Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Many of my friends in the states had to cut their hair because of job. It's a part of growing up, and doing what you have to do to survive. Making good money is lots more important than just having long hair. Many jobs don't allow much facial hair either


^ yep you're right, that's why it saddens me. Everything seems to be about money. Call me naive or childish or idealist, my personal freedom and being myself is more important to me than making good money. But everyone has their own priorities.

I used to think on that way, but right now I can't be so idealist. Survival and greater goals are first for now.
^ yep you're right, that's why it saddens me. Everything seems to be about money. Call me naive or childish or idealist, my personal freedom and being myself is more important to me than making good money. But everyone has their own priorities.

I don't like these companies policies either, but the truth is we can't survive without money. Good jobs are rare these days, and Face it, life sucks without money. You can't do anything without money, can't go anywhere, can't buy anything cool without money. Money revolves around us, and we can't avoid it. It is an honor and privilege to be able to make enough money to have your own place and have enough extra to buy some furniture, and extra fun things. In this cold world you can't depend on no one, but ones self.
Saw 'The Road' yesterday, finally. I loved it.

Also, I'm shocked that so many morons want to compare this great post-apocalyptic movie to the piece of shit video game 'Fallout 3' (Oblivion with Guns).:S Why, I have no idea. It's very annoying.
Ah man I'm still waiting to see it, won't get released here until March 18... :erk:

Did you read the book? I'm a big fan of it and this will probably be the first time I'll see a movie after having read the book :)
Bloody restrictions from Canada to U.S. bound flights is horrendous!!! They are actually even worse than the ones within the U.S.!!! They are actually NOT allowing you to take any carry-on baggage! They do allow you some items, though. So you can carry them, but then they would become carry-on so you can't, but you're allowed those items. I love paradoxes, but not in this case. It's all so bloody stupid, paranoia has now reached a new standard.
Our restrictions aren't so bad, if you're an American, especially. They're always annoying if you're not an citizen of a country or a non-EU passport traveling in Europe. The problem here is that they pat you down for everything and you have to keep your cool at airports, otherwise you can get detained. I had to report a TSA person to JFK airport for abusive behavior, but of course I did it by email afterwards (I was reporting her behavior towards another passenger, not towards me). It's pretty tense here since that Nigerian wacko tried to blow up that flight from Amsterdam.
^ Yeah I know, I'm Canadian too and have a Canadian passport, so obviously 'tis better than showing the Costa Rican one. My family went to Florida yesterday, and said that the security in Canada was horrible, in the sense that it was too much.

Yeah, that guy really screwed things up. Then again, as usual the U.S. government was pretty useless in doing things. He shouldn't even have gotten on the plane. His father actually DENOUNCED him to the U.S embassy in the U.K., saying that he was having links with terrorists and stuff. So if anything had happened it'd would have also been the U.S.'s fault, due to their inept and ineffective organisation/control.
On other news, it's sad that it's the end of January, I'm in Montréal and… it's raining. It should be around -25 (at least), but it's bloody raining!!! I was really looking forward to the cold, but no not on these days of bloody climate change/global warming.

Damn it was the same when I went to Europe, it barely snowed :rolleyes: . Only when I got to Norge did that happen.
Dear Internets,

Today, I had an awesome find. In a bookstore downtown, they were selling full sized wire bound notebooks with graph paper at clearance prices, just to get rid of them. So, I bought 7 of them. They're $10 dollar notebooks that I got for $2 each instead. $14 for all 7 of them.

I don't think they were a big hit here in Seattle because the notebooks came from the Vespa Scooter Company in Italy, and were A1 paper sized - which is not a paper size we use here in the US. But hey - I don't care! I have plenty of note books to sketch out (literally) my art ideas, and the graph paper makes it perfect!
I have a new job. It's very relaxed and easy for me, also I can let grow my hair and dress more or less freely. One of my goals for this year is done (for now).