Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

i've lurked in the shadows for a while, but i'm still here, reading everything you guys are writing :)
work is overwhealming me, but i have one week to go, and then a little bit of relax again....
carneval is almost done, next sunday it will be the last day...then i'll have some days of holyday, finally! :kickass: can't wait!
i've lurked in the shadows for a while, but i'm still here, reading everything you guys are writing :)
work is overwhealming me, but i have one week to go, and then a little bit of relax again....
carneval is almost done, next sunday it will be the last day...then i'll have some days of holyday, finally! :kickass: can't wait!

Notes :) :
- Overwhelming
- a little bit of time to relax
- carnival
- next Sunday will be the last day [no it]
- Then I'll have some free/holidays

Sorry, I just can't avoid correcting hehe.

It's great that you'll have some free days soon, keep it up!

Defiance started his 2nd M.A. (it's in English-Spanish translation) last Friday, and he's very excited. Last M.A. left Defiance wanting to kill two professors (j/k), so this is a more-than-welcome change. All the courses seem great, and the professors are simply excellent (most of them have studied in Spain and have/are getting a PhD). Defiance is very happy, delighted as he hasn't been for ca. six months about his studies :) :) .

Oh and here's an excellent review of Universal:
Awesome awesome week.

I completed my first SQL class, and now I know how to write basic queries! This week, I sign up for the next two classes I want to take, Database Design and Introdiction to SQL Server 2008! It's exciting to be studying something neat again.
Awesome awesome week.

I completed my first SQL class, and now I know how to write basic queries! This week, I sign up for the next two classes I want to take, Database Design and Introdiction to SQL Server 2008! It's exciting to be studying something neat again.

You must have some hardcore attention, I swear. I can do a lot of stuff with computers and coding, but I would hang myself if I did it as a career. Though, the money is something to love...roll in....caress....but I digress.

Same 'ol crap for me this week, work, sleep and eat...sometimes all at the same time. I hate retail and I had being a fourth level manager. Not to mention the pay raises are still frozen by corporate, so I am doing far more work for the exact same rate of money.
Damn I hate programming, or more likely, computers just hate me..
Last week was kinda fun for me, new internship is very interesting. They let me do cool stuff studying and working with a rig that measures how much EM radiation electrical appliances can take before they get fried (ever heard of an EMP? well, I can make (a small) one!)