Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Rivfadír;6472650 said:
Hey, Isjungfrun. Yeah, I'm still here, though not as much as I have done. Where have you been?

Hey Hey. Like I mentioned on LastFM my PC broke. The Motherboard fried after my nephew stupid fucked around with the power. I then bought a new motherboard but something was wrong with it and I could not get anything up on the screen. So instead of trying to find yet another new Motherboard (it's hard since the MB I needed does not get made anymore) I just saved up £300 for a new flashy PC. Which I'm so fucking happy with now <3~

Also life is just in general going great. I'm starting Art College next week, I've just come back from 3 different Vacations (Holland/Derbyshire/Portsmouth) Nothing special but just nice. Then I'm off to Holland and Norway in a few months hopefully. My Business is getting set up in a month or two, and I'm currently working on a comicbook with a good friend of mine.

And you? :D
Wow. Sounds fucking great. Well, good luck on your business.

Me? Well, I'm unemployed, out of school, and generally down on my luck. Also, relationship problems ftw. :/

But, it should be okay.
Oooh, by the way. News from Solefald: "...I hereby confirm that there will be a new Solefald album in the autumn of 2008. In my tender youth I used to say "expect the unexpected" when a new Sole album was on its way; now I am wiser, and will shut my mouth until the album appears."
From their Myspace. Very exciting, yes?
Rivfadír;6476016 said:
Oooh, by the way. News from Solefald: "...I hereby confirm that there will be a new Solefald album in the autumn of 2008. In my tender youth I used to say "expect the unexpected" when a new Sole album was on its way; now I am wiser, and will shut my mouth until the album appears."
From their Myspace. Very exciting, yes?

pfft, He mentioned this ages ago anyway when he wrote the first song for the album. *stalks Cornelius* I'm quite excited, hoping for a new In Harmonia or something, Getting as far away from The Icelandic Oddysey as possible is completely fine by me.

I'm very happy and proud. Our national basketball team beat France this evening despite the fact that those guys were huge favorites. They were losing by 15 points! Their team captain was thrown out of the game! The refs made several errors in France's favour... yet Slovenia still came out on top in the end. Really gave it their best and deserved to win. They also beat Poland and Italy yesterday and the day before and have qualified in style for the next stage of the competition. And all this despite the fact that our team lacks several NBA players who for one reason or another decided not to play for Slovenia this year. Now we only have to win one of the next 3 games which I'm sure won't be a problem and we're in the quarter-finals! Yay.;)
Kind of looked through some logos and designs and decided I'm going for the Borknagar Dragons.

I couldn't get a clear image of the Arcturus mask, and the Solefald dragons just seem too tacky.
Sorry but that's simply not true :confused: It takes a bit more to qualify for the Olympics. And you certainly won't win against us on monday :D

You were right, I made a mistake. It will be enough for the world championship, but of course not for the olympics. I think only the top two teams go to China (in this case I'm guessing that will be Greece and Spain, maybe Lithuania). As for monday's game... Well we'll see. We did beat France (who to be quite honest is better than your country) and at this point all is possible. It won't be an easy game, your team are of course the favorites in our case... but then again so were the French.:) We should be able to beat Turkey at least and that will put us into the quarter-finals. We'll see.:) Good luck anyway.
France is much better than Germany. Germany is a one-man team. France has multiple NBA players. Lithuania is very good, but they have developed collectively huge egos. When all is said and done, probably will be Greece and France (Spain is automatically in, if I recall).

It doesn't matter, anyway. Team USA is looking scary again, and they actually are making the team play together for years before the Olympics. I don't see anyone beating them in Beijing.