Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

also, most of the dangers mentioned on the packets are a load of crap.. it's like when you're going to a McDonalds for some food, there's this super-obese fat guy standing at the entrance, warning you about the dangers of fast-food.. :Smug:

I can't believe some people still don't realize that all this shit is dangerous on the long run. Sure, if you take ONE cig every week, or go to the fast food once a week, you won't die, but smoking 2 packs a days, thats digging your grave, and so is going to the fast food too often.

Over half of the american population is obese and pretty much dying in their grease, what more do you people want as a proof? :err:

A friend of mine went to Tenesse last summer, he drove there. He stopped in many places along his way, to eat and sleep. He stopped in supermarkets that didnt have a fruits & vegetables section large enough to fill a single shopping cart. But if you wanted fried-and-fried-and-fried-and-refried-again chicken though, a quarter of the store was only for that. The problem is that people don't know, or don't realise, because they're not told and they don't have access to the problem information about all the **bullshit** they eat. And I STRONGLY insist on the word **BULLSHIT**.
OVER HALF? Now that's bullshit man:) I wager most of those 'half' are just a few pounds overweight.

The obesity epidemic is bullshit.

But yeah, eating mcdonalds food every day can't be healthy for you.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute defines overweight as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 29.9 and obese as having a BMI of 30 or greater.

bmi = mass / lenght^2

so Avarage-length-Joe of 6 foot tall would weigh 200 pounds.
if over half of the American population were that obese (by definition), i think our dear friend Bush would be in a lot of trouble. I agree with Vampyrian, you're talking bullshit Alec :p
Then you dont watch the same news channels and reports on the subject that we have in Canada, and that they have in France and the UK and pretty much every other occidental country, save the US of course.

You guys should do you own research instead of accusing my of talking bullshit.

And where are you two guys from anyway? Have you even ever been in the states? And I mean the southern regions, the redneck "Im'a have three cans o' Dr Pepper for breakfast at 6am and shoot me a squirrel in my backyard for BBQ"
Alec said:
You guys should do you own research instead of accusing my of talking bullshit.
someone's pissed off :lol:

I simply pointed out that for someone to be by definition 'obese', you really, really have too much weight (look at the equation and example i've posted above). you probably based your statement on some recent crackpot study from a cheap tabloid in which they also claim the moon landing was a hoax :loco: but you're not gonna tell me that they said that all over national television on major news stations.

no seriously man, i didnt mean to offend you, neither did Vampyrian (I hope..), it's just that it really IS bullshit that half the American population is obese BY DEFINITION.

btw i'm from Holland and people here are pretty fat as well :Smug:
i had mcdonnald's once a year and a half ago...and my stomach hurt afterwards and my shit came out in various shapes that were anything but normal...if your shit looks funny it can't be good for you.

I myself am slightly overweight...i thought i ate healthy but couldn't lose weight despite exersizing
i just recently found the source of the problem(this week really)...i've been looking on the energy levels of everything i eat and some of it stated kcal(per 100 gr)...i've reduced my daily intake to 1200 calories,i am not starving and i have lots of fibers and i lost almost 1.5 kilos(almost 3.5lbs) just this week so...ehm yay!

in general i agree with alec completely
these things hurt people on the long run...and off course there will always be the guy that says "my grandad smoked from age 15 until he died at 90"
and i tell them how many more people do you know that are smokers and lived to that age?
The Body Mass Index or BMI is bullshit. The problem with the government using BMI as a barometer of health, is basically saying if you weigh a certain amount relative to your height, you can tell how healthy you are.

Another problem with the government using BMI as a barometer of health for the population is that it basicly says that everybody needs to be a certain weight or within a certain height range in order to be healthy... I mean for some people who are naturally thin, being thin is a good weight, for people who are naturally heavier, being heavier is a good weight.

Turns out the BMI was inventend by a 19th century Belgian mathmatician trying to tie 19th century body statistics to 19th century sociology. It wasn't even meant to tell Belgians in 1840 what they were supposed to weigh, let alone tell 21st century individuals wether they're in shape.
According to the BMI formula George Clooney and Russel Crowe are OBESE. It is bullshit.

And you said 'OVER HALF' man:) Do you even realise how many people that is?:D That's half of the entire country (in your words, or whatever your source is, which is wrong btw no doubt about it) OBESE. And like I said, most of those are probably just a few pounds overweight and that's the truth or at least way, way more likely to be the truth. And no I haven't been in the USA, but even if you were have you seen half the american population during your visit?:) I'm not trying to offend you, I'm trying to educate you:D Kidding:) I'm just providing my own views (or other people's views that i've come to accept) on the subject.

I'll say tho that there probably is 'A LOT' of fat people in the states and probably a large number of people too fat. But being fat doesn't make them stupid. They have bigger problems than that IMO. For example, I find it more scary that way too many people over there don't believe in Evolution.:) Now that makes them stupid:D The portion of America (which is sadly quite large) that doesn't believe in Evolution and chooses to believe in Creationism that is.
BMI is indeed bullcrap because it has no indication of bodyfat precentage

you can be huge muscles and be considered overweight according to bmi when in fact you're just buffed like Peter Andre the twat.
I have light bones...when i was at the top of my shape i was considered underweight according to BMI

what really matters is the bodyfat to body mass ratio
Yes, I realise over half the country means something around 75 millions people, and this is taken from a very well known Quebec science program which is on the air of Société Radio-Canada, the francophone side of the national governmental television channel, who themselves often take their sources from science reports from the BBC, British Broadcasting Channel.

As for seeing half of the american population, I myself have been to Atlanta, Alabama, stae of New York, Vermont and the state of Washington near Seatle, a few friends of mine went to New York City, Boston, Atlantic City, Washington, Virginia, Maryland, Maine, Vermont, California, Florida, and two friends of mine did a road trip that took them through half the country, going from Montreal to Beachgrove, Tennesse (Rochester, Buffalo, Cleaveland, Columbus, Louisville, Nashville, to name the larger towns they saw) and everyone I talk to says the same : in the "high living" areas such as New York, Los Angeles, the well-known and touristic area, people are shall we say "normal", but as soon as you go out of those places and into the "real" united states, here's what happens :

1- people don't have a clue where Canada is, often they dont even know *what* Canada is (the people in Beachgrove where my friend went, they sent a letter to him, and they went to the post office, saying they wanted their letter to be sent to Kanada -they said Kanada as a joke - well the lady at the office spent 15 minutes looking in the K section of her mail codes book trying to find that country)

2- people are clueless as to what food is good and what food is bad (I exagerated for the squirrel BBQ but my friend have been offered cans of Dr Pepper for breakfast, and the whole family, kids included, were up to their 3rd can at 7 in the morning, except the old uncle who had started his 5 liter box of red wine)

3- While in Atlanta and Alabama, I can't remember seeing a single good looking woman, most people were definitely overweight, and a minority were just slim as hell (malnutrition for both cases, believe it or not). My friends who did that road trip remember seeing ONE good looking girl, in Columbus I think it was, and even there according to them it was pretty average. Laugh if you want, thats still not natural. They went to eat in lots of fast food places, and in most of those places (I can testify to this as well) the seats at the tables were much much wider than those we can see in Canada, or in France or in British Columbia for that matter (I can tell as I've been there). If the restaurants have to make the benches wider, it means the customers' arses are wider, meaning overweight in a rather large percentage.

You guys don't seem to realise that all this freaky stuff you hear about the United States is real. That all I'm trying to show you here. Whatever dumb crazy bullshit you hear about the US, chances are, its real, and very often its even common sight there. Thats just how bad things are in that country.

But being fat doesn't make them stupid.
no, they're fat and stupid out of their own doing, they dont need a cause-consequence relation to be both at the same time...

EDIT 2 : Just wanna add, I'm the first to say there are good smart and totally normal people in the states. But they're becoming rarer every day.

Yeah but man, we're both telling you that the obesity thing is rated with the BMI, which makes it invalid since the BMI thing itself can't be used to measure obesity. According to the BMI people who have big muscles are OBESE. Hence the data is very much flawed. You said 'half the country is obese'. Half the country may be overweight (which includes just being a few pounds overweight and the LARGE people and everybody inbetween), but not OBESE:) That's the point. And I'm not saying that America might not be the world's fatest nation... I might agree to that, but I won't agree to half the country being obese:) Because it's nonsense.

PS: Download 'Penn & Teller: Bullshit!', season 5, episode 1, the title is 'Obesity', it talks about the very same thing, they debunk the whole 'obesity epidemic' thing. Very interesting.
1- people don't have a clue where Canada is, often they dont even know *what* Canada is (the people in Beachgrove where my friend went, they sent a letter to him, and they went to the post office, saying they wanted their letter to be sent to Kanada -they said Kanada as a joke - well the lady at the office spent 15 minutes looking in the K section of her mail codes book trying to find that country)

somebody is a godspeed you black emperor fan:headbang:
I just returned home from the theatre, watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End.

it's pretty cool, in fact I think it's awesome, but not as good as part 1 or 2. the storyline is too complex and gets boring, however, the action scenes and special effects are amazing.
Well, my sister is living in Michigan now, and she said that there they didn’t have too many fat people compared to Brazil, just a little bit. And I shall say that here in Brazil it’s hard to find someone actually OBESE, people here care too much about beauty (and that sucks too!). If americans only care about money, brazilians only care about their appearance, which really pisses me off, I don’t know how it is like in other countries.

For example, I find it more scary that way too many people over there don't believe in Evolution.:) Now that makes them stupid:D The portion of America (which is sadly quite large) that doesn't believe in Evolution and chooses to believe in Creationism that is.

Argh! I can’t stand those creationists! (Sorry if someone here supports creationism, I respect your choice, but this is really what I feel about it) At my school, being extremely religious, they only teach about that divine creationism! Man, I wonder… How can people be SO stupid believing that the world was created 6000 years ago? If god created the world, who created god? He just appeared? In the middle of nothing?
I just wanted to ask you guys, what life origin idea does Mr.V support? I mean, he is always writing, about cosmos and those all those kinds of things.
Argh! I can’t stand those creationists! (Sorry if someone here supports creationism, I respect your choice, but this is really what I feel about it) At my school, being extremely religious, they only teach about that divine creationism! Man, I wonder… How can people be SO stupid believing that the world was created 6000 years ago? If god created the world, who created god? He just appeared? In the middle of nothing?
I just wanted to ask you guys, what life origin idea does Mr.V support? I mean, he is always writing, about cosmos and those all those kinds of things.

Don't apologise man! Whoever believes in Creationism is an idiot, plain and simple. The fact that those fucks actually want to teach this bullshit as SCIENCE is even more stupid. Creationism or Inteligent Design, it's all just crazy. And fuck man really? It's being taught INSTEAD of Evolution? Now that's just sick. That shouldn't be happening in a modern world. Let them teach that idiocy in churches, but not in schools. It's just sad ain't it? They're practically brainwashing a whole new generation and that's not gonna help them further down the road of life... That's not gonna help the world:/
Don't apologise man! Whoever believes in Creationism is an idiot, plain and simple. The fact that those fucks actually want to teach this bullshit as SCIENCE is even more stupid.

It’s just like you said! They are teaching us creationism instead of evolutionism, as a proved scientific fact. They even try to explain the creationism in the scientific method! Believe me or not, that’s what I am learning at school.

Creationism or Inteligent Design, it's all just crazy. And fuck man really? It's being taught INSTEAD of Evolution? Now that's just sick. That shouldn't be happening in a modern world. Let them teach that idiocy in churches, but not in schools. It's just sad ain't it? They're practically brainwashing a whole new generation and that's not gonna help them further down the road of life... That's not gonna help the world:/

Intelligent Design is simply the biggest bullshit! Can you imagine some “nobody” creating life being? Where that creator came from? And how did he create?

They do some kind of blackmail, they say that you won’t be happy without god!
And it’s so sad to see some of my friends beginning to believe in what they say!
They “teach” this about everyday, it’s not hard to start believing then. But I am quite hard-headed, I am not going to believe in creationism!
Man! I need to get out of that school quickly! Besides having to cut my hair, I have to endure their stupid rules and extreme religious fanaticism!
They “teach” this about everyday, it’s not hard to start believing then. But I am quite hard-headed, I am not going to believe in creationism! Man! I need to get out of that school quickly! Besides having to cut my hair, I have to endure their stupid rules and extreme religious fanaticism!

Right on!:D It really isn't hard to start believing, of course not, not with so many people telling you this shit, but one has to stay true. I was raised Catholic and used to go to Church and also to some sort of 'religion class' every week when I was a kid (from 7 years 'till 12 or so) and it's hard to just throw all that away, but I managed. Let anybody believe whatever they want to believe but they should keep it away from schools and the government and most of all just keep their religion to themselves.

The world is ancient and vast. The Big Bang occurred 13.7 billion years ago; the earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old; life itself (single-cell organisms) emerged a few hundred million years later; dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago; and modern humans developed from ancestral hominids around 100,000 years ago.

This is what I believe. It is supported by countless facts and data and research. And on the other side we have:

A world created by God 6,000 years ago; a great deluge covered the earth 4,400 years ago; species have gone extinct within the last several thousand years and no new species have evolved; and the savior came 2,000 years ago and will come again soon to wrap up the whole enchilada.

Right on!:D It really isn't hard to start believing, of course not, not with so many people telling you this shit, but one has to stay true. I was raised Catholic and used to go to Church and also to some sort of 'religion class' every week when I was a kid (from 7 years 'till 12 or so) and it's hard to just throw all that away, but I managed. Let anybody believe whatever they want to believe but they should keep it away from schools and the government and most of all just keep their religion to themselves.

Haha! :lol: I was baptized Lutheran, but actually I never used to go to church. When I was around 11 I started to get interested in history, so I could see what really the churches were. My father didn’t influence me when I was little in his kind of atheist/agnostic thinking. But then, I started to talk whit him about religion and we started to share opinions against ridiculous things that the church did and do. By 13 years old I considered myself as an extreme atheist. But now a days, years later, I must say that I consider myself as an agnostic person. Even thought, I am more atheist than theist!

Creationism still sucks!

I wonder, how many times the bible has been modified?