think I'm a college student.

Shoulda kept my hair.

Haha believe me, it doesn't matter whether you have long hair or not. It's all about the face, and I conclude that because I've long hair but people are still surprised that I teach at a Uni level. So might as well grow a beard or something, that helps.

i'll give you some more tips, i'm a well of wisdom regarding hair!!!! there are people who does very crazy things for growing their hair, i've read funny things on forums and sites, like people who puts eggs or yogurt or honey on their head. i'm not at the point. not for now at least :lol: my 'philosophy' is that the lesser you do to your hair the healthier they will be, so i say no to colouring, perm, iron straightener and such.
but there are some little tricks that people can use without loosing too much time that can help.
- use the wooden comb. it avoids static electricity (that means less knots)
- comb them while dry, because wet hair are fragiler and more breakable. people usually comb them while wet but it's wrong!
- don't use too hot dryer and avoid to dry the ends. dry only your scalp.
- use some oils. there is no specific oil i can advice you. different kinds of hair react in different ways to different kinds of oil. the most used are almond, jojoba, cocoa, wheat germ, argan, linseed. for you elvina is particullary appropriate the castor oil. i know it's horrible. it's dense and stinks, and it looks like glue when you put it on your hands. but it's used to reinforce bulbs and roots. you have to put it on your scalp, massage a little bit, wait half and hour and then wash it!
- never do layered cuts. i know it sounds strange but hair have a sort of equilibirum which is broken by those cuts. if you cut some hair shorter than other they will grow faster than the longer ones, so the longer ones will suffer a sort of lack of nutrition and the will get weaker. and above all the end of the single hair must be cut parallel to the ground, mmm, it's hard to explain it, you must not cut the hair with a diagonal cut because the hair will be weaker and will generate split ends more easily.
- cut your hair with growing moon, possibly under the sign of lion.

that's all for now :p

Nice! Grazie mille for the tips. I do all of those, except combing hair with a wooden comb, oils and the Lion stuff. Will get the wooden comb, not so sure about the oils :p , and would like to know the 'origin" of the moon/Lion thing. I do believe those things (i.e. moon) affect you, so do tell us about it.
@Windvang: i agree, you look neat with the haircut. :) Also agree on the mousse/gel part :lol: although everything depends on the haircut and type of face again. Beard/goatie/a bit unshaven chin often looks sexier than clean shaven, especially if you have very masculine chin ;) Girls like clean shaven because it's soft to touch and doesn't prick while kissing, but facial hair definitely adds to masculine attractiveness/sexiness!

@Lefay: wow, that's a lot of hair wisdom indeed! :D I disagree on the dry/wet hair combing part - very curly long hair is impossible to comb dry, besides it gets all fuzzy and difficult to handle. Although i don't have very curly hair, just a bit, i do notice that it gets significantly more damaged whenever i comb it dry.

What's that about moon in Lion thing? never heard of that. Does that apply to everybody, or is that a specific female thing? ;)
well i don't believe in horoscope or astrology and this is the only thing i do connected with this, because i've seen with personal experience that it work.
moon influence the high tides and also cultivations and everything connected with growing things, so it affects also hair and nails.
the lion is the sigh the hair, the typical adjectiv of a very bushy and thick hair is leonine hair because it reminds the lion's mane. a lot of people born under the lion sign have red hair and bushy heads. so if you cut your hair under crescent moon and under the sign of the lion the good influence of both things will be added up.
for example the best day of this month to cut hair is the 26!
and you better cut them when the moon starts to grow, in the days immediately after the new moon, because the influence is bigger than if you cut it near the full moon.

@elvina: i know that curled hair are difficult to comb and it tend to swell if combed dry, but there's a trick, you comb it right after washing it, then wash and never comb until you wanna wash it again.
Hair. I have shorter hair now, and I like it. Complete with pink glasses and Seattle Sounders FC kit. I love the Seattle Sounders FC, they're a great soccer/football team.

New hair by spinifex23, on Flickr

In other news, my happy brain doc put me on Dexedrine Spansule (ER), a very low dose. Drugs may not be the answer for everybody, but boy howdy they are the answer for me. It's a very subtle feeling, but the depression is just a little less intense, my attention span is a bit longer, and it no longer takes a while go get going on an activity, just to have it putter out after a few minutes. Nor does it feel like I'm on speed, though that's exactly what it is. The final awesomeness of this all is that it's a generic medication, which means that it's a cheap co-pay on my insurance.

And now I cleaned my tub, am all caught up on bill paying and checkbook balancing, and spent 2 hours studying CSS. And now I'm off to see Watain. Night!
well i don't believe in horoscope or astrology and this is the only thing i do connected with this, because i've seen with personal experience that it work.
moon influence the high tides and also cultivations and everything connected with growing things, so it affects also hair and nails.
the lion is the sigh the hair, the typical adjectiv of a very bushy and thick hair is leonine hair because it reminds the lion's mane. a lot of people born under the lion sign have red hair and bushy heads. so if you cut your hair under crescent moon and under the sign of the lion the good influence of both things will be added up.
for example the best day of this month to cut hair is the 26!
and you better cut them when the moon starts to grow, in the days immediately after the new moon, because the influence is bigger than if you cut it near the full moon.

@elvina: i know that curled hair are difficult to comb and it tend to swell if combed dry, but there's a trick, you comb it right after washing it, then wash and never comb until you wanna wash it again.

Great wisdom, thanks a lot! 26 it is! :muahaha:

Hair. I have shorter hair now, and I like it. Complete with pink glasses and Seattle Sounders FC kit. I love the Seattle Sounders FC, they're a great soccer/football team.

New hair by spinifex23, on Flickr

In other news, my happy brain doc put me on Dexedrine Spansule (ER), a very low dose. Drugs may not be the answer for everybody, but boy howdy they are the answer for me. It's a very subtle feeling, but the depression is just a little less intense, my attention span is a bit longer, and it no longer takes a while go get going on an activity, just to have it putter out after a few minutes. Nor does it feel like I'm on speed, though that's exactly what it is. The final awesomeness of this all is that it's a generic medication, which means that it's a cheap co-pay on my insurance.

And now I cleaned my tub, am all caught up on bill paying and checkbook balancing, and spent 2 hours studying CSS. And now I'm off to see Watain. Night!

Nice pic! Much better than the previous one, now I can actually see colour in your face :p you look much prettier. I'm really glad the new pills are working so well :) .