Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Hmm, well I kinda got tired of Diablo Swing Orchestra quite fast. So the same might happen with Unexpect. Dunno.

And yeah, the video wasn't art or anything, but still quite funny...
UneXpect are an amazing band on CD, but live, they something else completely. I got to see them twice since they're from where I live (Vinland ;) ) They just kick ass in show. Novae, In Velvet Coffins We Slept and the Flesh Aquarium version of Chromatic Chimaera are just mind blowing live.
I was also a bit disappointed to find out there will be no special edition for the cd version, but I ordered my package anyway, €57 is totally worth it. (€68 including Airmail postage).
I decided to give up Snus for a while at least and already I'm FREAKING OUT! But at least it's not that easy to get for me since I live in a country where Snus is banned...still.. after 6 years I decided that maybe it's time I gave it up! AND I'M FREAKING OUT AAAAA! Hopefully I'll last at least a month. Optimistic? You bet your ass I am.
It's a type of chewing tobacco, that you don't actually chew. you just put it under your lip, either in a bunch, or in small bags. Very popular in Sweden. Snus.

And btw, Vampyrian. Good luck. It's really hard trying to quit tobacco. I lasted for a couple of months, but for the last one, I've been smoking again. Trying to quit again today. So I guess all of you can wish us both good luck.
Who the hell chews snus?:D Never heard of anyone doing that:) It's described as 'chewing tobacco' sure, but i've never heard of anyone actually chewing that stuff:) And it is illegal yeah Naglfar at least last i checked. In most of the EU anyway which is fucking stupid but nevermind. But yeah it'll be hard, I've gone weeks without it quite a couple of times before since I can't really get it anytime I want to anyway. But I'd like to really stick with it this time. Get the nicotine-craving part of me out of my system. + It's costing me a shitload of money. I pay 4€ per box:/ Too much.
Oh so you just meant that when you have it in your mouth you have to spit all the time? I don't. I usually have it in for up to an hour and I don't need to spit during that time at all. Once it starts running down I just throw it out.
We bought something when we've been to Czech, but it was Swedish nonetheless und called "röda ..." something.
Once we took it our mouth was full of gluey spit and we had some sort of a nicotine flash afterwards.
Maybe it was just too strong XD
Röda lacket, i used to take that back in 'my day':D Not the best of snus, but very easy to form:) You've never used snus before this incident I take it? Must've been the inexperience then. I've been taking various brands of loose snus for 6 years and I don't remember ever spitting while using snus. It's funny tho that the second day after I decided to quit, I get an email from '' saying they're having a 3-year annerversary and they're offering me free shipping for the next 3 days!:D Bastards:) I still won't give in.
To a woman I would suggest the portioned kind. Comes in little tea-bag thingies. I've never liked them myself, I prefer the loose kind, but if you're serious about trying this stuff and as you're a woman, by all means go with the baggies. Still, best to just stay away!:D Snus is evil:) It's great (IMHO) but oh so evil.
I love that you have to keep pointing out I am female, but whatever. I'll take a few recommendations on what type and then at least try it. I wouldn't be surprised if I hate it right away, but no harm in experimenting.
:headbang::headbang:yO :D I'm sitting here in my practical course and I have nothing to do right now :) I'm in a secondary school where I've 3 weeks school, 3 weeks practical course :) and I'm working in a IT-Company with 1 girl of my class :)
It's funny here, I can go to smoke as I want, I have to do some work, but in my 8 hours of work, I can make 1 hour break (lunchbreak) and he said that the most time when I'm here is sitting in front of the pc and doing nothing... :lol::lol: I can surf in the web, going 2 smoke, going 2 buy some lunch or sth like this... and the work is without any stress here... :) keep on support vintersorg :D:kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: