Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

ErikSL said:
i mean they have general discussion boards for this type of stuff. these threads annoy me because i come on here expecting real news, not junk.
no one's forcing you to open this thread and read this 'junk'. you're the one who's being annoying making such remarks in the first place.

Vampyrian said:
It's 4 AM... And i just vacuumed a HUGE spider in my room. The fun never stops here.
that's pretty cruel.. that poor spider has a life too, you know :cry:
if i'm not mistaken you once posted a pic of yourself and tbh you don't exactly seem the kind of person who's afraid to pick up a spider with your hands and free it outside

now mosquitos, those little blood-sucking bitches deserve to be vacuumed :lol:
vacuuming mosquitos is silly...they'll get loose again as soon as you empty the bag
mosquitos should be zapped by one of those electric thingies
spiders are harmless unless it's one of those huge tarantulas or something...then i also can't really see how you can vacuum a tarantula

we be down wit da bitches and feeling me?
I was wondering about the Danish members of this forum...

do you lol whenever you watch prison break and see t-bag's actor's name?
that would be Robert Knepper (sorry for the bad language:lol: )
further explanation for someone who doesnt know danish language and culture please? looks like funny stuff

mosquitos should be zapped by one of those electric thingies

people who make useless bashing comments on our online community should also be zapped as well as vacuumed, pelted with dried prunes, shot with bits of papier maché and finally given to a big gangsta dude while wearing a "BE MAH HOE, NIGGA" card around their chest.

Oh and the whole thing should be filmed and put on youtube (goes without saying)

that's pretty cruel.. that poor spider has a life too, you know :cry:
if i'm not mistaken you once posted a pic of yourself and tbh you don't exactly seem the kind of person who's afraid to pick up a spider with your hands and free it outside

True, I do look scary and all, but for some reason I just don't like bugs:) I like to watch 'em on TV:D But IRL, I prefer to have a them as far away from me as possible.
Yay! I've been smoke-free for a week now. I'm actually quite proud of myself.

Plus, today I quit my shitty job. And I'm happy that I did.

Go uncertain future!
I started a proper nutrition plan and heavy exersizing several weeks ago
lost 6.5 kilos so far yay!
went to a briss into my old jeans:D
now : breakfast: a salad that consists of one tomato one cucumber a leaf of lettuce a little onion and a tablespoon of olive oil and sometimes 2 or three olives with a piece of light multigrain bread toasted(35 cal a piece, approved by the diabetes assosiation)

lunch:it varies. sometimes cooked buckwheat(no butter) and a piece of chicken breast...sometimes rice with lowfat beef stew or steamed vegetables with a little piece of turkey. once or twice a week i don't have any meat for lunch and have different vegetable soups(not meat based and none of that instant shit), my mom is a wizard with soups

dinner:1 hard boiled egg and 100gr tin of tuna in water(not oil)(about a 100 cal) with a piece of multigrain light bread toasted

with the lunch i sometimes cut down and have an apple or a peach before.
I go for low quantities of food and i got my stomach used to small quantities of food so it would shrink. I drink one glass of water before and after every meal and when i might get munchies between meals.
I have cut out dairy completely off my diet and i get my clacium from vegetables...i'm a little lactoze intollorant so dairy was never too good for me anyway.
I also cut off all fried foods ans suasages and processed foods and pastasand really anything made of dough except light multigrain bread.and I took off coffee too...cause i really can't drink coffee without milk and since i quit dairy i also quit cofee and I don't put anything in my mouth except water after 7:30 pm.
I used supplemements for 3 days at the very beginning just to get my bowels in order with the new diet and haven't used it since.

the old nutrition completely uncontrolled

breakfast: omlette (of 2 eggs some milk and some parsley), the above mentioned salad with pieces of light cheese and two pieces of ordinary bread and a cup of instant cofee with milk and 2 sugar teaspoons

lunch: one form or another of pasta with mom's special meatloafs(made with bread =more carbs) or one of the diet lunches only with a twice as large quantity and soup every day(2 course lunch)

dinner:two pieces of bread with a 250gr cottege cheese box and some sort of pastry with a cup of tea(with one teaspoon of sugar).

in between meals i used to get munchies so it was either a little pastry or a piece of milk chocolate and the more I ate the more hungry I was
I close to never ate at fast food joints meaning no pizzas, no mcdonnalds and nothing of this sort, I used to have the best burger in town in my favortie irish pub with fresh meat and everything but i used to get it like once every 3 or 4 months and drink it up with a guinness
apart from that i never drank sodas colas a what not...I used to drink orange juice until i found out i'm allergic to citruses.

oh I forgot about the new diet...I allow myself to break the diet once a week
like having a little piece of chocolate or a small pastry if i really can't hold it.
breaking the diet has it's consequences though...i punish myself with additional 3 minutes on the treadmill and the way it's set up it's no picnic
my treadmillis set up at max angle with max magnetic resistance...unlike an electric treadmill that forces you to run...this treadmill forces you to use force to walk...4 minutes on that baby and i'm sweating like a pig
i'm now upto 18 minutes(without break-a-diet punishment) 4 days a week at an avg speed of 3.2 mph currently burning about 3/4 of my breakfast.
apart from the treadmill i work in sets with a 6kilo dumbell over my arm shoulder and chest muscles and 300 situps a day+150 for each side to work on the love a few weeks when i reach 500 regualr situps i'll start over with the dumbell to add resistance. all in all 1.5 hours of workout including the treadmill 5-6 days a week.

just about the new diet: most of my health issues have healed including diarreah, heartburn, high stomach acids, food coming back up, bad breath resulting from stomach problems, indigestion and fatigue.