Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

i had some strange dreams too, i had two dreams during a month and both of them came true after 2 days...i'm sure it was not a deja-vu because i spoke of them to my mother the same morning i had each dream and before each thing happened....and then of course it happened!

i think there are some things that cannot be explained, i learned from my mother some ancient popular traditions like to take away the evil-eye, to cure stys and skin-problems (and i can assure you it works) only using some kind of strange rituals and no medicins.... :lol: i'm not a doctor!!!!!

i've learned also from my old gardener (this thing is so funny!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: ) to find running and potable water under the ground, like old rhabdomancer did, using only a thin branch of a tree.
he told me he tried to teach this thing to a lot of person during his life, but only two of them (I and another boy) could manage to do it, and at the first time....he told me it depends from a sort of predisposition of the person to canalize the earth energy, the branch (it must be cut at the moment, not to be dead) lives from water and it's natural inclination is to go again toward water, its source of life. surely if you lay down a branch on the ground it will not move on itself toward water, but if you can canalize this inclination, it really brings you to the water..... o_O it's very strange because you can feel the branch moving into your hands!!!!!

well it manifested in dreams for me too at the begining 10 years they appear out of nowhere...but not for long...cause today i had a breakthrough...for the first time i tried to empty my had and summon a vision
and the first images i saw and sounds i heard were reapeated in exactly the same manner in the 5 o'clock news

as for all the removing of the evil eye and all of that other stuff, it's very real
in fact there have been special cameras invented by a russian scientist who lives in the UK that can photograph "the spiritual energetic field" and can actually show holes in the field in bright orange over cursed people's heads.
I don't really know how they work but i have a scientific theory which is probably not far from the truth.

the spritual field is sort of a very weak and harmless magnettic field which is influenced by the frequencies of the electrical currents of the brain...
now the field also works the other way affecting the brain according to the law of if a human mind can subconsciously recieve the "channel" of another person and then send a jealousy(for instance) impulse...cursing someone is very much possible and the whole in the field above him will make his brain make faulty decision which my seem as bad luck and some physical illnesses inflicted by the brain on the body (also known as blocked chakras)...
this may sound like mumbo jumbo to some but it would make a lot of sense to people who learned basic physics, communication, signal processing and coding theory.

the water thing is pretty cool:headbang: i imagine it works in a similar way
after all drinking water has an electric charge due to salts and minerals found within...if the brain focuses on that certain frequency it's possible to find water.

who knew? another hero in the vintersorg forum...we could save the cheerleader:kickass:
@vampyrian: skepticism keeps the world going...that's a good thing
but be willing to accept that some of these things will be explained by science at some point and will become common knowledge later
@vampyrian: skepticism keeps the world going...that's a good thing but be willing to accept that some of these things will be explained by science at some point and will become common knowledge later

That's how skepticism works. If something is explained and proven by science and scientific methods, I'm willing to accept it. But until then, I don't believe you, I don't believe lefay, I don't believe anybody claiming to have any sort of visions or 'special powers'. And I don't mean nothing personal by it. Strange tho, I'm a big fan of sci fi and horror and paranormal shows (like supernatural or X-files)... which should make me more susceptible to such things but it doens't:) I love being a Skeptic. Most of the stuff that people claim as 'supernatural' can be explained as something completely natural.:)

James Randi offers $1,000,000 to anyone who can demonstrate psychic powers. The Australian Skeptics will throw in an additional $100,000 (Australian) [about USD 75,000] for the psychic and $20,000 (Australian) [about USD 15,000] for anyone "who nominates a person who successfully completes the Australian Skeptics Challenge." B. Premanand of the Indian Skeptic will throw in another Rs. 100,000 [about USD 2,300]. And, "Mr. Prabir Ghosh will pay Rs. 20,00,000 (20 lakhs = 20 x 100,000) [about USD 45,000] to anyone who claims to possess supernatural power of any kind and proves the same without resorting to any trick in the location specified by Prabir Ghosh.

Like I said before, try this. If they say you really have some sort of paranormal abilities, I'll give you $20 myself.:) If you're that confidant that you really do have some paranormal abilities.. it's worth a shot isn't it? for ONE MILLION DOLLARS? Now that's a lot of money...

One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge


Another nice Penn & Teller: Bullshit! episode, this time it's about 'Ghostbusters'.:) I suggest watching it.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
i'm not telling you i've paranormal powers :lol:
but that sometimes happen some things that are hard to explain...
i can bring you an example, i'm not good in math and physic but i've always known that vegetable oil isn't s water-soluble and you have to use a solvent...when you try to get away the evil-eye you use simply few element, two of them are oil and water. if the subject you are working on has the evil-eye when you put the oil in the (cold) water it melts completly like sugar in hot water, leaving no traces and not making the classic round stain that foats on the surfare of the water.
i don't know how it can happen, but it happens, i've seen it with my eyes hundreds of time.
That's how skepticism works. If something is explained and proven by science and scientific methods, I'm willing to accept it. But until then, I don't believe you, I don't believe lefay, I don't believe anybody claiming to have any sort of visions or 'special powers'. And I don't mean nothing personal by it. Strange tho, I'm a big fan of sci fi and horror and paranormal shows (like supernatural or X-files)... which should make me more susceptible to such things but it doens't:) I love being a Skeptic. Most of the stuff that people claim as 'supernatural' can be explained as something completely natural.:)
Part 3

to be honest I don't see any of this as supernatural...the humans use 7% of their brain's potential...what if that's not true
there have similar test made on psychics(or if you like it people who claim they're psychics) which showed extenssive activity in the left lobe which is "silent" within most people.
there's a show on russian tv about different "supernatural" thing every time and one of the shows was about head trauma...people who hurt their head in an accident or something else and survived who suddenly posessed extraordinary abilities, like this one guy after being in a coma from an accident woke up and now knows 45 languages out of thin air including some languages that are not spoken anymore...they took him to some ancient tribe in africa and he spoke with one of the people in a language that this man remembered his tribe elders talked which is not spoken anywhere else either and he was fluent. also there was a girl who fell down the stairs and suddenly posessed extraordinary musical abilities. another was hit in the head and started seeing the future.
now about the sci fi shows...i'm a big fan too but think of this for a moment
shows about psychics and time travel, ghosts, vampires warewolves etc...are inspired by something...any urban legend has some truth behind it. vampire stories are inspired by victims who were found bloodless with two small holes in their neck and the townsfolk could not explain it.
basicly what i'm saying is that you can be skeptic all you like...but there is concrete evidence to all of these things that can not be expalined by traditional science yet
but you should know there are also practical spiritual sciences like theta healing taught all over the world...
to be honest I don't see any of this as supernatural...the humans use 7% of their brain's potential...what if that's not true

Well it really isn't true.:)

The question is: Do we use only 10% of our brains?

Let me state this very clearly:

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that we use only 10% of our brains.

In other words, the statement, "We use only 10% of our brains" is false; it's a myth. We use all of our brain. Let's look at the possible origins of this myth and the evidence that we use all of our brain.

Where Did the 10% Myth Begin?
The 10% statement may have been started with a misquote of Albert Einstein or the misinterpretation of the work of Pierre Flourens in the 1800s. It may have been William James who wrote in 1908: "We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources" (from The Energies of Men, p. 12). Perhaps it was the work of Karl Lashley in the 1920s and 1930s that started it. Lashley removed large areas of the cerebral cortex in rats and found that these animals could still relearn specific tasks. We now know that destruction of even small areas of the human brain can have devastating effects on behavior. That is one reason why neurosurgeons must carefully map the brain before removing brain tissue during operations for epilepsy or brain tumors: they want to make sure that essential areas of the brain are not damaged.

Do We Use Only 10% of Our Brain?
Not weird at all, it happenes. It happenes to us all at some point I guess. You probably didn't dream about it, but got the feeling that you did, the brain is a tricky thing. Read this.

I like the 'The original experience may even have occurred only seconds or minutes earlier.' part.
Probably was something like this, but I remember having the dream months before hand and waking up from it and thinking to myself for an hour or so "Why did I have such a stupid dream?"
I was thinking that... For example when a Deja Vu happenes and you think you've seen something before or experienced something before, well your brain might 'create' a memory or more specific (in this case) a memory of a dream. Your memory might be altered at that point you know. So what you think you remember, might not have even happened:) It's a crazy thought and probably totally incorrect but still:D It has happened to us all IMO...

Oh I'm crazy? Am I? Or am I so sane that you just blew your mind?!
It's impossible? Is it? Or is it so possible that your head is spinning like a top?!
It can't be. Can it? Or is your entire world just crashing down all around you?!

Bleh:) I like this thread. I might just move in full time.

Oh! I just remembered:D My family bought a new computer and we just got it today. And I fucked it up already:) I was trying to create another partition with Partition Magic and during the whole process an error occured and the computer is now seriouslly fucked up. I can't access Windows no matter what I try (can't go in with 'safe mode', normal mode, last settings that worked, nothing.) + I tried to boot from my XP CD and the damn thing won't even let me reinstall windows, an error pops up right after the installation loads and I have to reboot the machine. DAMMIT! I can't believe it... Hopefully whatever's wrong won't take 'the pros' much time to fix. And hopefully I won't have to pay much if anything...
I was thinking that... For example when a Deja Vu happenes and you think you've seen something before or experienced something before, well your brain might 'create' a memory or more specific (in this case) a memory of a dream. Your memory might be altered at that point you know. So what you think you remember, might not have even happened:) It's a crazy thought and probably totally incorrect but still:D It has happened to us all IMO...

this is exactly why i put on record all of my visions and then put a date and time to when they came true(in the form of deja vu)...there is no possible way my mind could be altered at the moment of deja vu if i already have those things written down on paper
Bleh:) I like this thread. I might just move in full time.
Oh! I just remembered:D My family bought a new computer and we just got it today. And I fucked it up already:) I was trying to create another partition with Partition Magic and during the whole process an error occured and the computer is now seriouslly fucked up. I can't access Windows no matter what I try (can't go in with 'safe mode', normal mode, last settings that worked, nothing.) + I tried to boot from my XP CD and the damn thing won't even let me reinstall windows, an error pops up right after the installation loads and I have to reboot the machine. DAMMIT! I can't believe it... Hopefully whatever's wrong won't take 'the pros' much time to fix. And hopefully I won't have to pay much if anything...

easiest solution take the fucked up hard drive from the new computer and plug it to the old one with an active windows and format it through there...then unplug it return it to the new computer and partition it using the winxp cd before you install xp it's so simple and saves the mess of using partition magic...most of my friends who used it got their computer totally fucked's evil:lol:
easiest solution take the fucked up hard drive from the new computer and plug it to the old one with an active windows and format it through there...then unplug it return it to the new computer and partition it using the winxp cd before you install xp it's so simple and saves the mess of using partition magic...most of my friends who used it got their computer totally fucked's evil:lol:

Tried it, can't do it. First off I'm risking losing the waranty... and second the new HD is on SATA, my computer has PATA and after a brief inspection i've noted that i just may not have the SATA buses in my old computer..
Why did you want to partion the disc in the first place? You don't need a program to do that for you by the way.

You best chance of fixing it is to go into the bios and tell the bios how to boot. If you still have your old hard drive, plug that in. Boot off that one and format the other hard drive then.
I know that I don't need a program, but I've just been using Partition Magic for a while now and it's very easy to use and hasn't caused me problems yet... I think I'm just gonna take the computer back to the guys that built it and let them fix it. I know that by taking out the HD and formating it on another computer should fix the problem but I just don't want to fuck up the warranty, the sticker prevents me from opening the lid:) If only I had a floppy disk drive on this computer.. I could create a boot disk and fix it that way... ah well. Thanks for the tips anyway.
I've been up all night. Women and school cause a lot of anxiety. Dissertation + females = GUHAAAAAAAGUGHAAAAGUHAUGHUHGUHGUHGUAGUHAUH. That means I want it to be next week already. Fucking A. I hate waiting.

I'm going to listen to Microscopical Macrocosm on infinite repeat until I fall asleep or die from high blood pressure.

I don't dream anymore. Lefay is lucky. Although I wish I had magic powers like she did, because I'd shoot myself like a lightning bolt to the moon so I can get a few moments of peace. Then I can shoot myself to next week, and then shoot myself to 3 months from now, when I'll be done with my grad school tests and be sorted out.
Been welding constantly for the last few months, been listening to "Solens Rötter" and "Vargstenen" (Månegarm) a lot lately, but for the most of the time I'm just anticipating Sweden Rock Festival. Just a few more days now...
Everybody dreams, man. Some people never recall dreams while others recall five or more each night. The best of luck to you with your problems. Take it sleezy.
Everybody dreams, man. Some people never recall dreams while others recall five or more each night. The best of luck to you with your problems. Take it sleezy.

I'm a total sleez. I have good problems to have, just not sleeping because of them. Anxiety drives us, but destroys us. I DO NOT NEED LUCK, I NEED LEFAY EARTH MAGIC!!! /waves a wand
I'm a total sleez. I have good problems to have, just not sleeping because of them. Anxiety drives us, but destroys us. I DO NOT NEED LUCK, I NEED LEFAY EARTH MAGIC!!! /waves a wand

i need to have something yours to help you :lol: :lol: :lol: (and to make a witch's pot :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:)
but i've never done anything on distance.....

noooo....i'm not crazy....:oops:
i've been working on my own method to eliminate anxiety
it's psychological and involves a bit of tappint to the source
i'll have it perfected sometime
[PulpFictionReference]Check out the big brain on ErikSL:p[/PulpFictionReference]

So yeah.

i mean they have general discussion boards for this type of stuff. these threads annoy me because i come on here expecting real news, not junk.