Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

the world ends when you die.

Technically you end, the world will still be there :p .

Anyway, i promised myself not to argue with anybody about this matter, and i won't. I am very glad for Allfader that he and his family/friends are alright. I cannot imagine what an earthquake is like, it must be terrible! :guh:

It depends, if it's really strong it's incredibly scary. I remember one in 1992, the walls were moving so fast I could see a black 'void' due to their movement. If it's not strong, they can actually be fun :p . Just know this: The more earthquakes you get the better because that means the pressure is being released. Earthquakes like this one are so strong because the 'pressure' has been accumulated for a long time.
It depends, if it's really strong it's incredibly scary. I remember one in 1992, the walls were moving so fast I could see a black 'void' due to their movement. If it's not strong, they can actually be fun :p . Just know this: The more earthquakes you get the better because that means the pressure is being released. Earthquakes like this one are so strong because the 'pressure' has been accumulated for a long time.
brrr, i guess i would panic like crazy! :yell: we had a very minor earthquake here in Holland about 5 years ago, 3 or 4 on the Richter scale, i think it was the only time ever i felt something like that. It was early in the morning and i believe not many people even have felt it at all. But i was sleeping and i woke up because of it, i felt something weird, only i had no idea what it was. Later that day i heard on the news it was actually an earthquake :D i guess you guys can only laugh at it :p:blush:
the world is not there if your dead, therefor it has ended.

Nope, the world is still there. It's been proven. If a tree falls in a forest, and no one hears it fall, it still fell.

brrr, i guess i would panic like crazy! :yell: we had a very minor earthquake here in Holland about 5 years ago, 3 or 4 on the Richter scale, i think it was the only time ever i felt something like that. It was early in the morning and i believe not many people even have felt it at all. But i was sleeping and i woke up because of it, i felt something weird, only i had no idea what it was. Later that day i heard on the news it was actually an earthquake :D i guess you guys can only laugh at it :p:blush:

Haha yeah 4 or 5 is not much by C.R.n standards. Those are the enjoyable ones :) .
There can be dozens of ways how it can happen, the most possible being that the Yellowstone will blow. The thing is at least 100 years overdue, so who says it couldn't blow tomorrow. :rolleyes: believe it or not, it is possible.

person who knows what the fuck they're talking about said:
Is it true that the next caldera-forming eruption of Yellowstone is overdue?

No. First of all, one cannot present recurrence intervals based on only two values. It would be statistically meaningless. But for those who insist... let's do the arithmetic. The three eruptions occurred 2.1 million, 1.3 million and 0.64 million years ago. The two intervals are thus 0.8 and 0.66 million years, averaging to a 0.73 million-year interval. Again, the last eruption was 0.64 million years ago, implying that we are still about 90,000 years away from the time when we might consider calling Yellowstone overdue for another caldera-forming eruption. Nevertheless, we cannot discount the possibility of another such eruption occurring some time in the future, given Yellowstone's volcanic history and the continued presence of magma beneath the Yellowstone caldera.

There you go. More info. So if that's the 'most possible apocalyptic scenario' you've got, we should be fine. Hooray!<3
There you go. More info. So if that's the 'most possible apocalyptic scenario' you've got, we should be fine. Hooray!<3
:lol: thank you! nothing new here though :p yes i think of all those they doomsay, this one must be the most probable. Are you in denial Vampyrian? :p do you always believe what your government tells you? ;)
de omnibus dubitandum est! and i mean everything ;)
:lol: thank you! nothing new here though :p yes i think of all those they doomsay, this one must be the most probable. Are you in denial Vampyrian? :p do you always believe what your government tells you? ;)
de omnibus dubitandum est! and i mean everything ;)

Oh yeah I'M in denial.:D Here I am, slapping you in the face with data from actual scientists which you're shrugging off as some sort of 'X-Files conspiracy' and I'M in denial.:S I am most definitely doubtful of everything! I'm definitely a skeptic. Hence why I seek out facts and evidence. What do you do? You 'think' it's the most probable doomsday scenario and what do you base that on exactly? de omnibus dubitandum est! and I do mean everything.:* You should definitely heed your own advice.
Oh yeah I'M in denial.:D Here I am, slapping you in the face with data from actual scientists which you're shrugging off as some sort of 'X-Files conspiracy' and I'M in denial.:S I am most definitely doubtful of everything! I'm definitely a skeptic. Hence why I seek out facts and evidence. What do you do? You 'think' it's the most probable doomsday scenario and what do you base that on exactly? de omnibus dubitandum est! and I do mean everything.:* You should definitely heed your own advice.
i DO follow this advice ALWAYS. :) why do you think it's there in my sig. It's my life's motto.

motto (mät&#8242;&#333;)
noun pl. mottoes -·toes or mottos -·tos
  1. a word, phrase, or sentence chosen as expressive of the goals or ideals of a nation, group, etc. and inscribed on a seal, banner, coin, etc.
  2. a maxim adopted as a principle of behavior
why are you in defensive mood right away? The only thing i'm trying to say here, is that i'm very open minded, i question everything. And i mean, everything. I have read what you suggested and haven't find neither anything what i didn't know yet, nor anything proving it absolutely can't happen some day soon. How is that even evidence. :rolleyes:

You, on the contrary, seem to be on a quest to prove me and the likes wrong whatever it takes. Why?

The only thing i do is i don't dismiss anything just like that. Things that weren't/cannot be proven especially. According to me, as long as it's not proven, it can happen. At least i have the dignity not to mock people for their beliefs/opinions. So let me be, ok?

Back to you question. (it might be the language thing? English not being the mother tongue of both of us you know...) You obviously don't understand what i mean by "the most probable". It's simple: there are at least 20 "probable" doomsday scenarios. Of those,the Yellowstone seems to me to have the highest chances of happening. Would you rather that i said that Planet X is going to hit the Earth? Or alien colonization? :rolleyes: Yellowstone just seems to me to be the most probable of happening. Of those 20. (now i've said it 5 times, i trust you get it now).

If you have problems with me believing in 2012 - i believe it might happen. Not that it will happen. There is a huge difference you know.:rolleyes:
Some news. 25% of Chile has problems with water supply. I dont have water either, nor I will at least on 2-3 days. The good thing is that I have water enough for a week or so, and we went to get some water around. People started to sell the bread and water at such ridiculous prizes at south. Things are worst than TV shows. Some people I knew lost everything, literally, even the will to live. There will be more tsunamis and 6°-7° richter replicas, which means that the buildings that survived the 8,8° attack, will fall anyway soon. I feel replicas each hour or so.

Where my ex gf lives at north (like 600 from me) sea started to 'devour' the coast. If things goes like this, the whole city center will be under water. I dunno why but here on Valparaiso nothing happened, besides the phone/internet and water problems, but where I work (Viña del Mar) I think things will get pretty grim. Maybe there will a tsunami there too and I work close to beach. Hope nothing will happen. Valparaiso's bay seems to be fine, since its shape is like a U. Viña del mar's bay is straight and that's why I think things will be worse for them.

Allfader, how're you doing?

Latin countries tend to have very solid buildings (much more than the ones in North American countries :p), so if the death toll is around 300 it must've been crazy.

From my sources, to talk about 300 deaths is optimistic. I think the real number goes around 500-600.