Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

You must have some hardcore attention, I swear. I can do a lot of stuff with computers and coding, but I would hang myself if I did it as a career..
:lol: working on the computer must be one of the very very very few things i could actually do 40 h a week... or should i say 24/7 :lol: though, not coding. And agreed, SQL were one of the most boring classes at my college. But then again, the word "career" doesn't exist in my vocabulary. I just love computers and am not a people person.
Hey I might need a programmer for a terminological glossary that I'm doing. Will someone do it for free? With proper credits, obviously. It's nothing too complicated, basically just putting some links and icons (e.g. click on the 'English' icon and the menu changes to English, click on the 'Español' icon and the menu turns to Spanish). Very easy stuff for a programmer I guess, it's basic HTML (I think, though I barely know what I'm talking about :p :lol:).
You must have some hardcore attention, I swear. I can do a lot of stuff with computers and coding, but I would hang myself if I did it as a career. Though, the money is something to love...roll in....caress....but I digress.

Same 'ol crap for me this week, work, sleep and eat...sometimes all at the same time. I hate retail and I had being a fourth level manager. Not to mention the pay raises are still frozen by corporate, so I am doing far more work for the exact same rate of money.


And with the attention span, I actually don't have one :lol: I have ADHD, but the Adderall helps. However, the SQL stuff seems to hold my attention. It is a mystery! (I think one reason it 'clicks' is that I can literally picture the databases in my head, and the coding language makes sense to me.)

I've been in the software development field for a while now, as a Software Test Engineer, and I love it. I love the atmosphere, the products, etc. I find it a good working environment for me. However, I'm a contractor, and my STE job ends in late June. And I'm sick of just doing STE work. I want something more. STE jobs are also drying up; I have friends who have been unemployed for extended periods now, because the jobs just aren't out there any more. I don't want that to happen to me.

So, I sat and talked with a coworker, who at one time was also my boss - so he was able to give me some good feedback and direction. One thing he pointed out is that we use this really horrid database program, and I'm one of the few who can actually build a query to get info out of it. And I like building the queries! So, he recommended SQL - Structured Query Language, as something to go into. It's wildly complex and boring as hell for 99.99999% of the population. It's also madly in demand, and I know SQL database pros who make more than $100,000 K US a year doing what they do. Because it's wildly complex and boring as hell. I'm OK with both - I'm not finding it dull so far! :rock: And while money isn't a draw, the employment is, and I just want to do something that uses my brain more.
i have finally bought my new long-wished baby!!!!!!!
a new photocamera! i'm so excited...unfortunatly it comes with batteries out of charge so i have to wait till tomorrow to make some experiments. i can't wait!!!!!

the best thing of the deal is that i had to pay only 300 euro out of 1200. 300 € come from the selling of the old camera, and 600 € from christmas, birthday, anniversary gifts i collected from about one year asking everybody (family and boyfriend) not gifts but money (yeah i know it's quite horrible but if i wouldn't do that i would never have the possibility to buy this camera) with the idea to buy some new photographic stuff! :blush:

so here i am....very happy and out of control :lol:
I have to agree with everyone else - what a bargain!

Now I want a DSLR!

believe me that it is a new world!!!!
you notice the difference from the very first moment you hold a reflex camera in your hands. and when you shot, you really see the difference in quality and freedom to choose all the settings you want.
my first reflex was a really basic model, but it was miles away from my previous compact camera (which was still good among compact cameras).
yesterday i was able to shot something in my home with the new one, and i was able to make good photos also without flash! and this is amazing, because the lights were really low!!!!!!
i'm really really happy with it!!!!
And now I just signed up for two more classes:

Database Design - in April
Introduction to SQL Server 2008 - in May

The SQL Server class is also taught by one of the advisors of the SQL Database Program; I want to sit down and chat with him about what direction I should look at after these classes. If anything, I'm happy. Poor, as the tuition came out of my pocket, but happy!
Hey Allfader, I just saw about the earthquake in Chile, are you alright? :erk:
omg :eek: i haven't heard about it yet... Hope he's alright?
The huge 8.8-magnitude earthquake that struck central Chile early on Saturday generated a tsunami that may have been destructive along the coast near the epicenter, a U.S. agency said. "Sea level readings indicate a tsunami was generated," the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said on its website. "It may have been destructive along coasts near the earthquake epicenter and could also be a threat to more distant coasts." (Reuters)​
An earthquake hit central Chile early Saturday measuring 8.8 on Richter Scale and lasted for about one and a half minute and set off a tsunami. Damage could be seen all around but exact extent of damage is still not sure as buildings fell and electricity and phone lines went down. As of now there is report of at least 6 people having been killed said Chile President Michele Bachelet. Speaking from an emergency response center, the President said, "We have had a huge earthquake. We're doing everything we can with all the forces we have. Any information we will share immediately." The President also asked people to not travel in dark as traffic lights are down. (NY Breaking News)​
I hope he's all right as well. Be safe, all of you down there!

Hawaii is under a Tsunami Warning now, and all of the US and Canadian West Coast, including Washington State, are under a Tsunami Watch. I don't think we will be affected up in Seattle, but huh. Tsunami Watch. First for me.
Thanx for remember me :p

The earthquake was like 600km south where I'm currently leaving. I was living on that very place where all happened until a couple months ago. I knew 80 people died, a bridge fell and the local jail just crumbled, like a good amount of buildings/houses.

Here it was still really heavy. I felt it like 6,5 magnitude. Walls shaked like when I shake a milk box, but nothing important was broken, nor people were injured. I was with my mom and my little bro. They were scarred as fuck. I tried the best to keep calmed (them and myself) and it worked in some extent. We have no electricity and phone. I'm with a friend on his house.

Thanx again.

BTW! the replicas keep striking. On this very moment that I write this the whole room is shaking. I'm getting used to it.
Thanx for remember me :p

The earthquake was like 600km south where I'm currently leaving. I was living on that very place where all happened until a couple months ago. I knew 80 people died, a bridge fell and the local jail just crumbled, like a good amount of buildings/houses.

Here it was still really heavy. I felt it like 6,5 magnitude. Walls shaked like when I shake a milk box, but nothing important was broken, nor people were injured. I was with my mom and my little bro. They were scarred as fuck. I tried the best to keep calmed (them and myself) and it worked in some extent. We have no electricity and phone. I'm with a friend on his house.

Thanx again.

BTW! the replicas keep striking. On this very moment that I write this the whole room is shaking. I'm getting used to it.

Creéme, amigo, creéme que sé exactamente a que te refieres. A mi me gustan los temblores, pero el pasado que hubo acá (Cinchona) fue bastante feo. Sorry, English ;) . The last one was pretty scary in the sense that it was quite long, when one thinks it's going to stop, it just continues. That's when you go blank and start thinking the worst. With Cinchona I was like 10km from the epicentre :( .

Back to you, again, I totally understand you, the strong ones are quite scary. I'm really, really glad you and your family are OK *abrazo*. BBC says that 122 died, not many people, but still horrible.

Maybe Elvina's right about the end of the world? :p
No, she isn't.
i have never said it will be the end of the world. I've said something might happen, what will be the end of the era and beginning of the new era. When lots of people will die, maybe much of the world as we know it. But the humanity will survive.

There can be dozens of ways how it can happen, the most possible being that the Yellowstone will blow. The thing is at least 100 years overdue, so who says it couldn't blow tomorrow. :rolleyes: believe it or not, it is possible.

Anyway, i promised myself not to argue with anybody about this matter, and i won't. I am very glad for Allfader that he and his family/friends are alright. I cannot imagine what an earthquake is like, it must be terrible! :guh: