Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

remix ep? that's pretty cool, but I thought they were gonna release a Solefald biography book, that comes with a cd containing rare stuff? is that still coming too?
I love how whiny Infernus is being. Faggot. At least KING and Gaahl are going to finish up the tour. I need to buy a ticket asap and attend, I cannot miss them live now just incase Infernus does win keeping the name. hmrf.

Also Carcass earlier work was grind then more recently they went into shitty melodic death metal.
Shitty? Don't be silly. Their Heartwork album is ground-breaking. The pioneered goregrind and they pioneered melodic death metal. And nowadays they're respected for both. As they should be! This is not shitty in flames melodic death metal, this is CARCASS! As for their last album, while again being much 'softer' than their earlier releases, it's still a decent slab of music.

As for Gorgoroth... too bad. Their current session drummer is from Slovenia, so I really hope they finish the tour at least.
I love how whiny Infernus is being. Faggot. At least KING and Gaahl are going to finish up the tour. I need to buy a ticket asap and attend, I cannot miss them live now just incase Infernus does win keeping the name. hmrf.

Also Carcass earlier work was grind then more recently they went into shitty melodic death metal.

The band belongs to Infernus, he is the founding father and songwriter of Gorgoroth. Gaahl and King ov hell are trying to steal his works, and probably record sales profits. If Infernus can't stand being in the same room with them, he has the right to avoid them, but for them to try to steal the name is wrong. They should of started a new name and project... not hijack the band.
The band belongs to Infernus, he is the founding father and songwriter of Gorgoroth. Gaahl and King ov hell are trying to steal his works, and probably record sales profits. If Infernus can't stand being in the same room with them, he has the right to avoid them, but for them to try to steal the name is wrong. They should of started a new name and project... not hijack the band.

While this is true, Infernus hasn't done fuck all for Gorgoroth in many many years. King and Gaahl are the key song writers and have been left with all the work regarding the band. They have as much right to take the band name as Infernus does to keep it.

Also thanks Tobias <3
I hope my forums can stay active!
Mein bratwurst has a first name, It's F-R-I-T-Z, Mein bratwurst has a second name, It's S-C-H-N-A-C-K-E-N-P-F-E-F-F-E-R-H-A-U-S-E-N.
Gaahl is a scary motherfucker. This situation with Gorgoroth reminds me of Friday, with Gaahl being D-bone and that Infernus / Infernal whatever dude being the small skinny guy who gets his bike and neckchain taken!

That's 'Deebo':) Man I love those Friday flicks... in fact i think ti was about time I saw them again.