Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

I can't understand what's happening here with the concerts, it's kinda boycott:mad:

first i thought it was getsmart's fault (the italian agency that was organizing all the shows here) but then i discovered that something went wrong with metalisee agency, something like the agency was broke....

i suppose we have to wait for further news... :erk:

anyway i'm very upset, i've never seen enslaved and i probably i have to wait till autumn, if everything goes right....
are those agencies located in the south of italy where everything is controlled by the mafia?

coz it could might as well be a reason why things go wrong all at once in Italy
You guys enjoy summer because you don't know south american summer :)
Summer is nice thought... you can see girls wearing bikinis! :headbang:

It's pretty much the same weather that's here in Israel
and we got girls in bikinis here too
though we also have german tourists without bikinis
sci fi books here, totally addicted

Asimov, Modessit, Hamilton, Card, Macleod, Weber...

So many books, so little time :erk:

Meh, I just read Asimov's "I, Robot" and was not impressed.
I like my sci-fi to have actual conflict and action, not just philosophical rambling and a list of "what if's".
Brave New World was a sexy novel, but I think Ender's Game is still my favorite sci-fi novel.
I appreciate both sides, but since I have that seasonal depression bullshit, when winter rolls in I just curl up in a ball in bed and not leave for a long time. It also rarely snows here which just makes things worse... because the snow is the only thing I ever enjoyed about Winter.

Although one thing I do love about Winter... is going out in the rain or whatever, returning home in the night to a nice warm house, loving family, roaring fire and yummy food. n_n

Summer has its down sides too. Obviously just the heat sometimes, especially when you're working or doing a lot of physical stuff, just kills you. But it's perfect for chilling out, also gives you an excuse to throw a lot of partys or BBQs, drowning yourself in beer with folk metal blasting <3
are those agencies located in the south of italy where everything is controlled by the mafia?

coz it could might as well be a reason why things go wrong all at once in Italy

none of metal agency are located in the south, speaking of the most important, and few concerts take place in the south, because is easier for band touring europe to go in the north, which is nearer to germany, austria, switzerland, france...going in the south is a long way for them...

in this case metalisee is not italian, i can't remember if it's german or dutch....

anyway i do not live in the south, no mafia here :lol: , i live in the middle of italy, in Tuscany, the country of wine :worship: (chianti, brunello, vernaccia, morello :kickass: )
i do not like summer, it's damn hot and wet here (i do live on the coast)...and i have to work while the rest of the world is having his holyday :Smug:

the only two positive things is to have more light (till 9 pm) and to go walking and sitting in the park where is cooler....
Metallysee is a Belgian booking agency.

In other news... bought myself a bottle of whiskey! A concert coming my way tonight and I want to come prepared. I'll also have to wait out two boring bands before the band I like comes on.:/
Listening to Nargaroth's Herbsteyd right now.... reminding me of the show I saw last october... one of the best shows I saw... True Black Metal playes crudely right in my face... they did Black Metal Ist Krieg (of course) and Vom Traum :D Thats one of my favorite songs by Nargaroth :)
Sorry for the random vanity, but I have been working on a painting for months now, and FINALLY I have become fairly happy with it, minus a few little things that need to be improved. I have worked so hard on this, crying my eyes out with so much mental pain because I cannot get it perfect (YAY FOR EMOTIONAL ARTISTS). I finally finished it tonight, the only problem is that this picture will never properly be seen with human eyes other than my own... because eh.. no one cares about my art in real life, and I cannot scan or take a photo to show online because I don't have the equipment...

All I have is this extremely low quality webcam shot

which does not show the details of course, and for some reason makes everything look extremely blue.

The main thing I need to improve is one of the mountain peaks.. seems too sharp and desolated, it's the one on the right that sticks out a lot. I think I need to make it a tiny bit more flat on the peak, and the entire mountain a bit more wider.
Listening to Nargaroth's Herbsteyd right now.... reminding me of the show I saw last october... one of the best shows I saw... True Black Metal playes crudely right in my face... they did Black Metal Ist Krieg (of course) and Vom Traum :D Thats one of my favorite songs by Nargaroth :)

I did not know Nargaroth is even known outside Germany (except for Black Metal ist Krieg (of course :lol:)), but that they (or he) played a concert in Canada totally surprises me!


All I have is this extremely low quality webcam shot

which does not show the details of course, and for some reason makes everything look extremely blue.

the picture looks awesome! are we gonna know the true promise of that piece soon? I hope so! :)

Well, lads, I'm going to the Czech Republic for 2 weeks tomorrow. I hope to see beautiful landscapes, wolfs and lots of castles or at least their ruins (Trosky Castle). OMG, I'm so excited! :lol:
It's a shame because I have such a strong passion for painting, but I can't get anywhere with it. At most... some guy from Argentina said if he bothers to form his band... he wants me to paint a landscape for his albums, but it's never going to happen. Like I said I lack the equipment to actually show a proper full detail picture online, so I doubt I can ever show you guys the proper piece.
But thanks for the nice comments guys. I just wished I could finally get a lucky break ;_;