Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

So, I was browsing through old journal entries.. and I found a quick convo with my housemate.

Jewbacca says: XD HAHAHA
Torchy Thompson says: Vintersorg was unhappy with his meal.

Yes we still joke about the Cheeseburger Madness even today.
and one with Cornelius because he seems to always reply to me quoting shit from Wotan, or just in general talking rather weird.

Charlie Jakhelln - Student of the Avant-Garde says: Cornelius ftw
Jewbacca says: yus i wuv him
Charlie Jakhelln - Student of the Avant-Garde says: more than Andreas?
Jewbacca says: D: I dunno, atleast Cornelius talks to me ;_;
Charlie Jakhelln - Student of the Avant-Garde says: I want to add him on myspace and send him messages like "how can I be avant garde too?"
Charlie Jakhelln - Student of the Avant-Garde says: and he'll probably reply with "follow not the even sun as it retreats from mortal eye, but elope with the shadow that you may become immortal, aye. Thus spake Corny"

Yes I need a life ._.
Rivfadír;6185402 said:
Wow. Quitting smoking is hard... :/

I thank almighty Satan for my father's got him to quit cold turkey 16 years ago after almost 10 years of smoking...
also got me scared nearly to death when i was a kid so i never started smoking in the first place.

fags(not the gay people) are evil and they make a mysterious hole in your wallet
Yeah, I know. And I've used it before. But then I would just be addicted to something else, and that's not what I want to do. Oh well, just gotta try to get through it.
Well that's true... I've never smoked myself, been on snus for the past 5,6 years tho and at times I think of quitting aswell... but can't:D The fact that it's banned over here limits my consumption A LOT tho, way more than I'd care for:/ I sometimes go weeks without the stuff... but I always return to my dark master:D As long as they keep proving that it doesn't cause cancer, I'm fine with that.
should do like stephen king does in his short story

**phone rings**
"Hello sir, I work for the agency you hired, asking for our program to help you stop smoking. I'm calling to tell you we have your wife and you two daughters and we'll torture them in the most horrible ways until you stop smoking. Have a nice day."
Rivfadír;6186265 said:
I thought it caused mouth and throat cancer? Isn't that what the packages say?

Nope, those are lies.

The Swedish government has studied this stuff to death, and to date, there is no compelling evidence that it has any adverse health consequences. ... Whatever they eventually find out, it is dramatically less dangerous than smoking.

Fact is tho, you'd have to consume the equivalent weight of a small car of snus per day, to be at risk of cancer.
I'm addicted to caffeine, if that counts.

seriously, I've smoked before, and still do pretty much everytime I'm at a party with my friends (which is not very often, hehe). But i've never bought a single packet of cigarettes myself.
I think it's pretty cool to have that kind of "will", if you know what i'm saying

also, most of the dangers mentioned on the packets are a load of crap.. it's like when you're going to a McDonalds for some food, there's this super-obese fat guy standing at the entrance, warning you about the dangers of fast-food.. :Smug: