Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Congrats to Germany for grabbing the last 'ticket' to the quarter-finals:) Slovenia lost just now against Lithuania... Not really shocked, it was sort of expected, if we were going to lose to anyone before the quarter-finals I was sure we'd lose to Lithuania who are simply on fire right now. The prime candidates for gold I say. Anyway... this was the first loss of slovenia and it was still a great run. Now we face Greece in the quarter-finals. A tough game as any but I'm sure our heroes can manage another 'surprise'. Anyway...

Russia - France
Spain - Germany
Lithuania - Croatia
Slovenia - Greece
Rivfadír;6508872 said:
Who is it, Isjungfrun? And how's it going with meeting Vortex?

Well his name on things like MSN/LastFM is TimFS, so I'm assuming it is here. We first met on here because I pointed out I like to have more stimulating and deep discussions like himself, so we just got chatting.

Also Simon told me he emailed Silenoz and is sorting out what time we'll all be meeting up in the City, we're still not entirely sure if the rest of the band will be coming with us to go get tattoos but Silenoz will be. See the problem is that only Simon got a VIP pass, but he's hoping since we'll be hanging out with the band before the gig anyway that we should all still get in. *shrugs*

Only a few days away. I'm scared. D:
I'm crossing my fingers for you, Isjungfru.

(yeah, sorry, but I can't help but use the real conjugations for your name. It just sounds wrong, when I haveto conjugate a Danish/Swedish word wrong)
Also on another note.
Simon, the guy who has provided this whole meeting up with Dimmu Borgir thing is now giving me a Bass as he wants me to learn and join his Thrash Metal band. Wow. Simon is such an amazing guy. I have no idea what I have done to deserve all this right now.
Yeah, I know your name, and I considered using that instead, but some people have an aversion to being called their real names online. But okay, Cait, I'll call you that. :) And feel free to use mine too, if you remember it, that is. :p

Well, it's good that things are going your way now, if I recall correctly, you've been through a rough patch, haven't you?
Yeah, life was pretty shitty for the majority of this year but now I don't think it could get any better (Unless Vortex proposes upon meeting him ;3 )

And it's Tobias right? I'm assuming that since it's on your MSN D: