Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Rivfadír;6198751 said:
YAY! Got my Solefald rereleases

We do have a 'Last CD you bought' thread man;) I know this is supposed to be a 'random anything thread' but... I'm in a naggin' kind of mood:D

Sorry:D Anyway, the presidental elections are coming next year and a new candidate stepped up today (there's now 2 official candidates + one unofficial, he hasn't confirmed his candidacy yet) and he seems like the guy for me... He's basically saying that he's different from the other candidate (or candidates) because he is indeed willing to put the problems, needs and wishes of the Slovene population first. It might seem like a 'duh' kind of thing but it is true that the other candidate(s) seem like they'd let the EU or NATO push them around too much, that they'd be willing to to push the problems of the slovene population aside for the greater interesses (sic) of the EU and NATO. Of course that's not all I'm going with, but it's a big thing. We do have problems of our own over here and some of them still haven't been taken care of and I think he's the guy who could fix them. We'll see how it goes, he's also very much against the Catholic Church and that's something that I'd like in a president. His political attitudes are somewhat left wing and populist. I say, that's great! The other guy used to be the leader of the 'Christian Democratic Party of Slovenia' (which has since merged with other parties) so fuck him.

Remember, if you don't vote, you get morons in charge!

Rant OFF.
Are you guys obliged to vote? Or just votes how wants to?
Here, being older than 18, you are obliged to vote.

Blargh! All my family voted, even so we got a moron in charge.
You don’t know how much I hate our president.

He is such a blockhead, he can’t even speak his own language.
I know Vampyrian. But I think it's okay that I posted it here, as I was talking about how happy I was that I've got them, not merely telling you that I bought them... *looks around and hurries over to the new cd's thread*
Rivfadír;6199779 said:
I know Vampyrian. But I think it's okay that I posted it here, as I was talking about how happy I was that I've got them, not merely telling you that I bought them... *looks around and hurries over to the new cd's thread*

Of course man:D I said I was sorry... sorry:) Glad that you're happy.:D

We are not obliged to vote, it's not mandatory. But I still prefer to vote rather than not vote... the least that one could do is just go there and fill in your name but not vote for anybody:) Sorry about your president, hopefully times will change. Our president nowadays is pretty much... well I think he should've been out of his office a long ago, he's been really sick and he's sought out alternative medicine people like shamans:D And I think he's gone a bit crazy from it:)
Remember, if you don't vote, you get morons in charge!
in the words of south park
"You always have to pick between a giant douche and a turd sandwich"

there are plenty of countries with no good candidates for president/prime minister at the elections
should just pick the lesser evil and hope for the best

i believe that most politicians went to politics in the idea that they could make their country a better place to live and make a change for the better...but somewhere along the way the power corrupted them.
now about the creationism...those fanatics have their foot so deep up their asses that they don't see what the old testament itself is saying...
at the begining of the book of genesis, it says man was created on the sixth day and yada yada yada needed to mate like the animals and was bored etc etc so god put adam to sleep and took one of his ribs and made a woman out of it and she was called eve.
in genesis 2(or 3 don't remember exactly but it's there) there's a different story of creation that's contredictory to the first one in which also the man and the woman were created at the same time.
That's true, there are two different stories. But however they say it all began, it's still pretty much a joke:) The bible is full of inaccuracies and what's another issue here is that if Christians believe that their God is infalibale (sic) and then pick and choose which 'rules' to believe, what does that make them?
I recommend watching this clip. They say it so much better than me:)

While on the subject, I'd also like to recommend 'The God Who Wasn't There', a splendid documentary.
i saw that once news there for me at least
but i study this as part of my university duties and as a hobby of prove beyond a shaddow of a doubt that religion is bullshit

I do believe in god but i see god as the universe and the chains events...god being space and time and not god controlling space and time
i saw that once news there for me at least but i study this as part of my university duties and as a hobby of prove beyond a shaddow of a doubt that religion is bullshit

I do believe in god but i see god as the universe and the chains events...god being space and time and not god controlling space and time

Well good for you, but I was posting it for everybody who has an interest in such things to see too:)

What do you mean by 'god as the universe and the chains events'? 'God being space and time'? It better not be some inteligent design kind of crap:S
no man...not intelligent design
I'm just saying god is the universe and not god has created the universe
the universe is intelligent as a whole and we are part of it that's why spicies evolves...everything is based on cause and effect and thoughts are never random...nothing is really random.
I know this because I'm psychic...I have the gift of foresight, i'm not strong and don't have control over my ability yet...just random visions that came true from a couple of hours after i had it to 3 years, but i'm growing stronger as time goes by.the point is i have these visions now about three times a day in average.took me a while to figure out why i was experiencing so many deja vus but remember exactly when did i "see" it before...then i learned how to tell a vision from an ordinary thought. this is all tapping into the endless knowledge of the if the universe is not one whole then it's simply not possible.
no man...i'm totally serious
this is not something i believe in...i'm having random visions since i was 14
is that so hard to accept?
there's no religious side to it

i also showed signs of telepathic ability with certain people several times 3 years ago when i was very very tired
but haven't had them since
Well for me... it is VERY HARD to accept something like that. I'm not just an atheist, I'm also a skeptic... but good news for you!

James Randi offers $1,000,000 to anyone who can demonstrate psychic powers. The Australian Skeptics will throw in an additional $100,000 (Australian) [about USD 75,000] for the psychic and $20,000 (Australian) [about USD 15,000] for anyone "who nominates a person who successfully completes the Australian Skeptics Challenge." B. Premanand of the Indian Skeptic will throw in another Rs. 100,000 [about USD 2,300]. And, "Mr. Prabir Ghosh will pay Rs. 20,00,000 (20 lakhs = 20 x 100,000) [about USD 45,000] to anyone who claims to possess supernatural power of any kind and proves the same without resorting to any trick in the location specified by Prabir Ghosh.

One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge

And hey, I'll throw in $20 aswell.:) Good luck.

I just returned home from the theatre, watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End.

it's pretty cool, in fact I think it's awesome, but not as good as part 1 or 2. the storyline is too complex and gets boring, however, the action scenes and special effects are amazing.

That's the same problem that part 2 had, the storline was way too convoluted... I liked the first movie, but I strongly disliked the second part, of course it had great special effects and the action scenes were awesome, but come one... the movie had a budget of $225 million:) Part 3 had a budget of $300 million. So the amazing action scenes and special effects are a given. Not enough to impress me.
I just returned home from the theatre, watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End.

it's pretty cool, in fact I think it's awesome, but not as good as part 1 or 2. the storyline is too complex and gets boring, however, the action scenes and special effects are amazing.

That's the same problem that part 2 had then. The story was just too convoluted. Sure the fight scenes and the special effects were awesome, but since the budget for part 2 was an enormous $225 million, the special effects and the amazing fight scenes are a given. Not enough to impress me. And I hated the fact that they rehashed a lot of jokes from part 1 in part 2. I swear if I hear another 'rum joke' in part 3, I'm leaving the theater right then and there. Anyway part 3 had a budget of $300 (SPARTA!) million. So again, the special effects and fight scenes and the visual aspect of the movie can't afford to be anything less than spectacular. And if the story sucks... that just makes the movie shallow:/
I remember this one time I had a dream and then about two months later it happened in real life! I'd never been to the place in real life so I don't know how I could have had a dream about the place.
The same events that happened there in the dream happened in real life. It was like living a dream....for real!

Weird huh? :lol:
I remember this one time I had a dream and then about two months later it happened in real life! I'd never been to the place in real life so I don't know how I could have had a dream about the place.
The same events that happened there in the dream happened in real life. It was like living a dream....for real!

Weird huh? :lol:

Not weird at all, it happenes. It happenes to us all at some point I guess. You probably didn't dream about it, but got the feeling that you did, the brain is a tricky thing. Read this.

I like the 'The original experience may even have occurred only seconds or minutes earlier.' part.
Man! Penn and Teller's Bullshit is the best TV program ever...

It really is pretty good.

Using a combination of set ups, descriptions, rants and film of practitioners, Penn & Teller show the Bull Shit that's everywhere. The initial show covers mediums or Talkers to the Dead. Penn Jillette explains in the first program that while calling someone a liar or a con man is actionable, "Bull Shit" is safe. Each show has a topic such as Mediums, Fenn Shui, Medical devices or Penis Enlargement. Using humor and experts, they debunk the Bull shit.

The show indeed is quite educational and funny.:)

Here's a full episode about the 'End Of The World', well worth a look.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
i had some strange dreams too, i had two dreams during a month and both of them came true after 2 days...i'm sure it was not a deja-vu because i spoke of them to my mother the same morning i had each dream and before each thing happened....and then of course it happened!

i think there are some things that cannot be explained, i learned from my mother some ancient popular traditions like to take away the evil-eye, to cure stys and skin-problems (and i can assure you it works) only using some kind of strange rituals and no medicins.... :lol: i'm not a doctor!!!!!

i've learned also from my old gardener (this thing is so funny!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: ) to find running and potable water under the ground, like old rhabdomancer did, using only a thin branch of a tree.
he told me he tried to teach this thing to a lot of person during his life, but only two of them (I and another boy) could manage to do it, and at the first time....he told me it depends from a sort of predisposition of the person to canalize the earth energy, the branch (it must be cut at the moment, not to be dead) lives from water and it's natural inclination is to go again toward water, its source of life. surely if you lay down a branch on the ground it will not move on itself toward water, but if you can canalize this inclination, it really brings you to the water..... o_O it's very strange because you can feel the branch moving into your hands!!!!!