Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

pyle was the one who was unfitting to be a marine and shot the drill sgt. and himself in the bathroom right?
and yes he is...i barely recognized him...i always thought of him as an old fat version of Mark Ruffalo:loco:
and his partner (Alexandra Eames) was shirly bellinger who flashed her vagina on OZ

Oz was full of dudity(dude nudity)...her vagina was like a fresh breath of female genetalia in the show:lol:
Oz is probably one of my favorite shows of all time. Otherwise I just started watching 'Jeremiah' last night which is another interesting post-apocalyptic tv show.:)

In a post-apocalyptic future, a deadly virus has wiped out most of humanity. The only ones who survived, was those who hadn't yet reached puberty. Now a decade has gone by, and a man called Jeremiah is set on a quest to find a mysterious place his father spoke of, a place called Valhalla.

I'm also watching the latets Simpsons episode now, it's pretty good.
You guys must be having a field day now having somewhere you can spam. :p
I'm in a major art block at the moment, I have noooo idea what to draw. Got any recommendations?

Listen to some music.. maybe itll give you some inspiration on what to draw.
And i got the album!
Playing the first track, Döpt i en Jökelsjö. Fucking great:) Very good mix of metal, and slower parts. Feels good to hear some folk elements once again:) Everything is so well done.

But now i dont know what happened to the other two CD:s (Grave Digger and Finntroll).. i ordered all three at the same time, but i only got vintersorg -.- But rather that than the two others;)
Oz is probably one of my favorite shows of all time.

agreed. Oz is definately one of my favorite shows of all time as well. the cool thing about Oz is that the narrator wheelchair dude always gives a brief profile of the prisoner before the actual story begins about that particular prisoner. Overall, it was a pretty good show.
Listen to some music.. maybe itll give you some inspiration on what to draw.

I never stop listening to music, my LastFM proves that. Doesn't bring me much inspiration any more.

Rivfadír;6141379 said:
Draw a picture of Cornelius surfing on a guitar, and Lazare driving in his Macho Vehicle.

And that is by far the coolest thing I have ever heard. I'll give it a go :lol:
I just saw Christian Bale is the really insane one lol. He gained 100lbs for Batman Begins (muscle weight) and he lost 63lbs for The Machinist and 55lbs for Rescue Dawn

Pretty hardcore stuff, must be tough on the health o_O

-is that raincoat, Patrick?
-why yes it is *swings axe*

i can say with certainty that the lamest Batman was George Clooney...he just doesn't have the Bruce Wayne face or the Batman muscles
Christian Bale sucked as Batman. He does not look like him in the least. His chin and face is way too narrow. Val Kilmer's chin was great.

Isjungfrun: Don't forget to show us the pic when you're done :)
Speaking of batman Begins, I really disliked it:/ To me the best batman will always be Micheal Keaton:) As For The Machinist, now that was one good flick... I enjoyed it a lot.
Speaking of batman Begins, I really disliked it:/ To me the best batman will always be Micheal Keaton:) As For The Machinist, now that was one good flick... I enjoyed it a lot.

I agree with you...again... :p Batman Begins was boring, from start to end.
Continuing along the movie path; I just saw a British film last night, called "Wilderness". Really cool movie, anyone here seen it?
Hey Draugen. I was wondering, who did the artwork for your album covers and stuff?

First demo we did ourselves. Took a photo in a forest and edited it A LOT in Photoshop. Second demo was painted by Johan Aronsson (amf here at the V-forum) and for our upcoming MCD, I did it myself.